
  又到一年入學季,各位學子已經拿到簽證或者正在辦理簽證,下一步是準備飛向大洋彼岸了。很多同學在焦急的等待遲遲不來的decision letter時就「忍痛」接受了某個錄取,並按部就班的辦理好了簽證。可是,就在這時,一個心儀已久的學校突然給了ad怎麼辦?


  1. 轉移SEVIS ID

  大家都知道,辦理簽證時所必須的文件之一是I20,上面有一個SEVIS ID,你在簽證之前必須交一筆SEVIS FEE,列印I901收據,並且在填寫DS160的時候也要填寫對應的 SEVIS ID。

  如果想要換學校,那就需要拿新的I20去簽證,所以之前交過的SEVIS FEE也要進行轉移。

  有關SEVIS I901 FEE的問題,可以參考以下網站:



  .D. How do I ask SEVP to transfer the SEVIS I-901 fee payment information from one SEVIS ID number to another?

  If you want to transfer the SEVIS I-901 fee payment information from one SEVIS ID number to another, you need to mail or e-mail SEVP. SEVP will consider your request and determine if the fee can be transferred. See the section on the basic rules for transferring fees.

  Put Fee Transfer in the subject line of your request. Give us your name, date of birth, the SEVIS ID number that you originally paid on and the SEVIS ID number you want to transfer the payment to, as well as a current, valid address Explain why the fee needs to be transferred. It will help speed your request if you include a copy of your receipt number. Include information on how to contact you if there are any questions.

  SEVP will review your request and determine if the fee can be transferred. If your request is approved, you will receive an email or letter indicating that you can now print your updated I-901 payment confirmation at fmjfee.com reflecting the SEVIS ID from your new Form I-20 or DS-2019.

  When you apply for any benefit where the SEVIS I-901 fee will be verified, you will need to provide a copy of the updated I-901 fee receipt.

  總結大意就是:發郵件給SEVP,說明情況,請求轉移ID,成功之後你就不用再交一遍SEVIS FEE了。

2. 更改簽證信息

  如果你是在辦理簽證之前想換學校,那就填寫一個新的DS-160,取消之前的簽證預約,用新的DS160編號、學校信息、SEVIS ID重新預約簽證即可,不需要支付額外的費用。




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