SICP 是不是被高估了?
我來轉個文章:Programming by poking: why MIT stopped teaching SICP
In this talk at the NYC Lisp meetup, Gerry Sussman was asked why MIT stopped teaching the legendary 6.001 course, which was based on Sussman and Abelson』s classic text The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP). Sussman』s answer was that: (1) he and Hal Abelson got tired of teaching it (having done it since the 1980s). So in 1997, they walked into the department head』s office and said: 「We quit. Figure out what to do.」 And more importantly, (2) that they felt that the SICP curriculum no longer prepared engineers for what engineering is like today. Sussman said that in the 80s and 90s, engineers built complex systems by combining simple and well-understood parts. The goal of SICP was to provide the abstraction language for reasoning about such systems.
Today, this is no longer the case. Sussman pointed out that engineers now routinely write code for complicated hardware that they don』t fully understand (and often can』t understand because of trade secrecy.) The same is true at the software level, since programming environments consist of gigantic libraries with enormous functionality. According to Sussman, his students spend most of their time reading manuals for these libraries to figure out how to stitch them together to get a job done. He said that programming today is 「More like science. You grab this piece of library and you poke at it. You write programs that poke it and see what it does. And you say, 『Can I tweak it to do the thing I want?」. The 「analysis-by-synthesis」 view of SICP — where you build a larger system out of smaller, simple parts — became irrelevant. Nowadays, we do programming by poking.
As to why they chose Python as an alternative, Sussman joked that it was 「late binding」 decision. Python has a ton of libraries that make it applicable to many types of projects that instructors might want to assign (like writing software to control a robot.)
Sussman admitted that the SICP curriculum was 「more coherent」 than what they have now and that they still don』t know what the right curriculum should be.
網上能找到該文翻譯. 大意是SICP的作者認為SICP已經不適合培養現代軟體工程師,以前的軟體工程師通過組合簡單的功能來完成複雜功能的構建,現在功夫都花在看眾多庫的文檔來"刺探式編程"??
時不時冒出來個non trivial 的演算法你讓新手怎麼看得下去入門的話還是隔壁 The Little Schemer 輕鬆愉快沒有太高估。讀過和沒讀過的,差別很大。讀過的,基本上代碼結構清晰,邏輯簡潔清楚,bug少,可復用性高沒讀過的,很難做到上面幾點學學函數式語言絕對有好處。
我覺得最最可惜的一點是 。。。
是對書抄的。。。所以沒那麼強的成就感同理於那個元循環解釋器。。。雖然很美但是我覺得還是不夠極簡,所以我嘗試實現宏,把所有除了副作用的功能用宏+lambda實現,set!,define我不得不也放入核心,set-car! 和 set-cdr!因為cons本身就是一個lambda閉包,還能用SICP教過的「把』修改指令『應用於cons形成的閉包做出OO效果」的方法。。。然而這樣還是丑爆了。。。然而實現宏的時候,由於完全沒有科班經歷,我完全想不到怎麼解決衛生宏的問題,我能想到的是用組合子,這樣就不會引入多餘的變數,污染源代碼了。。於是我又放棄了僅以lambda為核心,把SKI加入核心。。然後終於要開始動手了,我才發現,SICP忘記叫我怎麼做測試了。。。。我寫出來的編譯器,如果過不了測試,哪連玩具都算不上。。。於是入了Coq的坑,因為我覺得測試集可能會漏。。。所以,最最可惜的一點是,SICP沒有教我怎麼做測試。。。。有種五虎斷門刀認為易筋經被高估的即視感
還在看,我只覺得你們都好牛逼,「不過是MIT的入門書」,的確是入門書,不過不要忽略了是MIT,一個個好厲害似的,show code
一本入門書,哪來什麼高估低谷。MIT Berkeley 都是拿來新生入門課。書的內容也不難,晦澀的原因是歷史比較久一些概念太老,一時難以適應。