


1. Dumesic等人在Handbook of heterogeneous catalysis一書中將催化研究分為材料製備(materials),催化劑性能(catalytic performance)和催化機理論述(elucidation)這三個層面,並認為催化機理的理解是引領先進催化劑設計的最關鍵的一步。

2. 化石能源的日益枯竭帶來了能源與材料危機,化學家們嘗試著從不同角度來解決這個問題,包括太陽能與氫能(水分解,光電催化以及電池等), 生物質能源,低鏈烷烴的利用(甲烷偶聯/芳構化,丙烷脫氫等)等。





材料的特點:半導體材料,納米晶 用途:半導體相關用途包括光催化等

The crystal structure of ionic nanocrystals (NCs) is usually controlled through reaction temperature, according to their phase diagram. We show that when ionic NCs with different shapes, but identical crystal structures, were subjected to anion exchange reactions under ambient conditions, pseudomorphic products with different crystal systems were obtained. The shape-dependent anionic framework (surface anion sublattice and stacking pattern) of Cu2O NCs determined the crystal system of anion-exchanged products of CuxS nanocages. This method enabled us to convert a body-centered cubic lattice into either a face-centered cubic or a hexagonally close-packed lattice to form crystallographically unusual, multiply twinned structures. Subsequent cation exchange reactions produced CdS nanocages while preserving the multiply-twinned structures. A high-temperature stable phase such as wurtzite ZnS was also obtained with this method at ambient conditions


本文選自Applied catalysis B: Enviromental,關注於生物質轉化。



The ability of Cu and Sn to promote the performance of a 20% Ni/Al2O3 catalyst in the deoxygenation of lipids to fuel-like hydrocarbons was investigated using model triglyceride and fatty acid feeds, as well as algal lipids. In the semi-batch deoxygenation of tristearin at 260 oC a pronounced promotional effect was observed, a 20% Ni–5% Cu/Al2O3 catalyst affording both higher conversion (97%) and selectivity to C10–C17 alkanes (99% of liquid product) in comparison with unpromoted 20% Ni/Al2O3(27% conversion and 87% selectivity to C10–C17). In the same reaction at 350 oC,a 20% Ni–1% Sn/Al2O3 catalyst afforded the best results,giving yields of C10–C17 and C17 of 97% and 55%, respectively, which contrasts with the corresponding values of 87% and 21% obtained over 20% Ni/Al2O3.Equally encouraging results were obtained in the semi-batch deoxygenation of stearic acid at 300 oC, in which the 20% Ni–5% Cu/Al2O3 catalyst afforded the highest yields of C10-C17 and C17. Experiments were also conducted at 260 oC in a fixed bed reactor using triolein – a model unsaturated triglyceride – as the feed. While both 20% Ni/Al2O3 and 20% Ni-5% Cu/Al2O3 achieved quantitative yields ofdiesel-like hydrocarbons at all reaction times sampled, the Cu-promoted catalyst exhibited higher selectivity to longer chain hydrocarbons, a phenomenon which was also observed in experiments involving algal lipids as the feed.Characterization of fresh and spent catalysts indicates that Cu enhances there ducibility of Ni and suppresses both cracking reactions and coke-induced deactivation.




PtIn/Mg(Al)O-pX catalysts were prepared with co-precipitation method at different pH values (X = 6–12), with the aim of investigating the effect of pH value on their catalytic performance for the propane dehydrogenation reaction. It was found that the co-precipitation pH value could strongly influence the crystalline phase, the specific surface area, the surface morphology, the distribution of surface acidity, the reduction properties of the metal phase, the surface chemical state, the distribution of metal particles, and coke formation, giving rise to different catalytic performance. All the results reveal that the catalyst prepared at pH8 shows the best catalytic performance; it possesses the primary crystal phase of periclase (MgO) and the highest specific surface area of support, the lowest fraction of strong acidic sites and In0 species, the strongest interaction between the metal phase and support, the highest Pt dispersion (41.6%), the best distribution of Pt particles with the smallest Pt particle size (1.8 nm),and the lowest coke amount. Furthermore, the highest once-though yield of 0.37 mol propylene can be obtained over PtIn/Mg(Al)O-p8, in which 0.60 mol propane is consumed in a whole dehydrogenation reaction period(28 h).


本文選自J. Am. Chem. Soc., 關注於水氧化反應,通訊作者是哈佛大學的Nocera,做OER的同學想來不會陌生。

一句話評述:採用DEMS(Differentialelectrochemical mass spectrometry), 17O NMR等手段研究了Co氧化物催化劑Edge Site的反應特性,這對解釋OER反應機理以及關聯均相(分子催化劑)與多相催化劑(氧化物,氫氧化物催化劑)提供了非常有利的證據。

Differential electrochemical mass spectrometry (DEMS)analysis of the oxygen isotopologues produced by 18O-labeled Co-OEC in H216Oreveals that water splitting catalysis proceeds by a mechanism that involvesdirect coupling between oxygens bound to dicobalt edge sites of Co-OEC. Theedge site chemistry of Co-OEC has been probed by using a dinuclear cobalt complex.17O NMR spectroscopyshows that ligand exchange of OH/OH2 at Co(III) edge sites is slow, whichis also confirmed by DEMS experiments of Co-OEC. In borate (Bi) and phosphate (Pi) buffers, anionsmust be displaced to allow water to access the edge sites for an O–O bondcoupling to occur. Anion exchange in Pi isslow, taking days to equilibrate at room temperature. Conversely, anionexchange in Bi is rapid (kassoc = 13.1 ± 0.4 M–1 s–1 at 25 °C), enabled by facile changes in boroncoordination. These results are consistent with the OER activity of Co-OEC in Bi and Pi. The Pi bindingkinetics are too slow to establish a pre-equilibrium sufficiently fast toinfluence the oxygen evolution reaction (OER), consistent with the zero-orderdependence of Pi on the OER current density; in contrast,Bi exchange is sufficiently facile suchthat Bi has an inhibitory effect on OER.These complementary studies on Co-OEC and the dicobalt edge site mimic allowfor a direct connection, at a molecular level, to be made between themechanisms of heterogeneous and homogeneous OER.




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