
過上好日子 [Jan 17, 2017]


/ 峰哥何峰@簡單心理 /n

轉眼 2017 年也過去兩個禮拜了。一月份是個獨特的階段:新年安說已經開始,但農曆新年還沒到來。在陰陽二歷之間,一月彷彿也是一個兩邊不著的中間地帶,提供一個思考人生的空間。n

我現在對人生的思考比較樸素,就是 「過上好日子」,並且是真的,很簡單務實的好日子。比如前兩天朋友推薦了一款降噪耳機。我當場試用之下,感覺非常不錯,將會解決我做飛機火車時候不堪忍受的噪音問題。決定入手一個,作為給自己的新年禮物。這禮物會讓我的生活進步一點點,也就是過上了 「好」一點地日子。n

computer science 中有一種演算法叫做 greedy algorithm, 還有一種叫做 local hill climbing. 這些演算法的特點是,不需要有全局觀,不需要有宏大構思,有立刻可以見效的局部的改善都先拿了再說,但是效果卻往往出人意料的好。生物進化也可以看做是一種 local hill climbing. 這些例證讓我頗為安心:過上好日子雖然是個比較樸素的思路,但是料想會有不錯的效果。n

更加令人鼓舞的是,各種局部的改善是會疊加( compound?)。比如降噪耳機是一個改進;購置一個 kindle 也是改進(讀書更加方便)。而降噪耳機 + Kindle 讓我讀書更加方便和享受,就是一個疊加的效果。粗暴的想來,如果每個小改善都讓生活幸福度改進 1%,一年中有 20-30個這樣的改進,就很可觀了。這聽起來也是可以實現的。n



[簡單心理]open 崗位: 知乎專欄

簡歷和郵件 => hr[at]jiandanxinli.comn

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Twinkling of an eye in 2017 has also been the past two weeks. January is a unique stage: New Year Ann has already begun, but the Lunar New Year has not arrived yet. In the yin and yang between the two calendar, as if January is a middle of both sides of the vain, providing a space of thinking about life.n

I think of life is relatively simple, is "a good life," and is true, very simple and practical good day. For example, the first two days of a friend recommended a noise reduction headphones. I try on the spot under the feeling is very good, will solve the train when I do unbearable noise problems. Decided to start one, as a gift to their New Year. This gift will make my life progress a little bit, that is, had a "good" little to life.n

Computer science, there is an algorithm called greedy algorithm, there is a called local hill climbing. The characteristics of these algorithms do not need a global view, do not need to have a grand idea, there can be effective immediately improve the local take a say, But the effect is often surprisingly good. Biological evolution can also be seen as a kind of local hill climbing. These examples make me quite at ease: a better life though is a relatively simple ideas, but expect a good effect.n

What is even more encouraging is that various local improvements are compounded. Such as noise reduction headset is an improvement; purchase a kindle is also improved (reading more convenient). Noise reduction headphones + Kindle let me read more convenient and enjoy, is a superimposed effect. Rough want to come, if every little improvement to make life happiness to improve 1%, 20-30 a year, this improvement is very impressive. This may sound realizable.n

In 2017, on the (more and more) good day.


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