

不知道題主看沒看過程毅南(如不能轉載請及時通知)的專欄,看過酒精——神藥科普2 - 遺世獨立的理想鄉 - 知乎專欄之後,想必你會對酒精是如何侵害身體有一個了解。




有。而且相比於兒童自己飲酒,產前孕婦過量飲酒(prenatal exposure to high amounts of alcohol)會對嬰幼兒產生更大的危害。




Article 1:Alcohol intake, cigarette smoking and plasma lipids and lipoproteins in 12--19-year-old children, Sited:46, link:http://dev.europepmc.org/abstract/MED/7020984/reload=2;jsessionid=kWRZrdzmy7FjdsYd7Orh.0 (url中間有個分號,知乎無法識別,自行複製粘貼)

Article 2: A Review of the Neurobehavioral Deficits in Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol, Sited: 480;


The relationship of alcohol intake to plasma lipids and lipoproteins was assessed in 1603 white children, ages 12-19 years, from six Lipid Research Clinics as part of the Lipid Research Clinics Collaborative Population Studies. Of the 1603 children, 933 came from a randomly recalled group and 660 from a group recalled because of elevated cholesterol or triglyceride or both (the hyperlipidemic recall group). Using multiple regression analysis, the relationships of lipoproteins (as dependent variables) to alcohol, smoking, age and body mass (as explanatory variables) are assessed in both recall groups. In the random recall group, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol was positively related to alcohol intake, independent of the other variables considered; for every ounce of alcohol intake, HDL cholesterol was 0.55 mg/dl higher in males and 1.04 mg/dl higher in females. HDL cholesterol was strongly and inversely related to smoking and body mass in both males and females and was inversely related to age in males. In females, plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol,triglycerides and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol were all positively related to alcohol intake. In the hyperlipidemic recall group of children, alcohol intake had a weak positive relationship with HDL cholesterol in males; in the females, for every ounce of alcohol intake, HDL cholesterol was higher by 1.5 mg/dl. Alcohol intake was positively related to triglyceride levels in hypertriglyceridemic male children. In each recall group, alcohol intake had a small, significant, positive association withHDL cholesterol levels in 12--19-year-old children, and a less consistent positive association withtriglyceride and VLDL cholesterol. If low HDL cholesterol concentrations in children are undesirable, attention should first be focused reduction of smoking (inversely associated with HDL cholesterol) and weight (inversely associated with HDL cholesterol, positively associated with LDL cholesterol,triglyceride and VLDL cholesterol), as measures that may modify HDL cholesterol levels.

2. 父母孕期過劑量飲酒對嬰兒不好(Prenatal Alcohol Exposure)

Article 1: Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Childhood Behavior at Age 6 to 7 Years, Sited: 349;

Article 2: Moderate Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Effects on Child IQ and Learning Problems at Age 7 1/2 Years, Sited: 449;


This longitudinal, prospective, population-based study examined the long-term effects of moderate prenatal alcohol exposure on 482 school aged children. Maternal reports of alcohol use obtained during pregnancy were significantly related to child IQ, achievement test scores, and classroom behaviors in second grade children, even after statistical adjustment for appropriate covariates. Consumption of two drinks per day or more on the average was related to a 7-point decrement in IQ in 7-year-old children even after statistically adjusting for appropriate covariates. Low paternal education and more children in the household were identified as environmental factors exacerbating the effect of prenatal alcohol exposure on child IQ. Learning problems were associated with the alcohol 「BINGE」 pattern of five or more drinks on at least one occasion. This study shows that alcohol use patterns within the social drinking range can have long lasting effects on IQ and learning problems in young school aged children. These patterns should not be interpreted as biologic thresholds. It should also be noted that these are group effects of prenatal alcohol exposure, not necessarily predictable in the individual child, and that for the most part these children were functioning within the normal range of intelligence.



以上幾篇文章自行google scholar即可。因學校資料庫許可權有限,無法獲取全文,但從引用量和review結果來判斷,文獻內容應該是可信的。


1. 兒童肝臟腎脾胃都未發育成熟,酒精可能造成肝功受損,還會促使粘膜細胞發生突變,導致口腔癌或食道癌;


↑ 此結論顯而易見,相關論文一大堆,Google Schlar Alcohol Children即可,也可以加上liver等關鍵詞。

2. 會造成智商下降,社會認知障礙以及大腦發育遲緩等;


↑ 此結論有臨床依據(我上面引過的那篇,以及這篇:Heavy prenatal alcohol exposure with or without physical features of fetal alcohol syndrome leads to IQ deficits)

3. 對兒童心理的影響:容易養成酗酒的習慣,對兒童的Social Behavior(社交表現)會產生很嚴重的影響。


p.s. 聲明:本人非醫學生,對以上論文僅能從其論據(樣本數量,實驗是否客觀等)和論文發表雜誌權威性角度進行判斷。以上諸篇論文大都發自pubMed權威雜誌並且有較高引用量,相信其結論是可信的。本人時間有限,僅看了這幾篇文章(沒許可權的只能看Abstract),還請邀請知乎上各位醫生作答。




作為一名喝酒後 吐過膽汁 醉死在馬路邊 第二天昏迷不醒等前科得人

現身說法 我現在代謝酒精得能力比過去差很多了 之前一瓶58度白酒 一天就能恢復 如今不用一瓶 半瓶我要休息2天 才能恢復 所以不要酗酒

小孩子得代謝不完全 對肝臟損害更大

當然這裡只說了一條肝臟得問題 其實酒精還是股骨頭壞死得直接原因之一



說句題外話 酒精在過去是一種能儲存得安全飲用品 因為過去消毒得技術不高

所以現在都有蒸餾水了 與時俱進嘛 來幹了這杯蒸餾水











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