Stanford 公布 0.5PB 的醫療圖像大數據 Medical ImageNet

Imaging Datasets

The Langlotzlab is currently working with a imaging datasets from within and outside of Stanford Medicine:

  • 1000 ICU chest radiographs
  • 831 bone tumor radiographs annotated by an expert radiologist with 18 features and the pathologic diagnosis
  • 4000 digital mammograms annotated with 13 quality attributes
  • 4000 pediatric hand radiographs with radiologist bone age
  • Soon: 4.4 million Stanford exams, each with a narrative report

There are of course many public datasets and challenges, especially with regard to sharing data. We hope to increase open access to some of these datasets by way of novel infrastructure and sharing methodology. Please reach out to the lab if you would like to learn more or collaborate.

原文鏈接:Imaging Datasets



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TAG:人工智能 | 深度学习DeepLearning | 医学影像 |