在Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS上安裝Python 3.6.3的脫坑指南

心血來潮,想要裝一個Python+Tensorflow玩一玩,於是從官網下了一個Python3.6.3的源代碼包,解壓,configure,make,make install,一切正常.

直到pip3 install tensorflow-gpu,出錯了.

pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not available.

Collecting tensorflow-gpu

Could not fetch URL https://pypi.python.org/simple/tensorflow-gpu/: There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate: Cant connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available. - skipping

最坑的是,StackOverflow到處都是錯誤的教程,不外乎讓你安裝libssl-dev,或者是在CentOS 下面安裝openssl-devel,或者修改Setup. 本人親測,這種方法對於標題所述的環境(再加上openssl 1.1.0g)沒有作用. 後來經過一晚上的debug,四方尋找,終於從各種信息中拼湊出合適的方案.

直接debug pip.main(["install","tensorflow-gpu"])的執行過程,終於找到了關鍵的代碼:

# If we dont have TLS enabled, then WARN if anyplace were lookingn# relies on TLS.nif not HAS_TLS:n for link in itertools.chain(self.index_urls, self.find_links):n parsed = urllib_parse.urlparse(link)n if parsed.scheme == "https":n logger.warning(n "pip is configured with locations that require "n "TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not "n "available."n )n breakn


try:n import ssl # noqan HAS_TLS = Truenexcept ImportError:n HAS_TLS = Falsen

於是我手動執行import ssl,果然出錯了

Traceback (most recent call last):n import ssln File "/.../ssl.py", line 97, in <module>n import _ssl # if we cant import it, let the error propagatenImportError: No module named _ssl n


# Detect SSL support for the socket module (via _ssl)n search_for_ssl_incs_in = [n /usr/local/ssl/include,n /usr/contrib/ssl/include/n ]n ssl_incs = find_file(openssl/ssl.h, inc_dirs,n search_for_ssl_incs_inn )n if ssl_incs is not None:n krb5_h = find_file(krb5.h, inc_dirs,n [/usr/kerberos/include])n if krb5_h:n ssl_incs += krb5_hn ssl_libs = find_library_file(self.compiler, ssl, lib_dirs,n [/usr/local/ssl/lib,n /usr/contrib/ssl/lib/,n ])nn if (ssl_incs is not None andn ssl_libs is not None):n exts.append(Extension(_ssl, [_ssl.c],n include_dirs=ssl_incs,n library_dirs=ssl_libs,n libraries=[ssl, crypto],n depends=[socketmodule.h]), )n else:n missing.append(_ssl)n


4. If everything tests ok, install OpenSSL with

$ make install # Unix

$ mms install ! OpenVMS

$ nmake install # Windows

This will install all the software components in this directory

tree under PREFIX (the directory given with --prefix or its



bin/ Contains the openssl binary and a few other

utility scripts.


Contains the header files needed if you want

to build your own programs that use libcrypto

or libssl.

lib Contains the OpenSSL library files.

lib/engines Contains the OpenSSL dynamically loadable engines.



# Socket module helper for socket(2)

_socket socketmodule.c

# Socket module helper for SSL support; you must comment out the other

# socket line above, and possibly edit the SSL variable:


_ssl _ssl.c

t-DUSE_SSL -I$(SSL)/include -I$(SSL)/include/openssl

t-L$(SSL)/lib -lssl -lcrypto

重新make&&sudo make install,之後檢查import ssl是否報錯,如果不報錯應該就能正常使用pip了.(撒花)

至於問我為什麼不用系統自帶的Python 2.7的話,我只有說,我就是看不慣Python 2,來打我呀

另外,Ubuntu 的repo裡面貌似只到Python 3.5....



search_for_ssl_incs_in = [n /usr/local/ssl/include,n /usr/contrib/ssl/include/,n /usr/local/include,n /usr/includen ]n

然後cd Python-3.6.3,運行

./configure --enable-optimizations --enable-ipv6n


# Socket module helper for socket(2)

_socket socketmodule.c

# Socket module helper for SSL support; you must comment out the other

# socket line above, and possibly edit the SSL variable:


_ssl _ssl.c

t-DUSE_SSL -I$(SSL)/include -I$(SSL)/include/openssl

t-L$(SSL)/lib -lssl -lcrypto


The following modules found by detect_modules() in setup.py, have been

built by the Makefile instead, as configured by the Setup files:

_socket _ssl atexit

pwd time

說明_ssl模塊一定是被成功編譯了的,之後sudo make install,親測有效.




OO 的設計理念對 Python 來說是重點嗎?
如何評價 2015 年 CCPC ?

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