機器學習筆記6 —— Matlab編程基礎
pwd %顯示當前路徑nls %顯示當前路徑的文件夾ncd path %打開該路徑nwho %查看當前路徑的所有變數nwhos %更詳細地顯示變數的名稱、維度和數據精度nclear %清除所有變數naddpath(path) %將路徑添加到當前搜索處n
a+b %加法na-b %減法na*b %乘法na/b %除法na^b %冪指數nlog(a) %對數運算 nexp(a) %指數運算nabs(a) %取絕對值運算n
1 == 1 % 判斷是否相等nans = 1 %Truen1 == 0 nans = 0 %False n1 ~= 0 % 判斷是否不相等nans = 1n1 && 0 %AND (和運算)nans = 0n1 || 0 %OR(或運算)nans = 1 nxor(1,0) %異或運算nans = 1 n
a = 3; % 賦值數字n%假如我們不想讓其輸出可以在後面加上分號(;)nb = Hello world; %賦值字元串n%更複雜的輸入我們可以使用:ndisp(a)ndisp(sprintf(2 decimals :%0.2f,a)) %sprintf列印字元串n
A = [1,2; 3,4; 5,6;] %建立矩陣nA =n 1 2n 3 4n 5 6nv = [1,2,3] %建立向量nv =n 1 2 3n%向量另一種表示nv = 1:0.1:2 %a:x:b表示[a,b]區間,x表示遞增尺度nnv =n 1.0000 1.1000 1.2000 1.3000 1.4000 1.5000 1.6000 1.7000 1.8000 1.9000 2.0000n%其它生成矩陣的方法:nones(2,3) %生成2*3的元素都為1的矩陣nans =n 1 1 1n 1 1 1nzeros(1,3) %生成1*3的零矩陣nans =n 0 0 0nrand(1,3) %生成1*3的隨機數矩陣nans =nn 0.9134 0.6324 0.0975neye(2,3) %生成2*3的單位矩陣nans =n 1 0 0n 0 1 0neye(3)nnans =n 1 0 0n 0 1 0n 0 0 1nnA = [1,2; 3,4; 5,6;];nsize(A) %計算矩陣的維度nans =n 3 2nsize(A,1) %顯示該矩陣的行數nans =n 3nsize(A,2)%顯示該矩陣的列數nans =n 2nv = [1,2,3]; % 計算向量的維度nlength(v)nans =n 3nA(1,2) %索引矩陣第1行第2列的元素nans =n 2nA(1,:) %索引矩陣第1行所有元素nans =n 1 2nA(:,1) %索引矩陣第1列所有元素nans =n 1n 3n 5nA([1 3],:) %索引矩陣第1行和第3行所有元素nans =n 1 2n 5 6nA = [A,[7;8;9]] %加入一列新的向量nA =n 1 2 7n 3 4 8n 5 6 9nA(:) %將矩陣A的元素變成列向量nans =n 1n 3n 5n 2n 4n 6n 7n 8n 9nA = [1,2;3,4]; %合併矩陣nB = [4,5;6,7];nC = [A B]nC =n 1 2 4 5n 3 4 6 7nC = [A;B]nC =n 1 2n 3 4n 4 5n 6 7nA*B %矩陣相乘nans =n 16 19n 36 43nA.*B %矩陣對應元素相乘(兩個矩陣需是相同維度)nans =nn 4 10n 18 28nA.^2 %矩陣每個元素作平方處理nans =n 1 4n 9 16n1./A %矩陣每個元素取倒數nans =n 1.0000 0.5000n 0.3333 0.2500nA %轉置矩陣nans =n 1 3n 2 4nA = magic(3) %生成每一行每一列相加起來都是相等的矩陣nA =n 8 1 6n 3 5 7n 4 9 2n
%裝載文件nload xxx %xxx為你當前路徑的文件名nload (xxx) %以字元串的形式輸入nv = xxx(1:10) %建立向量v,元素分別為xxx文件內1~10的數據n%將當前的數據存儲nsave xxx.mat n
%plot nt = [0:0.01:0.98];ny1 = sin(2*pi*4*t);ny2 = cos(2*pi*4*t);nplot(t,y1);nhold on; %在原來的圖像中畫圖nplot(t,y2);nxlabel(time); %X軸單位nylabel(value); %Y軸單位nlegend(sin,cos); %將兩條曲線表示出來ntitle(myplot); %加入標題nprint -dpng myplot.png; %輸出圖片為png格式nclose %關閉n
figure(1);plot(t,y1); %分開畫圖nfigure(2);plot(t,y2);nnsubplot(1,2,1); %將圖像分為1*2的格子,使用第1個nplot(t,y1);nsubplot(1,2,2); %將圖像分為1*2的格子,使用第2個nplot(t,y2);naxis([0.5 1 -1 1]); %改變軸的刻度 x軸變為[0.5,1] y軸變為[-1,1]n
%for:n v = zeros(5,1);nfor i = 1:5, n v(i) = 2^i;nend; %注意以end為結尾標誌nans:nv =n 2n 4n 8n 16n 32nn%while:ni = 1;nwhile i <= 3;n v(i) = 6;n i = i + 1;nend;nans:nv =n 6n 6n 6n 16n 32nn%break:ni = 1 ;nwhile true,n v(i) = 7;n i = i + 1;n if i==3,n break;n end;nend;nans:nv =n 7n 7n 2n 1n 1nn%if-else:nif v(1)== 1,n disp(I);nelseif v(1) == 7,n disp(love); nelse n disp(you);nend;nans:n loven
計算代價函數 :
%首先新建一個.m 文件,用來定義代價函數:nfunction J = costFunctionJ(X,y,theta)n% X is the "design matrix" containing our training examples;n%y is the class labelsnnm = size(X,1); %number of training examplesnpredictions = X * theta; %predictions of hypothesis on all m examplesnsqrErrors = (predictions - y) .^2; %squared errorsnnJ = 1/(2 * m) * sum(sqrErrors);n %——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————%nX = [1 1;1 2;1 3];ny = [1;2;3];ntheta = [0;1];nj = costFunctionJ(X,y,theta);nans: %剛好擬合nj =n 0n theta = [0;0];nj = costFunctionJ(X,y,theta);nans: nj =n 2.3333n%驗證一下:n(1^2+2^2+3^2)/(2*3)nans =n 2.3333n
