


另外一個候選人 當選呢。。會有什麼變化。。求大神分析。


非法移民上。她會在執政的前100天設立一個移民事務局來處理非法移民問題, 她會延續奧巴馬對非法移民的大赦, 為非法移民尋求謀求獲得國籍的出路。

We need comprehensive immigration reform with a path to full and equal citizenship. If Congress wont act, Ill defend President Obama』s executive actions—and Ill go even further to keep families together. Ill end family detention, close private immigrant detention centers, and help more eligible people become naturalized.

合法移民以及留學生這塊, 希拉里會增加H1B的數量, 在保證美國人就業的前提下

Clinton, too, supports an increase in the cap. In a 2007 talk, she made her position clear, saying: "I also want to reaffirm my commitment to the H-1B visa program and to increase the current cap. Foreign skilled workers contribute greatly to our U.S. technological development."

"In a global recession, every country is going to want to make sure that we have enough jobs for our people," said Clinton at a news conference six years ago in India. "So, we have to figure out how were going to work together. Outsourcing is a concern for many communities and businesses in my country. So how we handle that is something that, you know, we are very focused on doing in a way that doesnt disrupt the great flow of trade and services that go between our countries."



「Were going to bring people in, but were going to bring people in legally.」

Trump said if hes elected president he will 「greatly strengthen our border, making it impenetrable, putting a stop to illegal immigration once and for all. I will bring jobs back to the United States.」

「We have at least 11 million people in this country that came in illegally. They will go out, they will come back, some will come back, the best, through a process ... it may not be a very quick process, but I think thats very fair and very fine,」 said Trump.

合法移民/高技術移民一塊他有些flip flop

他會停止現有的h1b的制度, 用新的方案保證美國人的就業優先, 同時提高矽谷的diversity

The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: these are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay. I remain totally committed to eliminating rampant, widespread H-1B abuse and ending outrageous practices such as those that occurred at Disney in Florida when Americans were forced to train their foreign replacements. I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers for every visa and immigration program. No exceptions.」

「I』m changing. I』m changing. We need highly skilled people in this country, and if we can』t do it, we』ll get them in. But, and we do need in Silicon Valley, we absolutely have to have. So, we do need highly skilled, and one of the biggest problems we have is people go to the best colleges. They』ll go to Harvard, they』ll go to Stanford, they』ll go to Wharton, as soon as they』re finished they』ll get shoved out. They want to stay in this country. They want to stay here desperately, they』re not able to stay here. For that purpose, we absolutely have to be able to keep the brain power in this country.」

I know the H-1B very well. And it』s something that I, frankly, use, and I shouldn』t be allowed to use it. We shouldn』t have it. Very, very bad for workers. And second of all, I think it』s very important to say, well, I』m a businessman and I have to do what I have to do. When it』s sitting there waiting for you, but it』s very bad. It』s very bad for business in terms of — and it』s very bad for our workers and it』s unfair for our workers. And we should end it.」

(Washington post) He proposed increasing the prevailing wage for H-1B visas and adding a recruitment requirement to find American workers before hiring foreign ones. Raising the prevailing wage for H-1B workers will force companies to give entry-level jobs to U.S. workers instead of flying in cheaper labor, according to the proposal. This would help diversity in Silicon Valley, the proposal says, so that black, Hispanic and female workers will be hired from the existing pool.















TAG:女性 | 移民政策 | 經濟學 | 留學生 | 美國政治 |