To Be A Product Manager | Week 30

This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Week 30 of

To Be A Product Manager

Just finished my monthly review actually, let』s see what I』ve done this week.

In mid August, we decided to develop a demo app, which includes all of our cutting edge video algorithms. And during the product meeting, I take initiative to make myself responsible for the demo app development.

This turns out to be the best decision I made since joining this startup. The demo app version is updating every week, so I work closely with development teams to organize product meetings, product recaps and numerous bug discussions.

Since I know I』m totally responsible for the final product and how important it is for every product demo presentation and investor pitch.

There』s also VR/AR/AI event in mid September called Slush in Shenzhen, and I was recommended by my friend to speak there. This is the first talk I will give since I officially got in Shenzhen Startup community, so I want to share something valuable, but with my own personality.

Uhh, seems like a good challenge haha.

What I accomplish

  • demo app updating
  • website interaction design
  • CMS product planning

What I』m pondering

So far I』ve been a product manager for 8 months. It』s time to take a recap on my product management skills.

Oh, this routined weekly product journal also made me realize I should schedule with my mentor for another update meeting. There』s some questions I really want to ask him:

Say now, what skills do you think I lack the most as a product manager?

In the past 8 months, what skills do you think I lacked the most in the very beginning, but later I pick up quickly?

And what skills make me stand out at the very beginning, and need to keep it up?

See, there』re 3 levels of the things I want to know. And I can spend the rest of this year to catch up by switching my focus from skills I』m good at to the ones I lack the most.

The skills I lack the most is apparently the ones I should spend more time on.

The skills I』m improving or learning are also important, and will cost me sometime.

And I should turn the skills I』m good at to habits as soon as possible, and make room for new ones coming.

Amped for the conversation next week.

My name is Zake Zhang, a VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I write weekly product journal and reflection.

Thanks for reading and let』s keep on hacking!

Warm Regards,


be so good they can』t ignore you.



TAG:产品经理 | 反思 | 习惯 |