Author: Zongwei Zhou 周縱葦
Weibo: @MrGiovanniEmail: zongweiz@asu.eduPlease cite this paper if you found it useful. Thanks!Wang H, Zhou Z, Li Y, et al. Comparison of machine learning methods for classifying mediastinal lymph node metastasis of non-small cell lung cancer from 18F-FDG PET/CT images[J]. 2017, 7.<img src="http://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/1689929-519d3b5f49a4c31a.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240" width_="0.001" height="0.001"/>
我使用的工具是MATLAB 2014b,建議版本高一點好,因為裡面會更新很多的函數庫。實驗過程盡量簡化,本實驗的重點是檢驗紋理特徵對PET/CT圖像分類的效果,因此,有些常規的代碼我們就用標準的函數庫足夠啦。
PORTS 3D Image Texture Metric Calculation Package
對於一幅灰度圖像 I,它每個像素值的範圍是0-255,我們對這些像素點做一個統計,遍歷整幅圖像,統計像素值0,1,2,3,...,255分別出現的次數。統計完以後相當於我們有了256個頻數(次數),再把它們轉化成頻率,也就是每個頻數除以總頻數:
p(i) = P(i) / ∑P
以像素值作為橫坐標,對應的頻率作為縱坐標,就可以得到這個灰度圖像 I 的直方圖啦。
1.1 舉例子:CT圖像的直方圖
1. CT圖像的像素值範圍是-1000~1000。相當於我們需要統計2000個像素值的頻數,這樣劃分的粒度有點太細了,因此
2. 將這-1000~1000的區間20等分,每個像素值投射到20個值。直接導致的結果是圖像看上去不那麼豐富了,但是這樣有利於計算。
3. 分別統計這20個像素值出現的頻數,除以總頻數轉化成頻率。這樣頻率介於[0,1],並且加和為1.
4. 以20個像素值為橫坐標,對應的頻率為縱坐標,即可畫出這個CT圖像的直方圖。
The end of this 栗子.
%%%%%n%%%%% Histogram-based computations:n%%%%%nn% Compute the histogram of the ROI and probability of each voxel value:nvox_val_hist = zeros(num_img_values,1);nfor this_vox_value = 1:num_img_valuesn vox_val_hist(this_vox_value) = length(find((img_vol_subvol == this_vox_value) & (mask_vol_subvol == 1) ));nendn% Compute the relative probabilities from the histogram:nvox_val_probs = vox_val_hist / num_ROI_voxels;n% Compute the histogram_based metrics:ntexture_metrics(1:6) = compute_histogram_metrics(vox_val_probs,num_img_values);n
1.3 基於直方圖的PET/CT紋理特徵
(1) Mean
(2) Variance
(3) Skewness – set to 0 when σ=0
(4) Kurtosis – set to 0 when σ=0 (NOTE: 「Kurtosis」 and 「Excess Kurtosis」 differ in that Excess Kurtosis = Kurtosis – 3).
(5) Energy
(6) Entropy (NOTE: We will differentiate between the various entropy calculations in this document, specifying the distribution from which the entropy is computed)
1.4 紋理特徵計算實現
%%% Overhead:n% The numerical values of each histogram bin:nvox_val_indices = (1:num_img_values);n% The indices of non-empty histogram bins:nhist_nz_bin_indices = find(vox_val_probs);n%%% (1) Mean nmetrics_vect(1) = sum(vox_val_indices .* vox_val_probs);n%%% (2) Variancenmetrics_vect(2) = sum( ((vox_val_indices - metrics_vect(1)).^2) .* vox_val_probs );n%%%%% IF standard variance is zero, so are skewness and kurtosis:nif metrics_vect(2) > 0n %%% (3) Skewnessn metrics_vect(3) = sum( ((vox_val_indices - metrics_vect(1)).^3) .* vox_val_probs ) / (metrics_vect(2)^(3/2));n %%% (4) Kurtosisn metrics_vect(4) = sum( ((vox_val_indices - metrics_vect(1)).^4) .* vox_val_probs ) / (metrics_vect(2)^2);n metrics_vect(4) = metrics_vect(4) - 3;nelsen %%% (3) Skewnessn metrics_vect(3) = 0;n %%% (4) Kurtosisn metrics_vect(4) = 0;nendn%%% (5) Energynmetrics_vect(5) = sum( vox_val_probs .^2 );n%%% (6) Entropy (NOTE: 0*log(0) = 0 for entropy calculations)nmetrics_vect(6) = -sum( vox_val_probs(hist_nz_bin_indices) .* log(vox_val_probs(hist_nz_bin_indices)) );n
了解了直方圖,我們接下來看看灰度共生矩陣Grey-level co-occurrence matrix GLCM (also called grey tone spatial dependence matrix GTSDM)是個啥。說白了如果直方圖是簡單的像素概率統計,得到的統計結果是個一維的向量;GLCM就是兩個像素之間的共現(共同出現)概率統計,得到的統計結果是個二維的向量。
2.1 不知道有沒有講清楚,舉個例子
1. CT圖像的像素值範圍是-1000~1000。相當於我們需要統計2000個像素值的頻數,這樣劃分的粒度有點太細了,因此
2. 將這-1000~1000的區間20等分,每個像素值投射到20個值。直接導致的結果是圖像看上去不那麼豐富了,但是這樣有利於計算。
3. 鎖定CT圖中一個點A,坐標(i,j)。A點的像素值是x,在CT圖中,距離A點向右del_i個像素,向下del_j個像素的位置B點,坐標(i+del_i, j+del_j),B點的像素值是y,那麼,GLCM矩陣中的位置(x,y)計數加一。注意哦,這裡的x,y是原來的CT圖像的像素值大小,i,j,del_i,del_j,x,y的意義可不要搞混嘍!
