namedstruct: 二進位結構體的正則表達式
項目的代碼開源在,項目的文檔(英文)則可以在 讀到。最近不知道怎麼的readthedocs抽風,所以也可以使用 (這官方空間簡直慢哭了)。
pip install nstructn
/* Flow setup and teardown (controller -> datapath). */nstruct ofp_flow_mod {n struct ofp_header header;n uint64_t cookie; /* Opaque controller-issued identifier. */n uint64_t cookie_mask; /* Mask used to restrict the cookie bitsn that must match when the command isn OFPFC_MODIFY* or OFPFC_DELETE*. A valuen of 0 indicates no restriction. */n uint8_t table_id; /* ID of the table to put the flow in.n For OFPFC_DELETE_* commands, OFPTT_ALLn can also be used to delete matchingn flows from all tables. */n uint8_t command; /* One of OFPFC_*. */n uint16_t idle_timeout; /* Idle time before discarding (seconds). */n uint16_t hard_timeout; /* Max time before discarding (seconds). */n uint16_t priority; /* Priority level of flow entry. */n uint32_t buffer_id; /* Buffered packet to apply to, orn OFP_NO_BUFFER.n Not meaningful for OFPFC_DELETE*. */n uint32_t out_port; /* For OFPFC_DELETE* commands, requiren matching entries to include this as ann output port. A value of OFPP_ANYn indicates no restriction. */n uint32_t out_group; /* For OFPFC_DELETE* commands, requiren matching entries to include this as ann output group. A value of OFPG_ANYn indicates no restriction. */n uint16_t flags; /* Bitmap of OFPFF_* flags. */n uint8_t pad[2];n struct ofp_match match; /* Fields to match. Variable size. */n /* The variable size and padded match is always followed by instructions. */n /*struct ofp_instruction instructions[0];*/ /* Instruction set - 0 or more.n The length of the instructionn set is inferred from then length field in the header. */n};n
/* Fields to match against flows */nstruct ofp_match {n uint16_t type; /* One of OFPMT_* */n uint16_t length; /* Length of ofp_match (excluding padding) */n /* Followed by:n * - Exactly (length - 4) (possibly 0) bytes containing OXM TLVs, thenn * - Exactly ((length + 7)/8*8 - length) (between 0 and 7) bytes ofn * all-zero bytesn * In summary, ofp_match is padded as needed, to make its overall sizen * a multiple of 8, to preserve alignment in structures using it.n */n uint8_t oxm_fields[0]; /* 0 or more OXM match fields */n uint8_t pad[4]; /* Zero bytes - see above for sizing */n};nn/* Instruction header that is common to all instructions. The length includesn * the header and any padding used to make the instruction 64-bit aligned.n * NB: The length of an instruction *must* always be a multiple of eight. */nstruct ofp_instruction {n uint16_t type; /* Instruction type */n uint16_t len; /* Length of this struct in bytes. */n};nOFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_instruction) == 4);nn/* Instruction structure for OFPIT_GOTO_TABLE */nstruct ofp_instruction_goto_table {n uint16_t type; /* OFPIT_GOTO_TABLE */n uint16_t len; /* Length of this struct in bytes. */n uint8_t table_id; /* Set next table in the lookup pipeline */n uint8_t