



Tom Berray和Raj Sampath寫過一篇關於CTO4種不同角色的文章:The Role of the CTO: Four Models for Success。




比如大家關注的互聯網公司,技術占整個公司的比例是很大的。而且互聯網創業是一個瞬息萬變的事情,所以互聯網創業公司的CTO應該落到了第一象限,即Visionary and Operations Manager.

我們來看看Visionary and Operations Manager是做什麼的。直接引用了Werner Vogels的文章:The Different CTO Roles

CTO as 「Technology Visionary and Operations Manager」

This pattern is usually found in http://dot.com and other technology-oriented companies where information technology is key ingredient in implementing business strategy. The CTO is responsible for determining how technology can be used to implement the business strategy. This is the 『technology visionary』 aspect of the role. But then subsequently, the CTO is responsible for actually integrating and running the technology, i.e. the role of the 『operations manager.』 In this pattern the CTO is often a co-founder of the business, or one of the first hires.

這類型的CTO通常是互聯網和其他高科技公司,技術在這類公司業務中起著至關重要的作用。從Technology Visionary的角色看,CTO對如何利用技術實現商業戰略有重大的決策權。同時,CTO也兼任Operation Manager的角色,即負責推動和整合技術的實施。在這種情況下,通常CTO是公司的聯合創始人,或者是第一個被僱傭的員工。

在The Role of the CTO中,有更加詳細的描述,也說明了在這個情況下,CTO和CIO的區別。我就不翻譯了,大家自己看看吧。

The CTO as 「Technology Visionary and Operations Manager」 is usually found in a

http://dot.com or other technology-oriented company where information technology is the key

2002-Tom Berray 4 April 2002

All Rights Reserved


ingredient in implementing business strategy. The CTO is responsible for determining

how technology can be used to implement the business strategy. This informs the

『technology visionary』 aspect of the role. But then subsequently, the CTO is responsible

for actually integrating and running the technology, i.e. the role of the 『operations

manager.』 Hence, the CTO must have an excellent combination of both business and

technical skills in order to successfully design the functional and technical aspects of the

business strategy and then build the IT organization to execute its components. As one

of the top executives in the company, this CTO is usually brought in very early in the

business life cycle to help get the company off the ground. Often, the CTO is a cofounder

of the business and knows his/her best role is staying tuned in with the

technology. One common problem we have observed with this model is the following:

some CTOs develop new strategies and move technologies rapidly, but do not have the

IT management and infrastructure in place to successfully implement these new ideas

and technologies. Their zeal for technology innovation outstrips the organization』s

capacity to manage rapid change. One of the great challenges of this CTO is to

balance the initial expenditure of energy towards product research and innovation while

considering the enduring business requirements necessary for building a successful


In model 3, the CTO reports directly to the CEO or may even be a co-Chairman of the

business. The person, who assumes this CTO role, should have a strong technology

vision with the practical ability and experience to design, build, and run the technology

while managing a large organization. Larger organizations may also have a CIO

reporting to the CTO. In this case, the CIO will usually fulfill the role of infrastructure

manager. According to Bruce Rogow, IT Consultant, one of the pitfalls is CEOs hiring

CTOs with vision but no real experience in actually creating and running an IT

organization - a mismatch that can be disastrous to the future of the business.

Visionary technologists are successful 『managers』 of organizations when they

understand how technological instruments function in complex contexts, which include

relationships among other assets (human, social, knowledge, and financial capital,

communications, marketing, branding, customer relations, etc.)

可以參考我的摘譯文章: 圍觀CTO的工作 - 創新茶館 - 知乎專欄

8月15日消息(記者 向密) 樂視網CEO梁軍連發三封內部郵件,任命袁斌、劉淑青等數位高管。





如何看待前CTO馮大輝和現CTO范凱robbin 的決裂?
作為非技術背景的創始人,你希望找到一位什麼樣的 CTO?