4. 遍歷CT圖中所有的點,方法就是按照第三步這麼統計。注意:del_i和del_j這兩個偏移量是預先設定好的,也就是說可以認為是常量。
5. 分別將統計完的矩陣中的頻數,除以總頻數轉化成頻率。這樣頻率介於[0,1],並且加和為1.
6. 以20個像素值為橫坐標,20個像素值為縱坐標,中間的值表示對應的頻率,就得到了這個CT圖像的GLCM可視化圖。
The end of this 栗子.
2.2 簡易的2D-image-GLCM代碼實現
GLCM2 = graycomatrix(CTimage, Offset,[4,4], NumLevels,20,GrayLimits,[]);
2.3 2D-image向3D-Image拓展
3. 鎖定3D-CT圖中一個點A,坐標(i,j,k)。A點的像素值是x,在CT圖中,距離A點向右del_i個像素,向下del_j個像素,向外del_k個像素的位置B點,坐標(i+del_i, j+del_j, k+del_k),B點的像素值是y,那麼,GLCM矩陣中的位置(x,y)計數加一。注意哦,這裡的x,y是原來的CT圖像的像素值大小,i,j,k,del_i,del_j,del_k,x,y的意義可不要搞混嘍!
2.4 基於GLCM的PET/CT紋理特徵
% The first 14 entries in the output are from [Haralick, 1973]:
(1) Angular second moment (called "Energy" in Soh 1999)
(2) Contrast
(3) Correlation
(4) Sum of squares variance
(5) Inverse Difference moment (called "Homogeneity" in [Soh, 1999])
(6) Sum average
(7) Sum variance
(8) Sum Entropy
(9) Entropy
(10) Difference Variance
(11) Difference Entropy
(12) Information Correlation 1
(13) Information Correlation 2
*(14) Maximal Correlation Coefficient (不做計算,永遠是0) *
% The next five entries in the output are from [Soh, 1999]:
(15) Autocorrelation
(16) Dissimilarity
(17) Cluster Shade
(18) Cluster Prominence
(19) Maximum Probability
% The next entries are from [Clausi, 2002]:
(20) Inverse Difference
2.5 紋理特徵計算實現
% (1) Angular second momentnmetrics_vect(1) = sum( p(:).^2 );n % (2) Contrast (for some reason, the paper does not explicitly state p_xmyn% here):nmetrics_vect(2) = sum( ((0:(N_g-1)) .^2) .* p_xmy );n % (3) Correlation (there is mathematical ambiguity in the nature of the sum asn% stated in the paper ; this version has the means subtracted after the sum is n % taken, which is the proper method for computation):nmu_x = sum( (1:N_g) .* p_x );nmu_y = sum( (1:N_g) .* p_y );nsg_x = sqrt( sum( ( ((1:N_g) - mu_x).^2 ) .* p_x ) );nsg_y = sqrt( sum( ( ((1:N_g) - mu_y).^2 ) .* p_y ) );n if (sg_x*sg_y) == 0 nmetrics_vect(3) = Inf;nelse nmetrics_vect(3) = ( sum(ndr(:) .* ndc(:) .* p(:) ) - (mu_x*mu_y) ) ./ (sg_x*sg_y);nendn % (4) Sum of squares variance (NOTE: mu is not defined in the paper, we willn% take it to describe the mean of the normalized GTSDM):nmetrics_vect(4) = sum( (( ndr(:) - mean(p(:)) ) .^2) .* p(:) );n % (5) Inverse Difference moment metrics_vect(5) = sum( ( 1 ./ (1 + ((ndr(:)-ndc(:)).^2) ) ) .* p(:) ); % (6) Sum average metrics_vect(6) = sum( (1:(2*N_g)) .* p_xpy(:) );n % NOTE: p_xpy(1) = 0 , so adds nothing.n% (7) Sum variance metrics_vect(7) = sum( (((1:(2*N_g)) - metrics_vect(6)) .^2) .* p_xpy(:));n % (8) Sum Entropy (computed above) metrics_vect(8) = SE;n % (9) Entropy (computed above) metrics_vect(9) = HXY;n % (10) Difference Variance mu_xmy = sum( (0:(N_g-1)) .* p_xmy ); metrics_vect(10) = sum( (((0:(N_g-1)) - mu_xmy) .^2) .