線性回歸方程: (筆記4的推導)
%unvectorized implementation 非矢量化表示nprediction = 0.0 ; nfor j = 1 : n + 1,n prediction = prediction + thrta(j) * x(j)nend;n%vectorized implementation 矢量表示nprediction = theta * x;n
Suppose I first execute the following in Octave/Matlab:
A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6]; % 3*2矩陣nB = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; % 2*3矩陣n
Which of the following are then valid commands? Check all that apply. (Hint: A denotes the transpose of A.)
A.C = A + B; B.C = B * A; C.C = A + B; D.C = B * A; Answer:A、B分析:相同維度的矩陣才能夠相加。相乘的條件是A*B(A的列=B的行)題目2Let
A.B = A(:, 1:2);B.B = A(1:4, 1:2);C.B = A(0:2, 0:4)D.B = A(1:2, 1:4);Answer:A、B分析:請看上面向量和矩陣那塊。題目3LetWhich of the following indexing expressions gives
? Check all that apply.
be a 10x10 matrix and
be a 10-element vector. Your friend wants to compute the product
and writes the following code:
v = zeros(10, 1); nfor i = 1:10n for j = 1:10n v(i) = v(i) + A(i, j) * x(j);n end;nend;n
How would you vectorize this code to run without any FOR loops? Check all that apply.
A.v = A * x;
B.v = Ax;C.v = A .* x;D.v = sum (A * x);Answer:A分析:看起來好像不知道怎麼下手,我們先按題目條件列出已知條件:,
一直這樣累加下去,這不就是我們矩陣*向量的結果嗎?所以答案選A。題目4Say you have two column vectors
, each with 7 elements (i.e., they have dimensions 7x1). Consider the following code:
z = 0;nfor i = 1:7n z = z + v(i) * w(i)nend;n
Which of the following vectorizations correctly compute
A.z = sum (v .* w);B.z = v * w;C.z = v * w;D.z = v .* w;Answer:A、B? Check all that apply.
之前一直以為A是不對的,所以搞了這麼久。這個程序無非就是兩個7 x 1 的向量一個倒置跟另一個相乘,最後變成一個1 x 1的數。這裡要注意倒置的順序,不能將其變成7 x 7。題目5In Octave/Matlab, many functions work on single numbers, vectors, and matrices. For example, the sin function when applied to a matrix will return a new matrix with the sin of each element. But you have to be careful, as certain functions have different behavior. Suppose you have an 7x7 matrix. You want to compute the log of every element, the square of every element, add 1 to every element, and divide every element by 4. You will store the results in four matrices,
. One way to do so is the following code:
for i = 1:7n for j = 1:7n A(i, j) = log(X(i, j));n B(i, j) = X(i, j) ^ 2;n C(i, j) = X(i, j) + 1;n D(i, j) = X(i, j) / 4;n end;nend;n
Which of the following correctly compute
A.C = X + 1;B.D = X / 4;C.A = log (X);D.B = X ^ 2;Answer:A、B、C,
, or
? Check all that apply.
B = X .^ 2例子:
X=[1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9]nfor i = 1:3n for j = 1:3n B(i, j) = X(i, j) ^ 2;n end;nend;nnB =n 1 4 9n 16 25 36n 49 64 81n
機器學習筆記1 —— 機器學習定義、有監督學習和無監督學習
機器學習筆記2 —— 線性模型、價值函數和梯度下降演算法
機器學習筆記3 —— 線性代數基礎
機器學習筆記4 —— 多特徵量線性回歸
機器學習筆記5 —— 正規方程