



啟動僅6天,YoungBird 2017 「Shade-scape涼辰美景」遮陽傘面設計競賽已經引起設計界和時尚界的共同關注,接下來將揭曉此次競賽的評審陣容。

Just six days into its launch, the YoungBird "Shade-scape" Sunshade Pattern Design Competition 2017 has become a talking point of the design and fashion industries. We are now unveiling the jury line-up.

設計師Grace Chen,畢業於北京服裝學院和美國紐約時裝學院,在紐約與洛杉磯曾經為許多美國名人明星設計服裝。2009年Grace Chen回到上海創立了自己的品牌和設計工作室,被眾多國際媒體譽為目前最具影響力的華人高級定製設計師之一。

Couture designer to the stars, Grace Chen graduated with a Master』s Degree in Fashion Design from the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology in 1995 and afterwards studied at the world famous Fashion Instituteof Technology (FIT) in New York. Upon graduation she worked for 15 years with leading fashion brands in New York and Los Angeles. She returned to China in2009 to create the Grace Chen Fashion Design Center (GC INTERNATIONAL LTD) in Shanghai. She was hailed as one of China』s most influential fashion innovators by an array of international media outlets.

2016年受邀前往倫敦,Grace Chen在蘭卡斯特宮舉辦其「Simply Divine王者風範」個人時裝秀,共慶英女王九十歲誕辰。

Grace Chen celebrated her London debut in June 2016 with a momentous haute couture fashion show at Lancaster House, adjacent to Buckingham Palace. Entitled 『Simply Divine』.

Grace Chen不僅是一位備受讚譽的時尚設計師,亦是一位令人尊敬的企業家和商業人士,曾多次在時尚領域開創先河。她是首個在巴黎舉辦非公開時裝秀的中國時裝設計師;她亦曾於2016年初在莫斯科Gostiny Dvor展覽中心舉辦時裝秀,並於2015年在布魯塞爾中國文化中心上演時裝秀,此次時裝秀是慶祝中歐建交四十周年系列活動之一。Grace Chen經常受邀參加高端文化交流活動。她曾以特邀發言人的身份,於2015年參加由英國政府在上海舉辦的「創意英倫」盛典,代表在中國工作的時裝設計師發表了以「定製革命」為題、針對中國精英消費者的演講;她亦曾以「傑出企業家」的身份受邀參加第六輪「中美人文交流高層磋商」。

A highly respected entrepreneur and businesswoman, in addition to being an acclaimed designer, Grace Chen has achieved many fashion world firsts. She was the first couture designer from China to hold a commercial trunk show in Paris. In early 2016, Grace Chen held fashion show in Gostiny Dvor exhibition center in Moscow. She also presented a runway show in Brussels in 2015 as part of the festivities for the 40th anniversary of China-European Union relations. Grace Chen is regularly invited to participate at high-level cultural occasions. She was a guest speaker at the 「Great Festival of Creativity」 which held by British government in Shanghai in 2015. Representing designers working in China, she spoke about the 『custom revolution』 among China』s elite consumers. She also participated in the sixth China-U.S. High Level consultation on people-to-people exchange as an 『Outstanding Entrepreneur』.

十年前,Grace Chen是美國娛樂界與政界名人深為信賴的設計師,在紐約與洛杉磯為許多美國名人明星設計服裝。(左起:Helen Mirren、Alicia Quarles、Jennie Garth)

The Chinese-American designer was spoken highly of by the American show business and political heavy weights a decade ago for her collaboration with plenty of stars and celebrities (from left to right: Helen Mirren, Alicia Quarles and Jennie Garth).

Grace Chen全心研究中國女性的獨特魅力,為成熟自信的中國精英女性打造兼具東西之美的國際化時裝。(左起:林志玲、楊瀾、郎平)

Grace Chen has dedicated herself to fashioning true elegance and East-meets-West glamor for a sophisticated clientele in modern China (from left to right: Lin Chi-ling, Yang Lan and Lang Ping).


楊明潔,YANG DESIGN及羊舍 YANG HOUSE 創始人、福布斯中國最具影響力設計師、同濟大學客座教授。

Jamy Yang is Founder of YANG DESIGN and YANG HOUSE, Top Influential Chinese Designer by Forbes and Guest Professor of Tongji University.


A former employee in Siemens』 Munich design headquarter, Jamy Yang received master degree of industrial design from Germany with full scholarship of WK Foundation after 7-year study in Zhejiang University and China Academy of Art. Jamy』s design dedication has brought him international recognition, nearly a hundred design awards including Red Dot, iF, G-Mark, IDEA and DFA Silver etc. He has been listed as 「Top Influential Chinese Designer」 on Forbes.

「Y 型支架」家居系統

The Y-shaped furnishing collection


Scenery on the Stool


With a combination of German logic thinking and Chinese humanistic spirit, Jamy has formed his own design philosophy and become partner with renowned global brands including Boeing, Audi, BMW,Bosch, NATUZZI, Coke Cola, Steelcase, Issey Miyake, Swatch etc, projects covering cross categories from glasses and suitcase, consumer electronics, home products to airplane cabin. A series of CSR projects working with NOGs like Green Peace, One Foundation and Animals Asia Foundation presents his belief of taking social responsibilities as the role of designer.


Can design change the society? This has been a challenging issue that he has been committed into action!


