




1) 當你不喜歡你所做的事情時,很難真正地享受它。成就感、意義、熱情。你認為這些事情對你在生活中尋找的成功來說很重要嗎?如果答案是肯定的,那麼對你的事業感到快樂將會是一件很重要的事情。














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Happier Career, Successful Life

Actually, I believe most people will think the opposite. Theyll think, Successful Career, Happier Life. That your career success will lead to a happier life. But Ive seen too many instances where this isnt necessarily so. Ive met many people who are good at what they do. They climb to higher levels in top companies and earn a good living. They achieve the things that most people equate to career success.

A successful career doesnt always lead to a happier life

When you talk to them, yes, many feel good about their overall situation. But many others I speak to dont find what they do to be very fulfilling. They dont even like what they do that much. Its their job. How they make their living. They dont feel engaged doing what they do, let alone any passion for it. As a result, they dont feel that good about their life or positive about their future either. The older they get the more they feel this way.

But people who enjoy their career tend to have a much more positive view of things. Theyre more motivated and energetic in their approach to things. They feel greater fulfillment and satisfaction. These all have a big impact on how you feel about your life, overall. Heres why.

1) Hard to feel good when you dont enjoy what you do – Fulfillment. Meaning. Passion. Do you believe these are important to the success you seek in life? If so, then feeling happy about your career is going to be quite important.

For instance, a friend of mine has a good job and makes a good living, but doesnt enjoy what he does. Whenever we get together, he complains a lot. He says a lot of things that are negative. He doesnt talk much about what hes doing. Hes always talking about what he wishes he was doing.

Doing something you dont enjoy affects your state of mind, attitude, and way you feel about many things in your life. I mean, how do you feel successful if for half your waking hours youre doing something you dont care that much about?

2) What looks good doesnt always feel good – This describes exactly my first job. I wasnt a superstar by any means, but I got regular promotions in the company I worked for. So you could say that my career was going well.

When people found out what I did, theyd say, 「Wow, you work for Mattel (the worlds #1 toy company)!」 Or, 「You design toys for a living? Thats so cool!」 But I never felt the same way about my situation as they did. Because I had little real interest in what I did, I felt far from happy about my life. Instead, I often felt empty and uninspired. Although I was immature back then, I knew that my life shouldnt feel like this. I should feel excited about my future. But I didnt.

3) Your career affects how you view other things - Pursuing and doing what you enjoy completely changes how you view things. When I started doing something I enjoyed, it changed how I viewed myself. It changed how I did things, and the type of success I sought for myself. This greater fulfillment I felt in my career influenced many other aspects of my life. I became more hardworking and purposeful towards everything I did.

Perhaps you wont become rich doing what you enjoy most. But hopefully, youll be successful enough financially doing it. And youll view and measure your success in other ways that are meaningful to you.

4) Doing what you enjoy is the key to greater success - Many people have it backwards. When they see an energetic, happy person who is successful, they think his happiness is a result of his success. The person makes a lot of money, is respected, and has more control over his situation. Of course, hes happy!

But for the most successful people I know, the biggest reason for their success is that theyre doing something that they genuinely enjoy. Theyre more dedicated and engaged. They work harder because they want to become very good at what they do. Imagine what you could achieve if you woke up feeling a similar way each day.

More career choices are available today than ever before

Listen, in your parents generation, there were far fewer opportunities and choices. So a successful career was the one and only objective. In fact, pursuing a happier career in their time was even frivolous and irresponsible. Nobody dared to complain about what they were doing. Just having a steady job to support them was enough. Even if you wanted to do something different, what other options were available to you?

Of course, a successful career is always your first objective. You need to be able to provide for your family and future. But times have changed. We live in an amazing time and place of growth and opportunities. For many people today, pursuing and doing something that you genuinely enjoy is also well within your ability to achieve. In fact, it even makes sense for you to do this if you want to have a more successful career, and life.

So my simple message is this. Dont underestimate how much pursuing happiness in your career impacts your success. And not just your career success, but the overall success that you feel towards your life as well. Yes, a successful career often results in a happier life. But thats not always the case. On the other hand, pursuing a happier career will help you achieve a more successful life, whatever that may be to you. Just think about the people you know who really enjoy what theyre doing.


那些關於以後的謊言 -- 寫於2017年2月

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