
交大光谷太陽能 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQ3MjM4NzUxMg==.html?spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0&from=s1.8-1-1.2

About double glazing panel



utility model relates to a double glass photovoltaic component, which is a

composite layer composed of two pieces of glass and a solar battery sheet,

wherein, the photovoltaic cells are formed by the connection of the wires in

series and in parallel to the lead end of the battery.



glass photovoltaic architecture can be divided into two forms: BIPV and BAPV.

BIPV (photovoltaic building integration) is that photovoltaic components as

building components, is part of the building. It is characterized by, in

addition to meeting the performance requirements of components, but also fire

protection, and meet construction mechanics, thermal comfort, lighting, sound

insulation and other architectural requirements. BAPV refers to the PV modules

as an annex to the building, this piece is relatively simple, as long as the

photovoltaic components meet some of the performance requirements can be. Of

course, it should be combined with the building, so it is necessary to do some

fire prevention tests.



The double glass component can be made

into various colors. Secondly, it can be extended in many forms, and can be

processed into a medium to pass structure to insulate the heat or noise. It can

also be made into all kinds of light transmittance to meet the lighting

requirements of the building. Once again, it is structurally symmetrical. This

feature can be said to be the characteristics of PV modules. For example, after

the static load is applied, the power slice can be cracked free. Because

crystalline silicon cells have one of the biggest drawbacks is very brittle,

very prone to fragmentation.

But in a symmetrical structure, when it

is subjected to external forces, it can not be broken, and after such a load,

its power attenuation is very small. This is related to its mechanical

symmetric structure. It also has very little power attenuation in the hot and

cold cycles.



In the form of BAPV, it is attached to an inclined roofing form, usually

as an attachment to the building, which increases the load capacity of the building.

What are its features suitable for use on BAPV? First, it has a glass structure

on its outer surface. The structure of glass is very resistant to UV, and the

fire rating is relatively high. It can easily achieve the system voltage of

1500 volts. Of course, if you are using 1000 volts of voltage, it stands for

its very good insulation performance, and its security will be higher. Even

after aging, the insulation of the glass is very good. Second, it does not have

a metal frame, and it eliminates grounding operations relative to the ordinary

components, thus avoiding the generation of PID (potential induced

attenuation). Of course, if we say that we can remove the water film and

interrupt any point in the loop process, there will be no PID.

Without a border, the components operating temperature will be low. At

the same time, it can prevent dust accumulation. The third feature is

structural symmetry. For the component, it is still in the load, the power

sheet has no attraction, the power attenuation is small, and the power

decomposition in the TC cycle is small.




After no borders, its operating temperature is 2~5 degrees Celsius lower

than the conventional components, generating 1%~2% higher, due to the fact that

the aluminum alloy frame inside the conventional components is not conducive to

convection in the air. Without the bezel, the convection will be significantly

enhanced, causing the component to drop in temperature. Convection is worse

when the component is close to the roof, so the double glazing is more suitable

for mounting on the sloping roof, in which case the temperature drop will

manifest itself more clearly.

For example, for example, if someone is stepping on a double glass

component, the battery itself is bent, but the extent of the battery itself has

not changed. So, the battery also bears such a tensile and compressive force,

especially in the process of stretching, the battery piece is very easy to

generate gravity. This is the same thing for the TC process.

TC stands for expansion, contraction, temperature cycling, and expansion

and contraction of materials. For the symmetrical structure of mechanics, the effect

on the battery is very small. We have done some aging tests on double glass

components in the laboratory. We have high temperature, high humidity, hot and

cold cycles, PID and UV. The conditions in the test are 2 times the standard of

IEC, and UV may be 6 times that. After the experiment, the power attenuation

value of the double glass component is 2%, especially PID, basically less than

1%. Based on the test results, the power rating of the dual glass component is

30 years, and the annual power attenuation is not greater than 0.5% from second

years, while the conventional components are 25 and 0.7% respectively.

1. 交大光谷雙玻組件(BIPV—光伏建築一體化)結合鋼結構和建築特點,靈活,易安裝,是上海交谷太陽能科技有限公司研究開發的重點和強勢產品,實現了建築美觀和環保發電雙重功效的美譽。

Double glazing panel (BIPV-building integrated photovoltaic) applies to

steel shelf and architecture, which is elastic, easy to install. It is not only

beautiful with building, but also environmental protection.

Our company, Chendian solar is

specialized in double glazing


其作用主要有:chief functions


Instead of traditional architectural material, artistic.


Firm and durable; water, wet and wind proof; sunshade.


Ideal for roof, skylight, and facade so forth, enough sunlight radiate

through space of solar cells, can generate electricity as well as absorb



Specification, power rating and

transparency of one solar

module according to actual architecture

structure can be

changed freely.

2. 幾種重要輔料規格供客戶選擇:


major accessory material for client to choose.



cell: monocrystalline or polycrystalline

玻璃厚度:受光面玻璃一般有 3.2mm,4mm,6mm;

背光面玻璃一般有 3.2mm,4mm,6mm,8mm,10mm

Glass thickness: up level—3.2mm,4mm,6mm

Down level—3.2mm,4mm,6mm,8mm,10mm

組件尺寸在 2500*2000mm 以內,因載重方便,最好在



Module dimension control at 2500*2000mm, for load

conveniently, 1500mm*1000mm is best.

實物圖:panel photos



TAG:光伏组件 | 太阳能光伏 | 建筑 |