給 iPhone 5 廣告的配音是誰?
才華橫溢的Jeff Daniels , &<新聞編輯室newsroom&>的男主角。
Apple taps Jeff Daniels, the actor who plays a news anchor on Aaron Sorkins "Newsroom," to be the voice of the iPhone commercials.
Apples first ads for theiPhone 5 have surfaced, featuring the voice of Jeff Daniels, also known as Will McAvoy, the fictional news anchor of Aaron Sorkins HBO show "Newsroom." Its unlikely Apple hired Daniels because of his1994 starring role in "Dumb and Dumber."
Daniels character on the show is a flawed, mercurial TV news man who at heart wants to change the world, a description that could have been applied to Steve Jobs in his domain.
Daniels McAvoy is idealistically dedicated to getting at some form of truth, and Apple to some form of perfection in its products.
After more than 30 years of existence, Apple is less idealistic, but nonetheless a game-changer with an eye on creating a brand and products that have lasting impact and deliver gargantuan financial results.
With Jeff Daniels as the new voice of Apple -- remember Richard Dreyfuss, who narrated the iconic "Think Different" ad in 1997 -- Apple has found a better messenger than legendary film directorMartin Scorsese, who was enlisted by Apple recently to act in a Siri commercial that came and went very quickly.
Apple debuts new iPhone 5 ads: Thumb, Physics, Cheese, Ears | Apple - CNET News | http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57518258-37/apple-debuts-new-iphone-5-ads-thumb-physics-cheese-ears/
※iPhone 5 的外形跟之前泄露的一模一樣,蘋果這次保密為什麼這麼差?
※iPhone 5 不是第五代 iPhone,也不是和 iPhone 3G 一樣根據技術命名,看起來和數字 5 沒任何關係,為什麼叫 iPhone 5?
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