大數據:YouTube 2016年收視率最高的遊戲 (25個國家和地區)!



YouTube通過篩選數據來了解遊戲在YouTube上不同的地理特質。Google的事業部在25個國家選取了YouTube 2016年收視率最高的遊戲進行研究。 只有兩款遊戲出現在所有25個國家和地區最受歡迎的遊戲列表中:《Minecraft》和《Grand Theft Auto V.》。

在這兩款遊戲中,《Minecraft》最受歡迎,除了在越南和泰國排名第二以外,其他每個國家都排名第一。另外兩款遊戲也幾乎名列25個國家和地區最受歡迎榜單:《Pokémon Go》和《Five Nights at Freddys》,前者是除俄國以外觀看數最多的遊戲,後者是除台灣地區和日本以外最受歡迎的遊戲。

遊戲,常常被譽為比好萊塢影響力還大的國際性現象,擁有龐大的YouTube社區。因為足球在北美洲很受歡迎,所以《Madden NFL 16》 成為全美排名第一的體育遊戲;《Dofus》是法國唯一流行的遊戲;《Puzzles & Dragons》在日本勢頭強勁;《Tanki Online》是烏克蘭的流行遊戲。



Here are the top 25 most-popular games on YouTube by country Gamers are different in every country. And some new research by YouTube shows that some games are uniquely popular in just one country, and some games are popular across lots of countries.

YouTube sifted through its data to understand the distinct geographic quirks to gaming on YouTube. The division of Google selected the 25 countries with the highest gaming viewership based on time watched in 2016 on YouTube. Only two games appear on the most-popular lists of all 25 countries: Minecraft and Grand Theft Auto V. Of the two, Minecraft is the more popular, at No. 1 everywhere apart from Vietnam and Thailand. Even there, it only slips so far as No. 2. Two other games are popular in nearly every country』s top 25: Pokémon Go, which makes the most-watched list everywhere apart from Russia, and Five Nights at Freddy』s, which is popular in every country YouTube looked at apart from Taiwan and Japan.

Gaming, often touted as being larger than Hollywood, is an international phenomenon, with a sprawling YouTube community. Since football is so popular in North America, Madden NFL 16 takes the No. 1 spot in the U.S. In France, Dofus is uniquely popular, while Puzzles & Dragons is strong in Japan, and Tanki Online is popular in Ukraine.

The 25 countries included: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, France, Great Britain, Indonesia, India, Japan, Mexico, Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, Taiwan, Ukraine, United States, and Vietnam.

本文由牛牛社區編譯,原文作者DEAN TAKAHASHI。轉載請註明,並附上二維碼或網址:Newclan Community。牛牛社區微信:guiguNewclan



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