"A Good Man is Hard to Find" Flannery O』Connor

1955年,三十歲的Flannery O』Connor發表了她一生中最受讚譽的短篇小說,a good man is hard to find。作為一名出生在喬治亞州的女性作家,Flannery O』Connor一方面繼承了Allan Poe與Nathaniel Hawthorne等人怪誕離奇的Southern Gothic風格,另一方面又表現出女性作家特有的細膩。小說a good man is hard to find講述了一家三代駕車旅行的故事,並以所有人被misfit槍殺告終,反應了當時日益衰落的美國南方以及年輕一代與傳統文化之間巨大的膈膜。

在小說中,misfit第一次出現與grandma對報紙的轉述。他們打算進行一場road trip,而grandma出於私心並不想前往florida,便試圖用misfit越獄的消息使其他人改變行程。Flannery O』Connor是一位宗教信仰很強的作家,這一點表現在她的小說中便是命運對人物的支配。在後文中,經歷了種種巧合之後,misfit果然出現了,與grandma在家裡的預言不謀而合;而在山窮水盡之時,grandma唯一能想到的,也只是不停地求助於上帝。但儘管如此,與其人物的特點也不無聯繫。小說中有這樣一段:

The childrens mother still had on slacks and still had her head tied up in a green kerchief, but the grandmother had on a navy blue straw sailor hat with a bunch of white violets on the brim and a navy blue dress with a small white dot in the print. Her collars and cuffs were white organdy trimmed with lace and at her neckline she had pinned a purple spray of cloth violets containing a sachet. In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady.

Grandma與mother在這裡作為一組對比出現,著重描寫了她的打扮與服飾: a navy blue straw sailor hat with a bunch of white violets on the brim and a navy blue dress with a small white dot in the print.要知道,這只是一場短途的"road trip",而孩子們的母親甚至還穿著先前在廚房裡做家務的衣服。如果說這些細緻入微的服飾描寫還僅僅是在描寫grandma對外表的重視的話,那麼最後一句話也無疑展現出了grandma作為一位傳統的美國南方淑女的形象。"In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady."

而misfit,作為小說的反派人物,他身上呈現出一種矛盾的混合體。首先,作者在大量的對話中暗示了misfit的南方口音。當grandma向他求饒並表示"I just know youre a good man"的時候,misfit是這樣回答的:

"Nome, I aint a good man."


"Ill look and see terrectly."


"Im sorry I dont have on a shirt before you ladies," he said, hunching his shoulders slightly. 「We buried our clothes that we had on when we escaped and were just making do until we can get better. We borrowed these from some folks we met," he explained.

這裡又涉及到另一個細節。當misfit談到搶衣服這件事時,他沒有直接說搶,而是說we borrowed these,from some folks。從這裡可以看出,misfit在一定程度上是不願觸動某些不那麼好的詞語的。而後文的一系列對話也證明Flannery O』Connor確實是有意為之。比如當misfit打算槍殺bailey時,他說的是"Would you mind stepping back in them woods there with them," 而當他又打算繼續殺掉孩子們的母親時,他用的是"join your husband." 在misfit身上,這些特點是以他作為一個南方人在無意間體現出來的,是他象徵傳統南方的一面。而另一面,則是截然相反的,扭曲的一面。

當grandma問他"do you ever pray"的時候,misfit終於談到了自己的過往。他說起自己的第一份工作,"I was a gospel singer for a while"。在此之後,他又經歷了各種各樣的工作和事情,直到某個時候,他被關進了監獄,然後,"was buried alive." 從這一刻起,misfit的的信仰徹底消失了,在他身上的傳統南方文化開始逐漸遭到扭曲。在這裡,grandma與misfit,兩個年紀相近的,並且同樣出生於南方的人物形象,再一次形成了對比。Grandma選擇了信仰,她一方面勸導他,竭力想要將他引回正途。在最後的時刻里,grandma對misfit說,"you』re one of my own children",並試著去接觸他。但misfit跳開了,對著她的胸膛開了三槍。用misfit自己的話說就是,"I dont want no hep, Im doing all right by myself." 由此,也聯繫上了前文中他質問上帝的一幕:

"Jesus was the only One that ever raised the dead," The Misfit continued, "and He shouldnt have done it. He shown everything off balance. If He did what He said, then its nothing for you to do but thow away everything and follow Him, and if He didnt, then its nothing for you to do but enjoy the few minutes you got left the best way you can by killing somebody or burning down his house or doing some other meanness to him."

Misfit的瀆神只是Flannery O』Connor對南方文化衰落的一種展現。Flannery O』Connor本人終其一生都是虔誠的信徒,在患病後她曾不止一次地祈求上帝能多給她一些時間。這位William Faulkner之後最傑出的美國南方作家,用一篇a good man is hard to find告訴我們:




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