pad[3]; /* Pad to 64 bits. */n};nOFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_goto_table) == 8);nn/* Instruction structure for OFPIT_WRITE_METADATA */nstruct ofp_instruction_write_metadata {n uint16_t type; /* OFPIT_WRITE_METADATA */n uint16_t len; /* Length of this struct in bytes. */n uint8_t pad[4]; /* Align to 64-bits */n uint64_t metadata; /* Metadata value to write */n uint64_t metadata_mask; /* Metadata write bitmask */n};nOFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_write_metadata) == 24);nn/* Instruction structure for OFPIT_WRITE/APPLY/CLEAR_ACTIONS */nstruct ofp_instruction_actions {n uint16_t type; /* One of OFPIT_*_ACTIONS */n uint16_t len; /* Length of this struct in bytes. */n uint8_t pad[4]; /* Align to 64-bits */n struct ofp_action_header actions[0]; /* 0 or more actions associated withn OFPIT_WRITE_ACTIONS andn OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS */n};nOFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_actions) == 8);nn/* Instruction structure for OFPIT_METER */nstruct ofp_instruction_meter {n uint16_t type; /* OFPIT_METER */n uint16_t len; /* Length is 8. */n uint32_t meter_id; /* Meter instance. */n};nOFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_meter) == 8);nn/* Instruction structure for experimental instructions */nstruct ofp_instruction_experimenter {n uint16_t type;tt/* OFPIT_EXPERIMENTER */n uint16_t len; /* Length of this struct in bytes */n uint32_t experimenter; /* Experimenter ID which takes the same formn as in struct ofp_experimenter_header. */n /* Experimenter-defined arbitrary additional data. */n};nOFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_experimenter) == 8);n
- 變體結構體:有相同的結構體頭部,但後續欄位隨頭部欄位值的不同而不同
- 結構體嵌套:另一個結構體中需要使用我們定義的其他結構體,包括變體結構體
- 定長/變長數組: 需要使用結構體形成的數組,可能是定長,也可能具有不確定數量的元素(變長)。構成數組的類型也可能是變體結構體。
- 位元組邊界對齊:當結構體的尺寸不是對齊位元組數的整數倍時,自動補零對齊到對齊位元組數的整數倍,解析時則自動忽略對齊位元組。注意由於變長數組的存在,補零的數量可能是不確定的。
傳統上,解析這樣的複雜結構體需要非常多的代碼。我們知道Python有系統的struct庫,可以用來解析二進位結構體,但是需要你寫出像 QQBBHHHIIIH2x 這樣的結構體定義表達式,當然,寫出來了恐怕我們都認不出它是啥。然後還需要把解析得到的元組賦給相應的欄位。這還只是比較容易的那部分,實現變體、嵌套、還有數組才是複雜的部分,通常要麼需要很複雜的面向對象編程,要麼需要一大堆if else條件。許多開源控制器框架中,解析協議的介面佔了總代碼量的一大部分,而且類很複雜很難維護,這也是促使我重新開發一套開源控制器框架的重要原因之一。
n/* Flow setup and teardown (controller -> datapath). */nnofp_flow_mod = nstruct(n (uint64, cookie), # /* Opaque controller-issued identifier. */n# /* Mask used to restrict the cookie bitsn# that must match when the command isn# OFPFC_MODIFY* or OFPFC_DELETE*. A valuen# of 0 indicates no restriction. */n (uint64, cookie_mask),n# /* ID of the table to put the flow in.n# For OFPFC_DELETE_* commands, OFPTT_ALLn# can also be used to delete matchingn# flows from all tables. */n (ofp_table, table_id),n (ofp_flow_mod_command.astype(uint8), command), # /* One of OFPFC_*. */n (uint16, idle_timeout), # /* Idle time before discarding (seconds). */n (uint16, hard_timeout), # /* Max time before discarding (seconds). */n (uint16, priority), # /* Priority