Material Design的Responsive-UI 響應式/自適應布局 筆記(下)
1、Visibility(能見度)Permanent(永久可見)When screen space is available, a surface is always visible.(當屏幕空間可用,窗口面板總是可見的。)Persistent(持續可見)
Surface visibility can be toggled between visible and hidden. When visible, interacting with other elements on the screen does not change visibility.(窗口的可見性可以通過切換隱藏或顯示。在屏幕上可見時,與其他元素交互不會改變可見性。)Temporary(臨時可見)Surface visibility can be toggled between visible and hidden. When visible, interacting with other elements on the screen toggles the surface to become hidden or minimized.(窗口的可見性可以通過切換隱藏或顯示。在屏幕上可見時,與其他元素交互會將面板隱藏或最小化。)
2、Width(寬度)Fixed(固定的)Element width stays the same when screen size changes.(當屏幕尺寸變化元素寬度保持不變。)Fluid(不固定的)Element width grows as screen size changes.(元素的寬度隨著屏幕大小的變化。)Sticky(粘性的)Element width is fixed until influenced by another element or breakpoint.(在被另一個元素或斷點影響前元素寬度是固定的。)Squeeze(擠壓性的)Element width contracts as a panel is revealed.(面板出現時元素寬度按規定去顯示。)Push(推)
Element width stays the same, its position changes horizontally as a panel appears, and it may be partially occluded by a screen』s edge.(元素寬度保持不變,窗口面板的出現會改變其位置,可能某些部分被推出屏幕外。)Overlay(覆蓋)
Element width and position stays the same as a panel appears over content.(窗口覆蓋在內容上時元素的寬度和位置保持不變。)3、Descriptors(描述性)Above, Below(以上,以下)The y position of an element.(元素的Y位置。)Over, Under(超過,下)The z position of an element in motion.(運動中的元素的Z位置。)In Front, Behind(在前,在後)
The static z position of an element.(元素的靜態Z位置。)Left, Right, Centered(左,右,中心)
The x position of an element.(元素的X位置)Top, Bottom(頂、底)
The y position of an element and its position relative to a screen edge.(元素的y位置及其相對於屏幕邊緣的位置。)Flat, Raised(平,提升)
The z position, and shadow of an element. A flat element will have no shadow.(元素的z位置和陰影。平面元素沒有陰影。)Inset, Full Bleed(插入,全出血)
The padding of an image or element.(圖像或元素的填充邊距。)Summary, Detail(總結,詳細)
A content summary, and the full expansion of the summary(一個內容的摘要,一個摘要的詳情描述。)
屏幕空間增大時,會有以下的反饋:(一)Reveal(展現)在較小屏幕上隱藏的內容可以在較大屏幕上展示出來。Elements, such as a side nav, may become visible.(例如側邊導航會成為可見的。)
A simple UI may reveal more powerful or complex options.(一個簡單的UI可能會顯示更強大或複雜的選項。)
Content on a small screen that only appears after tapping an element may be revealed by default when more space is available.(當有更多的可用空間時,會展示出更多原本未在小空間的顯示出來的內容。)
(二)Transform(轉換)UI可以從一種形式轉化成另一種形式。Side navigation may transform into tabs.(側導航可以轉換成標籤。)A list may transform into a grid list.(一個列表可以轉換成一個網格列表。)
Menu items may transform into icons in a toolbar.(菜單項可以在工具欄中轉換為圖標.。)
界面的UI元素會被分配到新的界面。Side navigation, list content, and detailed content divide to fill a single view.(側邊欄、列表及詳情會被分配去填充整個視圖。)A left panel, list content, and a right panel divide within a single view as space increases.(空間增加時,隱藏的左側面板、列表及隱藏的右側面板將在一個界面中展示出來。)
Tabbed sibling content is divided within the same view.(一臉懵比,最後這個例子我沒看懂,所以不知道怎麼翻譯...)
Elements from a single-column format may reflow to fill the content area in various combinations.(元素可以通過重構以各種組合形式從單列到鋪滿整個內容區域。)Horizontal tabs may reflow into a vertical list.(橫向的標籤選項可以重構成縱向的列表。)
Elements may reflow within a component based on a new screen ratio or device orientation.(在新的頁面比例或者設備方向上元素會進行重構。)
(五)Expand(擴展)UI可以在更大的空間上擴展。Content cards may expand to fill the new space.(內容區域可以鋪開去佔據新空間。)
Dialogs may expand proportionally with content or in specific increments.(這個不知道怎麼翻...)(六)Position(方向)
UI組件會隨著變化換到更合適位置。A bottom sheet on a small screen may reposition itself as a menu.(小屏幕上的底部彈窗選項會隨被重新定位到菜單選項。)A floating action button (FAB) may move to a more visible location relative to other UI elements.(懸浮按鈕會移動到相對於其它UI元素更顯眼的位置。)
我英文真的不好,只是為了個人理解,如果可以直接去讀原文吧(微笑臉)再附上原文鏈接,Responsive UI - Layout - Material design guidelines歡迎關注專欄「一枚設計」 知乎專欄
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TAG:设计 | MaterialDesign | 用户界面设计 |