
AP美史 【筆記】 美國總統大事總結:Progressive Era




  1. The Young Republic, 1788-1815
  2. Era of Good Feelings & the Era of the Common Man, 1815-1840
  3. Antebellum Period, 1840-1860
  4. Civil War, 1861-1865
  5. Reconstruction, 1865-1877
  6. Gilded Age, 1877-1900
  7. Progressive Era, 1900-1920
  8. Roaring Twenties, 1920-1929
  9. The New Deal & the Era of Reform, 1920-1945
  10. The Cold War, 1945-1968
  11. Détente, Rapprochement, & the Post-Cold War World, 1968 - present

並把每個歷史時期中的總統重要事迹都總結成簡明扼要的卡片。看看你是否熟悉其中的每個條目?能否能描述它們的內容(what, when, where, why),解釋它們的重要性?如果有不熟悉的條目,趕緊查漏補缺哦。

本文為此系列的第七篇《Progressive Era, 1900-1920》。記得關注微信公眾號(aptopscholar),接收接下來其他時期的美國總統複習卡片。

Progressive Era, 1900-1920

Theodore Roosevelt, 1901-1909, Republican

VP – Charles Fairbanks

Secretary of State – John Hay, Elihu Root

Major Items:

  • Panama Canal, 1903-1914
  • "Square Deal"
  • Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 1904
  • Portsmouth Treaty, 1905
  • Gentlemans Agreement with Japan, 1904
  • Hague Conferences, 1899 & 1907
  • Hepburn Act, 1906
  • Pure Food & Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act, & "muckrakers", 1906
  • Political reforms of the Roosevelt Era
  • Trust-busting
  • Coal Strike
  • Conservation
  • Venezuelan Debt Controversy, 1902
  • Dominican Republic Crisis, 1902
  • Algerian Conference over Morocco, 1906

William Howard Taft, 1909-1913, Republican

VP – James Sherman

Major Items:

  • Paine-Aldrich Tariff, 1909
  • Pinchot-Ballinger controversy, 1909 (conservation v. reclamation)
  • "Dollar Diplomacy"

Woodrow Wilson, 1913-1921, Democrat

VP – Thomas Marshall

Major Items:

  • Underwood Tariff, 1913
  • 16th, 17th, 18th, & 19th Amendments
  • Glass-Owen Bill / Federal Reserve Act, 1913
  • Federal trade Commission, 1914
  • Clayton Anti-trust Act, 1914
  • Troops to Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Virgin Islands, Mexico
  • The Lusitania, May 1915
  • "Fourteen Points," January 1917
  • Treaty of Versailles, 1919-1920
  • "New Freedom"



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