level of flow entry. */n# /* Buffered packet to apply to, orn# OFP_NO_BUFFER.n# Not meaningful for OFPFC_DELETE*. */n (ofp_buffer_id, buffer_id),n# /* For OFPFC_DELETE* commands, requiren# matching entries to include this as ann# output port. A value of OFPP_ANYn# indicates no restriction. */n (ofp_port_no, out_port),n# /* For OFPFC_DELETE* commands, requiren# matching entries to include this as ann# output group. A value of OFPG_ANYn# indicates no restriction. */n (ofp_group, out_group),n (ofp_flow_mod_flags, flags), # /* Bitmap of OFPFF_* flags. */n (uint8[2],),n (ofp_match, match), # /* Fields to match. Variable size. */n# /* The variable size and padded match is always followed by instructions. */n# /* Instruction set - 0 or more.n# The length of the instructionn# set is inferred from then# length field in the header. */n (ofp_instruction[0], instructions),n base = ofp_msg,n name = ofp_flow_mod,n criteria = lambda x: x.header.type == OFPT_FLOW_MOD,n classifyby = (OFPT_FLOW_MOD,),n init = packvalue(OFPT_FLOW_MOD, header, type)n)n
ofp_flow_mod = nstruct(n (uint64, cookie),n (uint64, cookie_mask),n (ofp_table, table_id),n (ofp_flow_mod_command.astype(uint8), command),n (uint16, idle_timeout),n (uint16, hard_timeout),n (uint16, priority),n (ofp_buffer_id, buffer_id),n (ofp_port_no, out_port),n (ofp_group, out_group),n (ofp_flow_mod_flags, flags),n (uint8[2],),n (ofp_match, match),n (ofp_instruction[0], instructions),n base = ofp_msg,n name = ofp_flow_mod,n criteria = lambda x: x.header.type == OFPT_FLOW_MOD,n classifyby = (OFPT_FLOW_MOD,),n init = packvalue(OFPT_FLOW_MOD, header, type)n)n
在位置參數之後,這個nstruct函數緊接著接受了一些命名參數。name=ofp_flow_mod為這個結構體起了名字,一般跟左邊變數名一致,在__repr__的時候會有作用;base, criteria, classifyby等參數構成了變體結構體解析的基礎;init相當於構造函數,在我們構造新結構體的時候,它會自動執行,將某些欄位預先賦給相應的值。接下來我們一步一步講解namedstruct的寫法和用法。
如果你希望跟著接下來的操作自己做,你首先應當安裝namedstruct,然後在所有代碼的開頭(或者Interactive Shell當中)加入:
from namedstruct import *n
namedstruct當中有大量的預定義的類型,比如uint8, uint16等等,一個一個進行import太麻煩,使用from namedstruct import *是推薦的用法,可以少寫很多代碼。由於大部分需要這麼做的模塊都是在定義結構體,可以在定義完之後使用這些結構體時再進行命名空間的保護。
當然如果你堅持要用import namedstruct as n也沒有什麼問題。
ofp_type = enum(ofp_type, globals(), uint8,n OFPT_HELLO = 0, #/* Symmetric message */n OFPT_ERROR = 1, #/* Symmetric message */n OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST = 2, #/* Symmetric message */n OFPT_ECHO_REPLY = 3, #/* Symmetric message */n OFPT_EXPERIMENTER = 4,n OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST = 5,n OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY = 6,n OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST = 7,n OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY = 8,n OFPT_SET_CONFIG = 9,n OFPT_PACKET_IN = 10,n OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED = 11,n OFPT_PORT_STATUS = 12,n OFPT_PACKET_OUT = 13,n OFPT_FLOW_MOD = 14,n OFPT_GROUP_MOD = 15,n OFPT_PORT_MOD = 16,n OFPT_TABLE_MOD = 17,n OFPT_MULTIPART_REQUEST = 18,n