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The One Word That Will Lead To Your Greater Success

Passion. Effort. Commitment. Value. When talking about career success, these are words that often get mentioned. Each one hugely impacts your ability to achieve your career goals. However, don』t overlook an even more fundamental and important word, self.

I』m not referring to this word with regards to being self-absorbed, self-contained, or self-centered. Rather, how it applies to your self-awareness, as well as your self-assessment, self-development, and self-management of your career. When combined with these words, it describes a high level of ownership for your development and success. Here』s why your orientation around, self, within these four areas is so important to you.

Self-Awareness – Everything you do and how successful you』ll become at it begins with having a good sense of yourself and your situation. A low sense of these two things can waste your time focusing on and pursuing the wrong things.

When I switched from engineering to business early in my career, I faced a huge gap between what I was and what I wanted to become. What helped me was my self-awareness of who I was and what I needed to do. For instance, I knew my biggest challenge was overcoming my fear of failure. I was much more conservative and less confident than I appeared. So going outside my comfort zone to take on new challenges was the biggest thing I needed to address.

I also understood that while I worked for a great company and boss, and had a good job, I wasn』t motivated to become great at what I did. It just wasn』t a good fit for me. So within a few months, I quit my job and left a career track I had invested 10 years in. To do something more fulfilling, I knew I had to completely change my situation.

To pursue and then perform in situations that can allow you to attain the success you seek, you need to be in touch with the realities of who you are and what』s happening in your situation. Without your self-awareness of these, it』s difficult to get into better suited situations for yourself.

Self-Assessment – Do you rely on your boss or company to identify your development needs? Do you depend on performance reviews to tell you how well you perform certain tasks in your job or demonstrate capabilities and qualities that are critical for your advancement? If you』re getting these assessments just 1-2 times/year, that』s a lot of time waiting for others to tell you things you could be identifying identify for yourself much earlier. Think how much faster you could improve in key areas if these assessments occurred sooner.

One executive I interviewed put it this way, 「Of course, performance reviews and feedback from others are great to get. But to grow faster, your own self-assessment of your capabilities and performance should always be happening. You want to understand your situation and development needs at all times. This includes understanding what you really enjoy doing, and what kind of success you want to achieve. It includes identifying your strengths, weaknesses, and capability gaps. And then, identifying the key success factors of what you』re pursuing and how to learn to perform them well.」

Self-Development – How often do you ask questions at work? How proactive are you at approaching others for what you need or participating in situations around you?

Just because your boss and management doesn』t ask or invite you to join a situation that doesn』t mean your involvement isn』t welcome. It』s amazing what you can get if you just ask.

「Many employees rely too heavily on the company to arrange training for them,」 explains one MD I spoke with. 「They always talk about what the company should be providing them and think about what they』re not getting. But they don』t recognize that opportunities to learn and improve are available in their daily job and interaction with others. But it takes a willingness to take on challenges and responsibilities, and to be proactive when these chances appear.」

Beyond what your boss and company can do, you need to take charge of your own development and improvement. To change your situation or grow faster, you need to identify situations and pursue opportunities for yourself. This requires a self-development mindset and approach to pursue what you need.

Self-Management – Similar to your career development, you may rely on others to manage your job challenges and career issues. Others may guide you in your career decisions and regarding what』s best for you.

Ultimately, however, you』re the one who has to determine what you need to achieve your career objectives. It』s you who needs to pursue answers and solutions that address your job challenges and career obstacles.

Here』s the reality. Nobody will feel the disappointment if you fail in a situation more than you. Nobody is going to apologize to you if you lose an opportunity. Nobody will shed a tear if you don』t get the promotion you seek. It』s your career, so you have to find and develop what you need to attain your career objectives.

So how much are you taking responsibility for the awareness, assessment, development, and management of your career? How much do you rely on others for your success? If youre not satisfied with the pace of your development or progress youre making towards your career objectives, then try applying the word, self, more to these four areas. I guarantee these will both happen faster.

What about you? If there was a single word that』s key to your success, what would it be? Whatever it is, it』s worth identifying and pursuing.


For more great career development and career success-related expertise, insights, and advice, follow Larry Wang on Wechat, at <wangliyazhou>.


To get to get to know Larry Wang better personally and access his latest career development and career success-related articles, follow him on Weibo, @ <LarryWang王承倫>.



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