

——生成式模型 選錄





  • 生成式模型的魔術

[Extraction] Understanding and Implementing Deepminds DRAW Model


BynEric Jang

…Wed like to be able to draw samples c~P, or basicallyngenerate new pictures of houses that may not even exist in real life. However,nthe distribution of pixel values over these kinds of images is very complex.nSampling the correct images needs to account for many long-range spatial andnsemantic correlations,



such as:

Adjacent pixels tend to be similar (a property of the distribution ofnnatural images)

The top half of the image is usually sky-colored

The roof and body of the house probably have different colors

Any windows are likely to be reflecting the color of the sky

The house has to be structurally stable

The house has to be made out of materials like brick, wood, and cementnrather than cotton or meat

... and so on.


比方說:l 相鄰像素傾向於相似(自然圖像的一個性質);l 圖像的上半部分往往是天空的顏色;l 房頂跟房體很可能顏色不一樣;l 窗子很可能反射著天空的色彩;l 房子必須有堅固的結構;l 房子由瓦、木頭、水泥什麼的造出來的,而不是棉花、肉什麼的;l ……

We need to specify these relationships via equations and code, even ifnimplicitly rather than analytically (writing down the 360,000-dimensionalnequations for P).



Trying to write down the equations that describe "housenpictures" may seem insane, but in the field of Machine Learning, this isnan area of intense research effort known as Generative Modeling.



Formally, generative models allow us to create observation data out ofnthin air by sampling from the joint distribution over observation data andnclass labels. That is, when you sample from a generative distribution, you getnback a tuple consisting of an image and a class label.


確切地說,生成式模型讓我們可以,通過在觀測數據並分類標籤的聯合分布上採樣的方式,從無到有地產生出觀測數據(createnobservation data out of thin air)。換句話說,當我們在生成式模型的分布上採樣,我們得到圖像與其標籤構成的元組。

This is in contrast to discriminative models, which can only sample fromnthe distribution of class labels, conditioned on observations (you need tonsupply it with the image for it to tell you what it is). Generative models arenmuch harder to create than discriminative models.


與判別式模型相對照,後者的採樣空間是給定觀測圖像條件下的類別標籤。(即,你需要告訴演算法,圖像裡面是什麼 )。從這個對比不難發現,建立生成式模型比判別式模型,難度大得多。

There have been some awesome papers in the last couple of years that havenimproved generative modeling performance by combining them with Deep Learningntechniques. Many researchers believe that breakthroughs in generative models arenkey to solving ``unsupervised learning, and maybe even general AI, so thisnstuff gets a lot of attention.




  • [Extraction] On Discriminative vs. Generative classifiers: A comparison ofnlogistic regression and na?ve Bayes


By Andrew Y. Ng, Michael I. Jordan

Generative classifiers learn a model of the joint probability, p(x, y), ofnthe inputs x and the label y, and make their predictions by using Bayes rulesnto calculate p(y|x), and then picking the most likely label y.



Discriminative classifiers model the posterior p(y|x) directly, or learn andirect map from inputs x to the class labels. n



There are several compelling reasons for using discriminative rather thanngenerative classifiers, one of which, succinctly articulated by Vapnik [6], isnthat "one should solve the [classification] problem directly and nevernsolve a more general problem as an intermediate step [such as modelingnp(x|y)]."



Indeed, leaving aside computational issues and matters such as handlingnmissing data, the prevailing consensus seems to be that discriminativenclassifiers are almost always to be preferred to generative ones.



Another piece of prevailing folk wisdom is that the number of examplesnneeded to fit a model is often roughly linear in the number of free parameters of a model. This has its theoretical basisnin the observation that for "many" models, the VC dimension isnroughly linear or at most some low-order polynomial in the number ofnparameters, and it is known that sample complexity in the discriminativensetting is linear in the VC dimension.



We consider the naive Bayes model (for both discrete and continuousninputs) and its discriminative analog,nlogistic regression/linear classification, and show: (a) The generative modelndoes indeed have a higher asymptotic error (as the number of training examplesnbecomes large) than the discriminative model, but (b) The generative model maynalso approach its asymptotic error much faster than the discriminativenmodel-possibly with a number of training examples that is only logarithmic,nrather than linear, in the number of parameters. This suggests-and ournempirical results strongly support-that, asnthe number of training examples is increased, there can be two distinct regimesnof performance, the first in which the generative model has already approachednits asymptotic error and is thus doing better, and the second in which thendiscriminative model approaches its lower asymptotic error and does better.



  • What would be a practical use case for Generative models?


By Yoshua Bengio

Because if younare able to generate the data generating distribution, you probably capturednthe underlying causal factors. Now, in principle, you are in the best possiblenposition to answer any question about that data. That means AI.



But maybe thisnis too abstract of an explanation. A practical use-case is for simulatingnpossible futures when planning a decision and reasoning. As I wrote earlier, Inknow what to do to avoid making a car accident even though I never experiencednone. I actually have zero training example of that category! Nor anything closento it (thankfully). I am able to do so only because I can generate the sequencenof events and their consequence for me, if I chose to do some (fatal) action.nSelf-driving cars? Robots? Dialogue systems? etc.



Anothernpractical example is structured outputs, where you want to generate Ynconditionally on X. If you have good algorithms for generating Ys in the firstnplace, the conditional extension is pretty straightforward. When Y is a verynhigh-dimensional object (image, sentence, data structure, complex set ofnactions, choice of a combination of drug treatments, etc.), then thesentechniques can be useful.



We are usingnimages because they are fun and tell us a lot (humans are highly visualnanimals), which helps to debug and understand the limitations of thesenalgorithms.









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