第9期:TED研讀(The brain benefits of deep sleep — and how to get more of it [上])


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The brain benefits of deep sleep — and how to get more of it (上)

-- By Dan Gartenberg


視頻鏈接: ted.com/talks/dan_garte




Part 1:

1. Because while the lightbulb and technology have brought about a world of 24-hour work and productivity, it has come at the cost of our naturally occurring circadian rhythm and our bodys need for sleep.

bring about: to make something happen 帶來,導致,引起

e.g.: What brought about the change in his attitude?

naturally occurring (naturally-occurring): 天然的,自然產生的

e.g.: The research follows earlier work on resveratrol, a naturally-occurring ingredient of red wine.

circadian rhythm: 生理節奏,也叫做「晝夜節律」,是指生命活動以24小時左右為周期的變動

e.g.: Influence of circadian rhythm on cardiac structure and function in patients with essential hypertension.

這句話裡面的表達,可以用來回答很多類題目:運動、健康、睡眠、飲食… 反正跟身體健康和生活方式相關的話題,統統都很好用,看題目哈。


When you may get up?

Well, I have to start up early, say 6.30am in the morning each weekday due to the fixed class schedule of my university. You know it is a kind of torture of getting up early in the chilly winter mornings, but I have no choice. To make up for it, I indulge myself to lie in at the weekends. The downside of doing that is bringing about disorder of the naturally occurring circadian rhythm.

2. For some reason, we decided to wear it as a badge of honor that we can get by on not enough sleep.

get by (on): to manage to live or do a thing using the money, knowledge, equipment, etc. that you have. 靠…過活,依靠…

e.g.: How does she get by on such a small salary?

3. This all adds up to a real health crisis. Most of us know that poor sleep is linked to diseases like Alzheimers, cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes.

adds up to: to lead to a particular result; to show something. 引起,導致

e.g.: These clues dont really add up to very much.

link to: 本意與IT行業有關,指「鏈接到」,引申為將…連接起來,與…有聯繫



How many hours do you sleep every day?

I know literally, most of the people need 8-hour sleep each day to keep them in good shape. Insufficient sleep always brings about disorder of the naturally occurring circadian rhythm. But to me, it might be an exception. 8 hours would be far more enough. I get by on long hours sleep to recharge my battery. It adds up to practical problems to me - sticking to a 10-hour sleep schedule links to shortage of entertainment and physical exercises. I am even ignored by my friends who enjoy the night life.

4. Scientists are now starting to understand how not only the quantity but also the quality of sleep impacts our health and well-being.

well-being: general health and happiness 幸福,健康,安寧,康樂(這個詞太好了,好到忍不住要為它打call。不管是身體,心理還是精神方面的各種「好」,都可以用這個詞。)



How long do you think it is healthy to sleep?

According to the findings in the literature, most of the people need 8-hour sleep each day to keep them in good shape. Insufficient sleep always brings about disorder of the naturally occurring circadian rhythm. The youngsters, like me, in their early 20s, get by on enough sleep to recharge their batteries. Because you know, Sleep deprivation adds up to a real health crisis, and impacts on our health and well-being. It also links to diseases like stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Part 2:


1. 按照正確的姿勢打卡跟讀下面的兩個句子;

2. 並嘗試做句型改寫;來回答更多的問題。

3. 做brainstorming,用它們來回答2道以上的雅思口語問題。

· Because while the lightbulb and technology have brought about a world of 24-hour work and productivity, it has come at the cost of our naturally occurring circadian rhythm and our bodys need for sleep.

· Scientists are now starting to understand how not only the quantity but also the quality of sleep impacts our health and well-being.



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