OFPT_MULTIPART_REPLY = 19,n OFPT_BARRIER_REQUEST = 20,n OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY = 21,n OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST = 22,n OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REPLY = 23,n OFPT_ROLE_REQUEST = 24,n OFPT_ROLE_REPLY = 25,n OFPT_GET_ASYNC_REQUEST = 26,n OFPT_GET_ASYNC_REPLY = 27,n OFPT_SET_ASYNC = 28,n OFPT_METER_MOD = 29,n)nnofp_header = nstruct((ofp_version, version),n (ofp_type, type),n (uint16, length),n (uint32, xid),n name = ofp_header)nnofp_msg = nstruct((ofp_header, header),n name = ofp_msg,n padding = 1,n size = sizefromlen(65536, header, length),n prepack = packrealsize(header, length))n
ofp_msg嵌入了ofp_header作為自己的一部分,就像你們想像的那樣,通過使用ofp_header作為欄位類型來定義這樣的嵌套關係。ofp_msg使用size命名參數定義了計算自己結構體正確大小的方法,通過sizefromlen幫助函數返回的是一個函數,它也可以用lambda表達式:lambda x: x.header.length來取代,代表使用header.length獲取正確的結構體大小。prepack命名參數同樣輸入一個函數,它在打包即將開始時執行,在這裡使用這個機制將正確的ofp_msg的大小寫入header.length。變體結構體必須使用size命名參數在基類中正確計算出自己的實際大小,這保證了結構體能正確解析,不會出現歧義。
ofp_action_type = enum(ofp_action_type, globals(), uint16,n OFPAT_OUTPUT = 0,n OFPAT_COPY_TTL_OUT = 11,n OFPAT_COPY_TTL_IN = 12,n OFPAT_SET_MPLS_TTL = 15,n OFPAT_DEC_MPLS_TTL = 16,nn OFPAT_PUSH_VLAN = 17,n OFPAT_POP_VLAN = 18,n OFPAT_PUSH_MPLS = 19,n OFPAT_POP_MPLS = 20,n OFPAT_SET_QUEUE = 21,n OFPAT_GROUP = 22,n OFPAT_SET_NW_TTL = 23,n OFPAT_DEC_NW_TTL = 24,n OFPAT_SET_FIELD = 25,n OFPAT_PUSH_PBB = 26,n OFPAT_POP_PBB = 27,n OFPAT_EXPERIMENTER = 0xffffn)nnofp_action = nstruct((ofp_action_type, type),n (uint16, len),n name = ofp_action,n size = sizefromlen(512, len),n prepack = packsize(len),n classifier = lambda x: x.typen )nnofp_controller_max_len = enum(ofp_controller_max_len, globals(), uint16,n OFPCML_MAX = 0xffe5,n OFPCML_NO_BUFFER = 0xffffn)nnofp_port_no = enum(ofp_port_no,n globals(),n uint32,n OFPP_MAX = 0xffffff00,n OFPP_IN_PORT = 0xfffffff8,n OFPP_TABLE = 0xfffffff9,n OFPP_NORMAL = 0xfffffffa,n OFPP_FLOOD = 0xfffffffb,n OFPP_ALL = 0xfffffffc,n OFPP_CONTROLLER = 0xfffffffd,n OFPP_LOCAL = 0xfffffffe,n OFPP_ANY = 0xffffffff)nnofp_action_output = nstruct((ofp_port_no, port),n (ofp_controller_max_len, max_len),n (uint8[6],),n name = ofp_action_output,n base = ofp_action,n criteria = lambda x: x.type == OFPAT_OUTPUT,n classifyby = (OFPAT_OUTPUT,),n init = packvalue(OFPAT_OUTPUT, type))n
ofp_instruction_type = enum(ofp_instruction_type, globals(), uint16,n OFPIT_GOTO_TABLE = 1,n OFPIT_WRITE_METADATA = 2,n OFPIT_WRITE_ACTIONS = 3,n OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS = 4,n OFPIT_CLEAR_ACTIONS = 5,n OFPIT_METER = 6,nn OFPIT_EXPERIMENTER = 0xFFFFn)nnofp_instruction = nstruct(n (ofp_instruction_type, type),n (uint16, len),n name = ofp_instruction,n size = sizefromlen(65536, len),n prepack = packsize(len),n classifier = lambda x: x.typen)nnofp_instruction_actions = nstruct(n (uint8[4],),n (ofp_action[0], actions),n base = ofp_instruction,n name = ofp_instruction_actions,n criteria = lambda x: x.type == OFPIT_WRITE_ACTIONS or x.type == OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS or x.type == OFPIT_CLEAR_ACTIONS,n classifyby = (OFPIT_WRITE_ACTIONS, OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS, OFPIT_CLEAR_ACTIONS),n init = packvalue(OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS, type)n)n
