
本專欄主要跟蹤各大植物學期刊最新文獻,比如Nature Plants,Molecular Plant,The Plant Cell,New Phytologist,Plant Physiology 等。

尤其以Nature Plants 為主,該期刊每一篇文獻必定跟蹤閱讀。

本文於2017年11月27日在線發表於Nature Plants,原文題目如下:

Non-specific activities of the major herbicide-resistance gene BAR




Bialaphos resistance (BAR) and phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PAT) genes, which convey resistance to the broad-spectrum herbicide phosphinothricin (also known as glufosinate) via N-acetylation, have been globally used in basic plant research and genetically engineered crops. Although early in vitro enzyme assays showed that recombinant BAR and PAT exhibit substrate preference toward phosphinothricin over the 20 proteinogenic amino acids, indirect effects of BAR-containing transgenes in planta, including modified amino acid levels, have been seen but without the identification of their direct causes. Combining metabolomics, plant genetics and biochemical approaches, we show that transgenic BAR indeed converts two plant endogenous amino acids, aminoadipate and tryptophan, to their respective N-acetylated products in several plant species. We report the crystal structures of BAR, and further delineate structural basis for its substrate selectivity and catalytic mechanism. Through structure-guided protein engineering, we generated several BAR variants that display significantly reduced non-specific activities compared with its wild-type counterpart in vivo. The transgenic expression of enzymes can result in unintended off-target metabolism arising from enzyme promiscuity. Understanding such phenomena at the mechanistic level can facilitate the design of maximally insulated systems featuring heterologously expressed enzymes.



delineate 英[d??l?nie?t]


vt. 勾畫,描述;

[例句]Biography must to some extent delineate characters


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TAG:除草剂 | 植物学 | 转基因 |