12/12【美國歷史上的今天】美國黑人民權運動 Albany Movement


When: December 12, 1961

What: Civil Rights ActivistMartin Luther King Jr. and 700 demonstraters were arrested in Albany, Georgia

Why significant:Albany came to the forefront of the civil rights movement in 1961. Someone in the Albany civil rights movement invited Martin Luther King to join the protest. This angered SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) who wanted the protest to stay led by locals.King led one protest march and got arrested. The city authorities decided no-one would be arrested and jailed; students were arrested and released. In this way there were no 『martyrs』 to the cause and the nation』s media were less likely to be attracted to what was going on – the opposite of what happened in Birmingham.

The Albany Movement was the first mass movement in the modern civil rights era to have as its goal the desegregation of an entire community, and it resulted in the jailing of more than 1,000 African Americans. It mobilized thousands of citizens and attracted nationwide attention, but failed to accomplish its goals because of a determined opposition. However, it was credited as a key lesson in strategy and tactics for the Civil Rights Movement. The lessons that Martn Luther King Jr. learned would soon be applied in Birmingham, Alabama. Out of Albanys failure, came Birminghams success.

Tags: civil rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr., Albany Movement, Birmingham campaign, racial equality



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