* p_xmy );n % (11) Difference Entropy metrics_vect(11) = -sum( p_xmy(p_xmy>0) .* log(p_xmy(p_xmy>0)) );n % (12) and (13) Information Correlations if (max(HX,HY)== 0) nmetrics_vect(12) = Inf;nelse nmetrics_vect(12) = (HXY - HXY1) / max(HX,HY);nendn metrics_vect(13) = sqrt(1-exp(-2*(HXY2-HXY)) );n % (14) Maximal Correlation Coefficient %%% I dont think we use it, so Ill only code it up if needed.n %%%%% %%%%% The following are from Soh (1999) %%%%%n % (15) Autocorrelation metrics_vect(15) = sum( (ndr(:) .* ndc(:)) .* p(:) );n % (16) Dissimilarity metrics_vect(16) = sum( abs(ndr(:) - ndc(:)) .* p(:) );n % (17) Cluster Shade metrics_vect(17) = sum( (ndr(:) + ndc(:) - mu_x - mu_y) .^3 .* p(:) );n % (18) Cluster Prominence metrics_vect(18) = sum( (ndr(:) + ndc(:) - mu_x - mu_y) .^4 .* p(:) );n % (19) Maximum Probability metrics_vect(19) = max( p(:) );n %%%%% %%%%% The following are from Clausi (2002) %%%%%n % (20) Inverse Difference: metrics_vect(20) = sum( ( 1 ./ (1 + abs( ndr(:)-ndc(:) ) ) ) .* p(:) );n
3.1 舉個2D圖像的例子
1. CT圖像的像素值範圍是-1000~1000。相當於我們需要統計2000個像素值的頻數,這樣劃分的粒度有點太細了,因此
2. 將這-1000~1000的區間20等分,每個像素值投射到20個值。直接導致的結果是圖像看上去不那麼豐富了,但是這樣有利於計算。
3. 鎖定CT圖中一個點A,坐標(i,j)。對於一個二維圖像來說,A點周圍應該有8個點,左邊分別是(i±1,j±1),(i,j±1),(i±1,j),這8個點的像素範圍是1~20(因為步驟2)。求這8個點的像素值的平均值,為A。那麼,設A點的像素值為p_A
NGTDM(p_A) = NGTDM(p_A) + abs(p_A-A);occur(p_A) = occur(p_A) + 1;4. 遍歷CT圖中所有的點,方法就是按照第三步這麼統計。我們可以得到兩個矩陣NGTDM和occur,它們都是20×1的矩陣,NGTDM記錄每個像素值周圍的情況,occur記錄的是每個像素值在整個CT圖像中出現的頻數。
5. 分別將統計完的occur中的頻數,除以總頻數轉化成頻率。這樣頻率介於[0,1],並且加和為1
6. 以20個像素值為橫坐標,以它們所對應的NGTDM和occur值為縱坐標,做一個柱狀圖,就可以得到NGTDM和occur的可視化圖。
3.2 3D-NGTDM代碼實現
function [NGTDM,vox_occurances_NGD26] =compute_3D_NGTDM(ROI_vol,img_vol,binary_dir_connectivity,num_img_values)n % Placeholder for the NGTDM and number of occurances with full NGDs: n NGTDM = zeros(num_img_values,1);nvox_occurances_NGD26 = zeros(num_img_values,1);n % Record the indices of the voxels used in the ROI:nROI_voxel_indices = find(ROI_vol);n % Loop over each voxel in the ROI sub-volume:nfor this_ROI_voxel = 1:length(ROI_voxel_indices) n% The index of this voxel in the sub-volume: nthis_voxel_index = ROI_voxel_indices(this_ROI_voxel); n% This voxel must have 26 neighbors (plus itself) to be considered: n if sum(binary_dir_connectivity{this_ROI_voxel}(:)) == 27 n% Determine the [r,c,s] of this voxel: [r,c,s] = ind2sub(size(ROI_vol),this_voxel_index); % Compute the mean value around this voxel: nthis_vox_val = img_vol(this_voxel_index); n vox_ngd = img_vol((r-1):(r+1) , (c-1):(c+1) , (s-1):(s+1)); nvox_ngd_sum = sum(vox_ngd(:)) - this_vox_val; nvox_ngd_mean = vox_ngd_sum / 26; n% Add this value to the matrix: nNGTDM(this_vox_val) = NGTDM(this_vox_val) + abs(this_vox_val-vox_ngd_mean); % Increment the number of occurances of this voxel: nvox_occurances_NGD26(this_vox_val) = vox_occurances_NGD26(this_vox_val) + 1; end % Test for full neighborhood nend % Loop over ROI voxeln
