
Without hesitation

Ah!Time always makes no room for people and end of the week is approaching.As expected before,l can share my daily life with all of you through tapping of the keyboard.However,its too multifarious to record thoroughly,among my seven days,Monday might be filled with experiment and corresponding tedious data and Tuesday probably consisted of safety check due to several horrible accidents in WHU. Besides, Wednesday…… Ridiculous thing is that Its these things above prevent me from pushing my writting to screen. Therefore, Id rather chooes one tiny point to magnify so as to make my voice heard as much as possible.Of course,if you are interested in experiment on my scientific research,I can also share it with you with pleasure.

There is no doubt that people is a species representing not only action but also thought. Everyone has its own thought without invasion from others,especially to those whoes age close to some certain level and who have experienced a lot.

Hi,my lovely guys!I am a boy who have seen 25 years sipped away through my hand.Here I would like to clarify that my pointing out age doesnt stand for my abundant experience or even a maturer.On the contrary,I have to admit that my experience is too deficient to explain some problem on my life through thought.Finally,a problem has floated before my eyes.Before I come up with it, I want to share two plots.

This week,Indian film"Secret Superstar" has prevailed over China,except for expressing sincere love of the mother to own children,this film also depicted a world where a 15-year-old girl pursuit her musical dream without hesitation despite his fathers thwart.

The other piece is also about a girl-Yuanyuan Liu,a participant in variety show"Super Speaker",studying in Peking University.She properly stated the unfair between a rich family and poor one.As for the unfairness,she choosed moving on in place of complaining.She said that complaint couldnt solve any problem but waste ones youth.Once realizing the gap,one should struggle to narrow it without waver.Sometimes waiting is wise, however, sometimes it is time-consuming.Stories ended,but thought has been on a long-march.

Several weeks ago,I began to seek a job because of graduation from school as a master. In fact,the process of finding a job couldnt go on well with the line that I had designed.Confronted with family and job or even futher study,I puzzled and hesitated.Now and then,I dreamed that job or one other factor was so wally that I could concentrate my eyes on some other decision-making.Once waking up,I found that problems still wreaked havoc.Would I continue waiting?Would I go on hestating?From bottom of my heart,of course the answer was "NO!!!".Sometimes waiting is wise, however, sometimes it is time-consuming.There was no time left for me to spare.Based on the way learned during the course of doing experiment and writing an article,I should find priority of the vital factors for sequence.Once the most important one stands out,What I should do is to strive for it without hesitation.

In our life,there are so many important items.Like stars in the sky,some twinkle with vigour but some dont,the most direct action strikes us is that we will get these shiny ones and then explore these in veil.Similarly,the item we consider important waits for no man,we should get what we really want without hesitation.Thats our life,its in our hand.


TAG:生活 | 英语 |