當然題主您如果一定要吐槽古希臘雕像作品偏離人體實際形象的話,我推薦您用這一座(警告:密集恐懼症患者請速速撤離):If you』ve seen the Greek statues of men, you could pay attention to the size of their penises and wonder why sculptors sculpted them so … small. If statues really reflect the physiology of the men of that time, the Greeks are not too lucky. However, the question arises whether this is true with regard to absolutely all the Greek men.
These days, men dream of having a large and impressive penis, but in ancient Greece, it was not so. In those days, according to the canons of beauty, big penises were considered grotesque and comical. Every Greek wish to have a thin small penis, and that, in their view, the ideal size is reflected in art – particularly in sculpture.-----------------------------------
(1) Long, thick penises were considered--at least in the highbrow view-- grotesque, comic, or both and were usually found on fertility gods, half-animal critters such as satyrs, ugly old men, and barbarians. A circumcised penis was particularly gross. (2) The ideal penis was small, thin, and covered with a long, tapered foreskin. Dover thinks the immature males equipment was especially admired, which may account not only for the small size but the scarcity of body hair in classical art. A passage from Aristophanes sums up the most desirable masculine features: "a gleaming chest, bright skin, broad shoulders, tiny tongue, strong buttocks, and a little prick." 大概意思就是大JJ太詼諧,野蠻人。割了包皮的很噁心皮膚亮白,毛髮少,胸寬,屁股翹緊,小舌頭在那個時候很受歡迎想想那個時代的中國人不要太搶手哦。。。大雞雞意味著野蠻,小雞雞是文明的體現,那個時代是禁慾系當道,不想現在我們這種人有吃香了
※[考古日報Vol.49]山西郝家溝發掘一座金代紀年墓葬 出土精美壁畫