
本叔的商業英語10 | Price, or pricing? It is a question


這次的投稿比較輕鬆,也是屬you are too expensive 類,看來也是大家最感興趣的問題。那麼我們就當再一次複習吧。不過,這一篇有個值得注意的點。很多時我都說是英文過關,商業思維不行。但這篇剛好相反;logic不錯,但英文表達不到位。原文是這樣的:



1. 我:發了產品推廣郵件給客戶2. 客戶:詢價3. 我:詢問客戶的包裝需求、數量4. 客戶:回複數量以及包裝5. 我:根據客戶的數量,做了詳細報價給了客戶並給了10%的discount6. 客戶:說價格高


1. 首先不否認他覺得貴的comment,並且幫助他找出他覺得貴的原因。

2. 我想列出一般客戶的產品價格構成,然後分析有哪些cost可以降低。

3. 我找了他們當地市場類似產品的價格進行對比,幫助客戶分析怎樣做才能在類似的產品中佔據優勢。 現在在給客戶分析他的產品價格構成處遇到困難,想表現得專業一些,所以求助於我們的好好同學群。 看到這裡,我又忍不住跑出來問一句,為什麼一言不合就打折?是因為數量?還是目標產品的規格?如果是這兩個原因的話OK的,但提醒大家千萬不要在沒有理由下突然減價。 以下是同學仔的原文。她沒寫完。。。 Dear A, (又DEAR) Thank you for your honest and valued comment. (人家就說你貴沒有什麼honest不honest了吧。。。也說不上這句錯,但是。。。怪怪的。)Well noted you think the pricing (看下去,整篇都是用pricing。大家知道price跟pricing的分別嗎?)is too high for you. It seems that our offer cannot have you make reasonable profit in your market(文法錯得太過分了,不能放任你不說:P). Never mind, lets find the reasons why the pricing we offered cannot have you make good profit. (我彷佛看到一任性少女被拋棄後撥一下頭髮來一個never mind。。。這裡也是不適合的用法。不止是太口語,而且感覺好像是人家有做錯了什麼似的)As a good and reliable supplier, we not only sell the products to customers, but more important is to help customers to sell their products in their market and make profit. OK, lets see if there are something we also can do and help. (好,你說得對,但太露骨,也很hard sell)Andrew, do you know the rough pricing for such kind of product in your market and do you have a general idea about what pricing can help you to sell the product well in your market?(估計你是想問:1. 老外您那邊這東西大慨賣多少錢?2. 那您覺得什麼價位你能讓你賺得夠?英文的PRICE當然是價格,但pricing一字是指「定價」。在這例子兩個字都對,但你們用的時候必須知道分別!) As I think, Your Final Pricing = Supplier Pricing + Shipping Cost + Duties and Taxes + Laybor Cost + Reasonable Profit (查完家宅祖宗十八代後你打算怎麼了?由於原文未寫完,的也不得而知了) 必須同意,同學仔這個回復的logic是對的。大部分都客戶,特別時第一次接觸時都會說你是貴的。不管你是不是貴,總之你就too expensive。你怎麼?一來就減個10%?認真你就輸了!同學這個做法是對的。不否認貴,解釋貴的原因,成本在那裡。可是,英文太差了。我只能說,看是看得明的,但寫得不專業。是不是可以過關?嗯,我想是的。能不能更好?大有空間改進!


Hi, Thanks for your reply and well understood your concern regarding our price. As an OEM service provider, our success strongly rely on our customer profitability and therefore we are willing to leave this open for further discussion. Yet, please understand that our offer based on the actual cost of the material quality we used and we are happy to explain you further. 上面幾句就把原文要說的東西說清楚了。下面就不寫了,因為沒有原文所以沒法修改。不過,我不打算去問客戶要賺多少錢才夠這樣一個太深入又可能讓人感覺無禮(特別是大家都不熟的情況)的問題。此等問題不是不能問客戶,但必須是相當熟悉的合作夥伴。


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