DuPont Paper-made Couch


YANGHOUSE Scenery on the Edge

Greg Voorhis本科畢業於美國南卡羅來納州格林伍德市蘭德大學視覺藝術專業。他在格倫雷文設計部門任職二十年,六年前開始擔任設計總監一職,負責設計全過程並專註於Sunbrella?旗下產品的研發。

Greg earned a bachelor』s degree in Visual Arts from Lander University in Greenwood, S.C. Greg is a twenty year veteran as a member ofthe design team at Glen Raven and has been the Design Director for the past 6 years. He is responsible for all aspects of design for Glen Raven and focuses his attention on developing the Sunbrella? products.


Design involves traveling around the world in search of the next major trend, as well as staying close to your clients and the sales team as a way to keep abreast of the latest developments in the market. Every designer should have this unique sense of all of his works, which reflect a deep understanding of the varied needs of the clients. 「Despite the fact that we』re now working for an industry giant, our designs are always under the name of our brand. It is so satisfying each time we launch a brand new fabrics collection and everyone can』t believe it is under the Sunbrella? brand.」


The installation piece, 「reOrder: An Architectural Environment,」 turning more than 2,000 yards of Sunbrella? fabric into extraordinary canopies in the Brooklyn Museum

專門從事紡織品作品的國際著名藝術家Sheila Hicks用Sunbrella?纖維和紗線裝飾美國紐約市惠特尼博物館、法國巴黎東京宮現代藝術博物館。

American artist Sheila Hicks has collaborated with Sunbrella? to create textile art using the performance fibers in the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York and Palais de Tokyo in Paris.



Isa Ye has bachelor』s degrees in design andmarketing and a master』s degree in economics. Over the past decade, she servedas executive publisher of Domus China. And before that she had worked in the consulting, manufacturing and fashion media industry and established in-depth collaboration with more than 400 globally renowned companies and prestigious domestic brands.

2013年,葉春曦女士發起Young Bird Plan青年培育計劃,在建築領域引起全行業及國際專業設計媒體的高度關注,自此開啟了YoungBird專業設計競賽板塊。

In 2013, Isa Ye launched the 「Young Bird Plan」 youth support initiative, a starting point of YoungBird design competition line. The program has since then drawn close attention from the architecture and design industry and international design media outlets.

Young Bird Plan 2013《Domus國際中文版》獎盃設計競賽

Young Bird Plan 2014 深圳蛇口太子灣Kiosk設計競賽

Young Bird Plan 2015深圳蛇口太子灣In-Between公共文化建築設計競賽

2016 YoungBird「bookAbook」Bookend Design書立設計創意徵集

2013 Trophy Design For Best Design Award By Domus China

2014 Shekou Prince Bay Kiosk Design Competition

2015In-Between Public Cultural Architecture Design Competition

2016 YoungBird 「bookAbook」 Bookend Design


Since earlier this year, YoungBird has begun venturing into the fields of fashion, signage, food, bridge and beyond, based on its foothold in architecture, landscape, interiors, product, graphic design and public art. Geared up to brace for more possibilities, YoungBird is dedicated to changing our world for the better and improving the quality of ourlife!


The most established design magazine inItaly, domus, since its inception in 1928, has grown into one of the world』smost dynamic and influential design publication because of its objective, timelyand thorough coverage of the design and art-related developments around the world from unique lenses.


博士,其研究領域主要為中西時裝體系對比。 服裝商業顧問及時尚評論人。其撰稿媒體包括《周末畫報》、搜狐時尚及《BoF時裝商業評論》。其培訓合作企業則包括唯品會、康泰納仕時尚培訓中心等。2013-14年紐約帕森斯設計學院(Parsons)訪問學者;美國政府富布萊特獎金(Fulbright Scholarship)獲得者;倫敦時裝學院(LondonCollege of Fashion)時裝營銷管理碩士。曾就職於耐克、百麗及利豐集團。所從事的工作包括零售、銷售、運營、產品開發、商品管理、市場拓展及總經理等職務。主要著作《中國時尚:對話中國服裝設計師》,《時裝買手實用手冊》。

Dr. Christine Tsui is an independent fashion business consultant, fashion columnist and researcher now. She regularly writes for Business of Fashion, Modern Weekly and other fashion media. She also offers training at Conde Nast Fashion Training Center, VIP shop (IPO Nasdaq) etc. She is a 2013–2014 Fulbright scholar at New York Parsons the New School for Design. Her research is about the comparative study of the American fashion system and the Chinese fashion system. She obtained her master』s degree in Fashion Marketing & Management from the London College of Fashion in 2003. Tsui worked in the clothing industry in China for nearly fifteen years, with clients who included the sports giant Nike, the largest Chinese clothing and shoes retailer, Belle, and the largest supply chain management enterprise in Asia, Li & Fung Group. Her work experience encompassed operations, sales, retailing, product management and general management. Her primary publications include: China Fashion: Conversations with Designers, in both English and Chinese (London & New York: Berg, 2009; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2013; Beijing: China Textile Press, 2014) and Work Book for Fashion Buyers (Chinese, Beijing: China Textile Press, 2011).



Yiping Qiu obtained a bachelor』s degree in textile engineering from Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou in 1982, a master』s degree in textile science from Auburn University, Alabama in 1988 and a Ph.D. in fiber science from Cornell University, New York in 1992. In the following two years, he received postdoctoral training in mechanical engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He once worked for North Carolina State University, Kansas State University, Timberland and so forth. He is the former dean of the College of Textiles, Donghua University and currently distinguished professor and doctoral mentor at Donghua University, director of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced Micro&Nano Textile Materials, program director of the International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, vice chairman of Mainland China Region and chairman of Shanghai Chapter of Society for Advancement of Material and Processing Engineering.


Deadline: 24:00, 26 March 2017 (GMT+8)



Click the image to get a clear picture of brief for

「Shade-scape」 Sunshade Pattern Design Competition

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