看劇學英語:摩登家庭 S01E01-S01E02



先科普一下美劇常識,大家經常能看到的 S01E02 是什麼意思?S就是 season,E是 episode,S01E02就是第一季第二集的意思。那麼我們有時看是 Season1,有時看是 Series1,這兩個有什麼區別呢?美劇按 Season(季)來劃分,每年出一季,一季大約20到30集;而英劇,按 Series(輯)劃分,一年出一輯,每輯大約7到8集。season 和 series 的不同用法源自美式英語和英式英語的區別,例如,英國人會把《老友記》的第五季叫做 「the fifth series of Friends」。

有時我們看到的 title 是 pilot,這個 pilot 是試播集的意思。美國的電視台收視率競爭堪稱慘烈,而且收視集中度非常高。每個電視台都需要每年推出新劇,劇集的製作成本也很高,所以美劇都有 pilot 的概念,如果試播集收視不理想,就不再播了。此外還有續約的概念,如果當季收視不理想,就不再續約了。


S01E01 Pilot

1. Im a cool dad. Thats... thats my thang.

thang=thing,鄉村口音,一般出現在 hip-hop 或鄉村音樂里。

2. Theyre only plastic BBs! It was an accident!

BB=ball bearing,滾珠。這裡意思是,這不過是塑料珠而已。

3. Let me meet this playa...Its like that, you just start down on him and let the eyes do the work. Your mouth might be saying: Hey, we cool! But youre eyes are like: No, we not!

這段挺有意思,講 Phil 如何在女兒的新男友面前表示不滿的情緒,playa 意為花花公子。

4. I put my thoughts into words, and now my words into action!

這是 Manny 看上了16歲的 Brenda 說的,是不是挺多情的,這句很有韻律。

5. So stop being a gloomy goose.

gloomy goose,口語,悲觀的人,這是不正式的用法。

6. Were from different worlds. Yet we somehow fit together. Love is whats binds us. Through fair, or stormy weather. I stand before you now with only one agenda to let you know my heart is yours.

這是 Manny 寫給 Brenda 的信,挺優美的。Manny 是個又早熟又多情的問題少年。

7. Okay, people, lets all chillax!

chillax,淡定,像是 chill+relax,很有意思的詞。

S01E02 The Bicycle Thief

1. Sometimes a mans gotta put his foot down and do what a mans gotta do. And if the old lady dont like it... Honey?... thats too damn bad.

Phil 又在說大話了,當然了,發現老婆不在才敢說。Phil 是個妻管嚴。

2. Her future best friend might be in that class, and I dont want to rub anyone the wrong way.

Mitchell 和 Cameron 帶著 Lily 去親子班,rub 在這裡當惹毛講。

3. Gloria: Mannys father is taking him for a couple of days to Disneyland, so were gonna go...to the wine country! Were gonna drink some wine, eat some good food.

Jay: We would do something like this a lot more often if it wasnt for Manny.

Gloria: Its good. He keeps us grounded.

Jay: Like fog at airport.

這段對話很有意思,Jay 說:「如果不是因為 Manny,我們能多做些有意思的事兒。」Gloria 說:「(有 Manny)是好事,他讓我們過的樸素(grounded,接地)。」Jay 按字面意思回答:「是啊,就像機場的霧一樣。」言外之意還是耽誤了我們。

4. Phil: Certains members of this family dont think you can take care of this bad boy.

Luke: You mean mom?

Phil: Your words, not mine. Look, your mom and I are a team, and she... we feel like this is a chance for you to show some responsibility. Dont make us look like jerks here.

背景是 Phil 給 Luke 買了新自行車。Your words, not mine,這是你說的啊,不是我說的。

5. If were not done by 3:00, Im gonna tie a noose on this thing.

Jay 和 Manny 在修吊扇。「我們要是三點還沒搞完,我就上吊好了。。」

6. Dont scratch anything while Im gone. Unless it itches, thats different.

Luke 和 Phil 說把新買的自行車划了。Phil 答道「我不在的時候別再劃傷任何東西了哈,除非你痒痒了可以抓抓,那不一樣。」英文里,(物品)刮傷、劃傷,(人的動作)抓撓,用的是同一個詞 scratch。

7. You think I like this arrangement? I got a two-seater parked in the driveway.

Gloria 讓 Jay 和 Manny 一起修吊扇,以便增進二人感情。「你覺得我喜歡這個安排啊,我外面車道里可停著輛敞篷小跑呢。」言外之意,要不是為了陪你修吊扇,我干點啥不好。

8. I went inside to get a soda because I was thirsty, and if I had a soda I wouldnt be thirsty anymore, so I bought one, and then I drank it there, which is why I dont have the can.

Phil 在說謊,他一說謊就會發表長篇廢話,很多人說話都會傾向於更多提供細節以表現真實性。

——To Be Continued


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