


Professional Finance Education




第三周:知識點b-PartC and D






Question 18: In classifying the elements of financial statements, the primary distinction between revenues and gains is:

A. the nature of the activities that gave rise to the transactions

B. the likelihood that the events will recur

C. the materiality of the amounts


Question 19: Which of the following is NOT an accounting transaction?

A. Receiving cash from a customer prior to performing the service

B. Recording of amortization

C. Hiring of a controller


Question 20: Which of the following is an investing activity?

A. Declaration of a cash dividend

B. Sale of equipment at book value

C. Sale of merchandise on credit


Question 21: Making and collecting laons and disposing of property, plant, and equipment are what kind of activities:

A. Investing

B. Operating

C. Financing




Explain the accounting equation in its basic and expanded forms

知識點 c


知識點 c 詳述

The five elements from LOS b (i.e., assets, liabilities, owners equity, revenue, and expenses) are connected through accounting equations underlying financial statements. We introduce three equations for balance sheet, income statement, and statement of retained earnings (excerpt from statement of changes in equity) in this section, and leave the equation for the statement of cash flows to a later section.


Balance Sheet Equation - 資產負債表恆等式

Recall that the balance sheet (or statement of financial position) presents a list of a companys financial positions for assets, liability, and equity claim positions at a given time point. This statement features in the following so called 「basic accounting equation」:

Assets = Liabilities + Owners equity, or equivalently,

Assets – Liabilities = Owners equity.

回憶資產負債表的定義,其列示的是一家公司在某個指定時間節點上有關資產、負債和權益要求權三大會計要素的財務狀況,該表的特點可被總結成下列的「基本會計恆等式」: 資產 = 負債 + 所有者權益,或也可寫作,資產 - 負債 = 所有者權益。

Since owners equity can be further classified by its two sources: capital contributed by owners, and earnings retained in the company until the reporting date, we have:

Owners equity = Contributed capital + Ending retained earnings.

In practice, owners equity may also come from treasury stock (a company repurchases and holds its own stock) and other comprehensive income (the part of a companys income that is not reported on the income statement, e.g., changes in the value of assets or liabilities not reflected in the income statement). Then, the basic accounting equation can be expanded as:

Assets = Liabilities + Contributed capital + Ending retained earnings.

由於所有者權益可以按照其來源分為兩類:公司所有者繳納的資本和截止財務彙報日期當天該公司的留存盈餘的餘額,所以我們有:所有者權益 = 實繳資本 + 期末留存盈餘。在實際操作中,所有者權益也可能來源於庫存股份(指一家公司回購併持有自身的股份)以及其他綜合收益(公司收益中不在收益表中彙報的部分,例如資產或者負債價值的變動就會帶來損益,但這種損益是不會被反映在收益表之中的)。基於此,上述「基本會計恆等式」也可以被擴展為:資產 = 負債 + 實繳資本 + 期末留存盈餘。

Statement of Retained Earnings Equation - 留存盈餘表恆等式

In income statement, retained earnings represent the part of earnings (i.e., income) that are retained within the company. So, a companys retained earnings at the end of the reporting period equals its beginning balance, plus net income over the period, less dividends distributed to owners over the period. Accordingly, the equation underlying retained earnings is:

Ending retained earnings = Beginning retained earnings + Net Income – Dividends.

在利潤表中,留存利潤反映的是留存在企業內部的那部分收益(即收入)。所以一家公司在財務彙報期末的留存盈餘的餘額就等於留存盈餘的期初餘額,加上本期的凈收入,再減去本期中分配給公司所有者的股息。因此,留存利潤所對應的會計恆等式為:期末留存盈餘 = 期初留存盈餘 + 凈收入 – 股息分配。

In the balance sheet, retained earnings is one component of owners equity. As a result, the balance sheet and the income statement can then be connected with each other through retained earnings. Then the basic accounting equation can again be expanded as:

Assets = Liabilities + Contributed capital + Beginning retained earnings + Revenues – Expenses – Dividends.