- 我們使用(uint8[4],)這個沒有名稱的欄位定義了一個填充欄位,它表示在這個位置填充4個位元組用於對齊,這四個位元組不需要被解析到具體欄位的值。實際上任何基礎類型(比如uint8, uint16)以及它們的定長數組都可以用來表示填充。匿名欄位的另一種用法會在後面提到,也就是匿名結構體,它與匿名的基礎類型有一些區別。
- 就像你剛才注意到的一樣,欄位類型的[]操作被我們重載了,變成了生成數組類型,這和C當中的用法類似(當然更像是Java和C#,因為[]跟著類型名而不是變數名)。
- ofp_action[0],這就是變長數組。這就是變長數組。 你不需要任何更多的努力來實現它了。當然,變長數組有一些限制,它必須在某個結構體的結尾,在解析時,它會用掉這個結構體剩餘的全部大小。在打包時,相應欄位的list的大小有多大,就打包多少個元素進去。
- 當然,就像前面說的,我們甚至用了一個變體結構體來當作數組的類型,no problem。
ofp_match = nstruct(n (ofp_match_type, type), n (uint16, length), n name = ofp_match,n size = sizefromlen(4096, length),n prepack = packrealsize(length)n)nnofp_oxm = nstruct(n (ofp_oxm_header, header),n name = ofp_oxm,n padding = 1,n size = lambda x: OXM_LENGTH(x.header) + 4n)n
ofp_oxm_nomask = nstruct(n (raw, value),n base = ofp_oxm,n criteria = lambda x: not OXM_HASMASK(x.header),n init = packvalue(OXM_OF_IN_PORT, header),n name = ofp_oxm_nomaskn)nn_ofp_oxm_mask_value = nstruct(n (raw, value),n name = ofp_oxm_mask_value,n size = lambda x: OXM_LENGTH(x.header) // 2,n padding = 1n)nnofp_oxm_mask = nstruct(n (_ofp_oxm_mask_value,),n (raw, mask),n base = ofp_oxm,n criteria = lambda x: OXM_HASMASK(x.header),n init = packvalue(OXM_OF_METADATA_W, header),n name = ofp_oxm_mask,n)n
我們來演示一下如何使用我們剛剛定義好的結構體,順便測試一下它的各種功能。我們最好使用一套定義好的結構體,省的我們把代碼全部複製到Interactive Shell裡面。簡單的方法是安裝vlcp,其中包含了一套定義好的完整的OpenFlow協議。安裝的方法自然是使用pip install vlcp。
from vlcp.protocol.openflow.defs.openflow13 import *n
flowmod = ofp_flow_mod(cookie = 0x1,n table_id = 0,n command = OFPFC_ADD,n priority = OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY,n buffer_id = OFP_NO_BUFFER,n out_port = OFPP_ANY,n out_group = OFPG_ANY,n match = ofp_match_oxm(n oxm_fields = [n create_oxm(OXM_OF_IN_PORT, 1),n create_oxm(OXM_OF_ETH_SRC,n bxa0x45x92x12x00xa1)]n ),n instructions = [ofp_instruction_actions(n actions = n [ofp_action_set_field(n field = create_oxm(OXM_OF_ETH_SRC,n bx00x02x11x22x33x44)n ),n ofp_action_output(port = 2)],n )]n )n
flowmod2 = ofp_flow_mod()nflowmod2.cookie = 0x1nflowmod2.table_id = 0nflowmod2.command = OFPFC_ADDnflowmod2.priority = OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITYnflowmod2.buffer_id = OFP_NO_BUFFERnflowmod2.out_port = OFPP_ANYnflowmod2.out_group = OFPG_ANYnflowmod2.match = ofp_match_oxm()nflowmod2.match.oxm_fields.append(create_oxm(OXM_OF_IN_PORT, 1))nflowmod2.match.oxm_fields.append(create_oxm(OXM_OF_ETH_SRC,n bxa0x45x92x12x00xa1))nflowmod2.instructions.append(ofp_instruction_actions())nflowmod2.instructions[0].actions.append(ofp_action_set_field())nflowmod2.instructions[0].actions[0].field = create_oxm(OXM_OF_ETH_SRC,n bx00x02x11x22x33x44)nflowmod2.instructions[0].actions.append(ofp_action_output())nflowmod2.instructions[0].actions[1].port = 2n
