OG 17 CR 題號551
551. Suncorp,
a new corporation with limited funds, has been clearing large sections of thetropical Amazon forest for cattle ranching. This practice continues even thoughgreater profits can be made from rubber tapping, which does not destroy the
forest, than from cattle ranching, which does destroy the forest.Which
of the following, if true, most helps to explain why Suncorp has been pursuingthe less profitable of the two economic activities mentioned above?
A The soil of the Amazon forest is very rich
in nutrients that are important in the development of grazing lands.B Cattle-ranching operations that are located
in tropical climates are more profitable than cattle-ranching operations thatare located in cold-weather climates.
C In certain districts, profits made from
cattle ranching are more heavily taxed than profits made from any otherindustry.D Some of the cattle that are raised on land
cleared in the Amazon are killed by wildcats.
E The amount of money required to begin a
rubber-tapping operation is twice as high as the amount needed to begin acattle ranch.考點:二者因果 財商思維 增強
題目:explain S公司選擇低利潤的畜牧業而非高利潤且環保的橡膠生產業(證明其腦子沒病)
邏輯鏈: cause: 橡膠生產既比畜牧業利潤更高,也不會破壞當地的森林植被 effect:S公司選擇低利潤的畜牧業而非高利潤且環保的橡膠生產業
soil of the Amazon forest 土壤 無關B:
tropical climates more than cold-weather climates. 跟在哪放牧無關,而且 more than 危險選項C:畜牧比其他工業的tax重,利潤又低又不環保,現在還稅重,腦子更加有病,削弱
E:The amount of money
required to begin a rubber-tapping operation is twice as high as the amountneeded to begin a cattle ranch. 橡膠要的錢是畜牧的兩倍,前面說了資金有限,因更因,果更果,增強推薦閱讀:
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