在資產負債表中,留存盈餘則是股東權益的一個組成部分。所以資產負債表和收益表就可能通過留存盈餘而彼此連接起來。基於此,上述「基本會計恆等式」可以再一次被擴展為:資產 = 負債 + 實繳資本 + 期初留存盈餘 + 收益 – 支出 – 股息分配。

Income Statement Equation - 收益表恆等式

Finally recall that the income statement (or statement of operations, statement of income, statement of profit and loss) presents the performance of a company for a given time period. This statement corresponds to the following equation:

Revenue – Expenses = Net income, or Net loss.

Note that (I) revenue is sometimes called sales or turnover, and net income is used interchangeable with net profit or net earnings; (II) revenue and expenses are related to a companys primary business activities, while gains and losses are related respectively to increases and decreases in resources that belong to a companys non-core business. For accounting purpose, gains are included in revenue and losses are included in expenses. The following table shows a simplified example of how financial statements are linked up.

最後回憶利潤表(也被稱為經營情況表、收入表或者損益表)的定義,其列示的是一家企業在一段特定時間範圍內的經營業績。收益表所對應的會計恆等式如下:收益 – 支出 = 凈收入,或凈損失。需要注意的是:(1)收益有時也被成為銷售量或者營業額,而凈收入這一說法有時也會被凈利潤或者凈收益所替換;(2)收益和支出對應的是一家公司主要商業活動的財務狀況,而損益則分別對應的是一家公司非主營業務下的資源的減少和增加。出於方便會計核算的目的,我們把損益中的得益囊括到收益的數額之中,並把損益中的損失囊括到支出的數額之中。下表通過一個簡單的實例來展示各種財務報表是如何互相聯繫起來的。


Using Accounting Equations - 如何把會計恆等式應用於實踐




Describe the process of recording business transactions using an accounting system based on the accounting equation

知識點 d


知識點 d 詳述

The "basic accounting equation" described above implies the so called "double-entry accounting" process, i.e., every recorded transaction affects at least two accounts in order to keep the equation in balance. For example, purchasing a machine for $2,000 cash would simultaneously decrease the cash account and increase the property, plant, and equipment account by that same amount; paying off a $10,000 liability with cash would decrease the cash account and one liability account by the same amount.


An Illustration of Recording Business Transactions - 對商業交易進行記錄的實例

Consider company D whose sole business is to manage a trading portfolio of the company owners funds. The purpose is to demonstrate the successfulness of their investment strategies, hoping to profit from providing trading recommendations. This subsection summarizes company Ds operating, investing, and financing business activities in in chronological order, while the next subsection would translate them into financial statement records.



Accounting Records - 會計賬簿中的記錄

Transferring the above list of actual activities into financial reports can help owners and analysts to: (1) identify future activities, e.g., collecting outstanding receivables; (2) assess operating profitability during the reporting period; (3) evaluate the current financial position, e.g., cash on hand.


To complete the transfer, the first step is to identify which accounts are affected by a particular activity, by what amount, and whether these accounts are increased or decreased. The second step is to determine element type for each account identified in the previous step and where it fits in the basic account equation (this step relies on understanding the economic characteristics of the account and the basic definitions of the elements). We summarize all accounts that would be affected by activities described in the Table below, and categorize them by financial statement elements.



The third step is to use the information from step 1 and 2, and enter the amounts in the appropriate column of the financial statement spreadsheet. The final step is to verify whether the accounting equation is still in balance. We map the business activities listed in the Table of real business activities into their respective accounting treatments in the following Table.





Practice Questions 練習題

Question 19: ABC Corp. paid $4,800 on June 1 20X6 for a two-year insurance policy, and recorded the entire amount as insurance expense. The adjusting entry as of December 31, 20X6 is:

A. credit insurance expense and debit prepaid insurance for $3,400

B. debit prepaid insurance and credit insurance expense for $1,400

C. credit prepaid insurance and debt insurance expense for $3,400

Question 20: An accounting record into which the essential facts and fitures about transactions are initially recorded is called the:

A. General ledger

B. Book of original entry

C. Account


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