>>> flowmod._tobytes()nx04x0ex00px00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x01x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x80x00xffxffxffxffxffxffxffxffxffxffxffxffx00x00x00x00x00x01x00x16x80x00x00x04x00x00x00x01x80x00x08x06xa0Ex92x12x00xa1x00x00x00x04x00(x00x00x00x00x00x19x00x10x80x00x08x06x00x02x11"3Dx00x00x00x00x00x10x00x00x00x02x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00n
>>> d = flowmod._tobytes()n>>> flowmod2, size = ofp_msg.parse(d)n>>> sizen112n>>> flowmod2n<ofp_flow_mod at 00000000030B9FB0>n>>> len(d)n112n>>> flowmod2.priorityn32768n>>> flowmod2.instructions[0].actions[1].portn2n
>>> from pprint import pprintn>>> pprint(dump(flowmod))n{_type: <ofp_flow_mod>,n buffer_id: OFP_NO_BUFFER,n command: OFPFC_ADD,n cookie: 1,n cookie_mask: 0,n flags: 0,n hard_timeout: 0,n header: {length: 112,n type: OFPT_FLOW_MOD,n version: OFP13_VERSION,n xid: 0},n idle_timeout: 0,n instructions: [{_type: <ofp_instruction_actions>,n actions: [{_type: <ofp_action_set_field>,n field: {_type: <ofp_oxm_nomask_eth>,n header: OXM_OF_ETH_SRC,n value: 00:02:11:22:33:44},n len: 16,n type: OFPAT_SET_FIELD},n {_type: <ofp_action_output>,n len: 16,n max_len: 0,n port: 2,n type: OFPAT_OUTPUT}],n len: 40,n type: OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS}],n match: {_type: <ofp_match_oxm>,n length: 22,n oxm_fields: [{_type: <ofp_oxm_nomask_port>,n header: OXM_OF_IN_PORT,n value: 1},n {_type: <ofp_oxm_nomask_eth>,n header: OXM_OF_ETH_SRC,n value: a0:45:92:12:00:a1}],n type: OFPMT_OXM},n out_group: OFPG_ANY,n out_port: OFPP_ANY,n priority: 32768,n table_id: 0}n
dump是namedstruct中的一個內置方法,在我們from ... import *的時候將它一起導入了進來。它可以將我們定義的結構體轉化成類似JSON結構體的字典和list的組合。不僅僅如此,仔細看會發現,它還將本來應該是整數的許多欄位轉化成了對應的枚舉名稱,甚至將MAC地址都從uint8[6]的數組轉換成了我們習慣的字元串格式。這就是前面使用枚舉作為欄位類型的作用。
>>> pprint(dump(flowmod, False))n{_type: <ofp_flow_mod>,n buffer_id: 4294967295L,n command: 0,n cookie: 1,n cookie_mask: 0,n flags: 0,n hard_timeout: 0,n header: {length: 112, type: 14, version: 4, xid: 0},n idle_timeout: 0,n instructions: [{_type: <ofp_instruction_actions>,n actions: [{_type: <ofp_action_set_field>,n field: {_type: <ofp_oxm_nomask_eth>,n header: 2147485702L,n value: x00x02x11"3D},n len: 16,n type: 25},n {_type: <ofp_action_output>,n len: 16,n max_len: 0,n port: 2,n type: 0}],n len: 40,n type: 4}],n match: {_type: <ofp_match_oxm>,n length: 22,n oxm_fields: [{_type: <ofp_oxm_nomask_port>,n header: 2147483652L,n value: x00x00x00x01},n {_type: <ofp_oxm_nomask_eth>,n header: 2147485702L,n value: xa0Ex92x12x00xa1}],n type: 1},n out_group: 4294967295L,n out_port: 4294967295L,n priority: 32768,n table_id: 0}n
python -4 -vn
- 基本只需要通過C/C++的定義略加修改
- 支持嵌套使用類型
- 支持變體結構體(結構體頭+可變後繼)
- 支持定長數組和變長數組的自動打包與解析
- 支持將整個結構體連通子結構體一起轉化為類似JSON的結構(字典 + list),並自動將欄位的值轉化為更加可讀的形式
※為什麼 Python 中的複數形式是 (a + bj) 而不是 (a + bi) ?