「說這份工作不適合我就是耍流氓」 真的嗎? (中英)


"我真心不喜歡我的工作,怎麼辦? 我現在得做很多瑣碎的excel數據核對工作。但我是有創意有想法的一個人。 我讀了一篇文章,說如果我完全投入這項工作,我將會愛上它。 你同意嗎?"


我讀完類似的領英公號的文章:「說這份工作不適合我,都是耍流氓」。 作者的總結就是:


不知道大家怎麼想的。 但這理論我聽起來覺得很奇怪。

我先說這篇文章的論點邏輯出了這個錯誤;,因為先看見A後看見B,就認為「前因A後果B」。 (Post hoc ergo procter hoc:after this, therefore resulting from it)


第一是聽力不好的計程車司機。對工作非常熱情,又非常投入,特別在意客戶的需求是否「聽到」了。 第二個是大學圖書館的工作人員。 這不過是個圖書館嘛。需要多努力呀? 但他們都不會閑著無事。不是在整理書,就是擦桌擦地,不然就是到處檢查。 對他們來說,沒什麼太小的細節會忽略掉的。 也是又投入,又對工作熱情。

這種投入精神是值得學習。 我也覺得全心投入後能感覺出工作更深的意義。 如果你能做到這一點,你應該也能用更積極的態度對待你這份即瑣碎又和你性格不合的工作。


作者只觀察到這些人物最後的表現:是很熱情,又很投入,就得出「是因為持續投入才會產生工作熱情」的結論。 但並沒有實際的因果關係。 除非他看見司機和圖書館員入職的時候就討厭這份工作,然後通過持續投入 (而不是其他原因),才愛上這個工作的。 這才真的符合邏輯,有說服力。

也許司機本來就喜歡開車,和陌生人交流。也許圖書館員本來就喜歡這個環境或有保持整齊乾淨的強迫症。或許他們本來沒啥選擇,沒有什麼「這工作不符合我」 的概念,所以既然得一輩子干這個活,那就好好乾。 這倒是很有可能。

也許世界上真的有人符合作者觀點。 但除了電視韓劇里,我從來沒聽說過有誰經過持續投入能把一份不合適又有抵觸的工作,變成一個熱愛的工作。

我為什麼對這個觀點那麼反感? 因為它聽起來就像是權威主義的經理在給員工洗腦。 這種話我是聽過的。


「不要怪管理層分配給你這種繁瑣無聊的工作。 你就學會接受並全心投入,你會愛上它的。」

「如果你不愛上這個工作,只能全怪你。 因為你沒投入。」

甚至父母家長老師也會說出類似的話:你就別追求那種不靠譜的夢想。好好做這鐵飯碗的工作, 只要投入,它就會變成你的夢想工作。

呃。抱歉。我們現在是21世紀, 好嗎?我們有選擇。我們有更多的機會。我們有能力滿足自己的需求。 你骨子裡既然是個作家,那就別浪費你的寶貴生命持續投入做無聊的數據分析。然後快退休了還盼望能愛上這個活兒。 你會死不瞑目的。 還是一有好機會就辭職吧。開始寫文章,寫書。我保證,從第一天開始,不用老闆催你,你也會自然的投入你的工作。


weixin.qq.com/r/x0n74w- (二維碼自動識別)



A friend asks, "What should I do when I』m stuck in a job that I don』t enjoy? I』m assigned to do menial work with spreadsheets. But I』m the creative type with big ideas. I read an article that says if I completely dedicate myself to this work, I will come to love the job. Do you agree?"

I disagree more than agree. I read a similar article on Linkedin』s wechat platform. The author contends, that it is a misconception, that you first love what you do, then you』ll dedicate yourself to it. It』s the other way around. First dedicate to the work, no matter what it is, and you』ll come to love it.

But that』s so counter-intuitive, isn』t it?

In this article, the author used a logical fallacy: Post hoc ergo procter hoc: meaning "after this, therefore resulting from it".

She based her insight on the two customer service experience in Taiwan. First, the taxi driver who is hard of hearing. But he was so dedicated to his job, and showed such enthusiasm, he went out of his way to make sure that the customer』s needs are being 「heard」. Second story is about the staff at the university』s library. But it』s just a library. How hard do you need to work, right? But they』re never slacking off, always organizing books, or cleaning up, or checking up on students. No details were too small to be ignored. So dedicated and enthusiastic.

Their dedication is definitely awesome. You can learn from it. I think you can find deeper meaning through dedication. That may help you to make that uninteresting work more palatable.

But as far as loving it? Highly doubtful.

The author only observed their dedication and their enthusiasm for work, and drew the conclusion that dedication causes enthusiasm. There is no logical cause and effect. It』s not like the author saw them the first day on the job, hating it, and then through consistent dedication (and not any other reason) fell in love with the work. Now that would be logical and persuasive.

Maybe the taxi driver had always enjoyed driving and talking to strangers; Maybe the librarians had always loved that environment and had been obsessive compulsive . Maybe they never had any other choice, so they didn』t go in thinking, 「this work doesn』t fit me"; So they simply made the best of the situation. I』d buy that!

Maybe, probably, there could be someone who fits the theory. But other than in Hollywood movies, I』ve never heard of anyone going from knowing the job is a bad fit, to loving the job just because of continuous dedication.

There is a reason why I』m a bit worked up about this. Because this conclusion sounds to me like brainwashing from Big Brother, and it disgusts me. Ive heard this kind of BS before.

「Don』t talk about your career aspirations. Just dedicate yourself to what we tell you to do. And you』ll love it.」 「Don』t blame management for making you do a job that you hate. Suck it up and dedicate yourself to it, and you』ll learn to enjoy it」 If you don』t love it, it』s all your fault. Because you didn』t have the dedication! Even parents and teachers from the older generation will use it to persuade you to stick with a stable traditional job instead of pursuing your dreams.

That is such crap. Sorry. We』re not in the pre-industrial age, ok? We have choices. We have opportunities now. We have the means and power to fulfill our own needs. If you』re meant to be a creative writer, you wanna waste away your life crunching repetitive spreadsheets? and then hoping against all odds that youll love it one day? Quit when you have the chance. Start writing. And on day one, you』ll dedicate yourself to your work, without being told.





TAG:职场 | 理想中的工作 | 喜欢的工作 |