3.3 基於NGTDM的PET/CT紋理特徵
(1) Coarseness
(2) Contrast
(3) Busyness
(4) Complexity
(5) Texture Strength
3.4 紋理特徵計算實現
%%% (1) Coarsenessnmetrics_vect(1) = sum( vox_val_probs .* NGTDM );n % Its the reciprocal, so test for zero denominator:n if metrics_vect(1) == 0 nmetrics_vect(1) = Inf;nelse nmetrics_vect(1) = 1/metrics_vect(1);nendn %%% (2) Contrast if N_g > 1 n% There is some voxel color differences, so perform calculations as normal: n% The first term in equation (4): nfirst_term_mat = (vox_val_probs * vox_val_probs) .* ( (nd_r-nd_c).^2 ); nfirst_term_val = sum(first_term_mat(:)) / (N_g * (N_g-1) ); n% The second term in equation (4). Note that the 3D computation n% necessitates normalization by the number of voxels instead of the n^2 that appears in n% equation (4). nsecond_term_val = sum(NGTDM) / sum(vox_occurances_NGD26); n% Record the value: nmetrics_vect(2) = first_term_val * second_term_val; nelse n% There is only a single color, so no contrast to compute, so set to negative: nmetrics_vect(2) = -1;nend n %%% (3) Busynessn% NOTE: The denominator equals zero in the paperAmadasun 1989. Absolute value inside then% double-sum is given here, in accordance with n % % Texture Analysis Methods ? A Reviewn% Andrzej Materka and Michal Strzelecki (1998)n% first_term = sum(vox_val_probs .* NGTDM); second_term_mat = (nd_nz_r .* nd_nz_p_r) - (nd_nz_c .* nd_nz_p_c); second_term = sum(abs(second_term_mat(:))); if second_term == 0 metrics_vect(3) = Inf;nelse nmetrics_vect(3) = first_term / second_term;nendn %%% (4) Complexity first_term_num = abs(nd_nz_r - nd_nz_c); first_term_den = nd_nz_p_r + nd_nz_p_c; second_term = (nd_nz_p_r .* nd_nz_NGTDMop_r) + (nd_nz_p_c .* nd_nz_NGTDMop_c);n if second_term == 0 nmetrics_vect(4) = Inf;nelse n tmp = first_term_num(:) .* second_term(:) ; tmp = sum(tmp ./ first_term_den(:)) ; metrics_vect(4) = tmp / sum(vox_occurances_NGD26) ;nend n%%% (5) Texture Strength first_term_mat = (nd_nz_p_r+nd_nz_p_c) .* ( (nd_nz_r - nd_nz_c) .^2 );nfirst_term = sum(first_term_mat(:));nsecond_term = sum(NGTDM);n if second_term == 0 nmetrics_vect(5) = Inf;nelse nmetrics_vect(5) = first_term / second_term ;nendn
(1) Small Zone Size Emphasis
(2) Large Zone Size Emphasis
(3) Low Gray-Level Zone Emphasis
(4) High Gray-Level Zone Emphasis
(5) Small Zone / Low Gray Emphasis
(6) Small Zone / High Gray Emphasis
(7) Large Zone / Low Gray Emphasis
(8) Large Zone / High Gray Emphasis
(9) Gray-Level Non-Uniformity
(10) Zone Size Non-Uniformity
(11) Zone Size Percentag
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