鳥車 (Birdy) 是否過譽了?
是否像@林森 老師說的,它「在所有摺疊車品牌當中,擁有最強的綜合性能。舒適度、摺疊性、重量、路面通過性、剛性、便攜性、外觀等,全部都有,但也全部都不是最優的」。有沒有騎過的知友給個中肯的評價?
然而 其實 並不是很好騎
維基里提到如下缺點 Birdy (bicycle)(還因此違反了中立原則):
- 價格昂貴。有的款比定製車還貴。而且單車配置奇怪到無規律可循,相對「低端」的小鹿套件卻配了個頂級車架,然後一般的架子又安了 SRAM X7 套組。 It is expensive, with some models costing as much as custom made
bikes. Component selection can sometimes seem illogical, with lower
level Capreo components on the top-of-the-line monocoque frame, and
higher quality SRAM X7 components on the less expensive model. - 輪徑小 Birdy uses less common 18-inch-diameter (460 mm) wheels instead of
the more common 20-inch wheels found on BMX bikes. This allows for a
more compact folded size but makes finding replacement wheels, tubes and
tires more difficult. - 前叉的獨特設計導致高速騎行中的平穩性差 The unique front folding mechanism is long, weaker, and more flexible
than others; the tolerance of linkages amplifies the flex, causing the
leading arms to wander; thus an old Birdy may be unstable at speed. - 座管立管偏長,騎行時間久對碗組損傷很大 The Birdy, like most folders, has a long seatpost and stem. These
components increase the weight to the bike, and the longer stem limits
the exent to which the rider can pull on the handlebars. Thousands of
miles of this activity can damage the headset or weaken the stem mount. - 後輪摺疊後鏈條無法保持上緊狀態,影響鏈條壽命,導致掉鏈 The back folding mechanism, which folds beneath the frame, doesn"t
retain chain tension (unlike, e.g. Brompton) and the chain is being
folded (unlike, e.g. Dahon in which the gears and chain area remain unfolded). This lowers the
chain lifetime, and cause the chain to derail, especially with custom
gears or harsh shipping conditions. - 摺疊過程複雜,折的時候還要抬起來,還要防止摺疊後輪時的掉鏈情況 Folding is relatively more complicated. The bicycle have to be held
high in the air while folding the front-wheel, and the axes should be
oiled frequently for the folding to be smooth. Folding the back wheel
might lead to derailed chain. All in all, folding times are longer with
the Birdy than some other folders. - 摺疊形態體積過大 The folded size is considerably larger than other same-size folders. It"s front-wheel will occupy more cubic space.
- 摺疊後沒有固定前輪和立管的設計 There"s no mechanism to secure folded stem or front wheel in folded position.
- 折起來不能立住,除非不心疼 The Birdy is not build to be parked standing in a folded position. If
tried, its front-cogwheel protector will touch the ground and might
wear considerably. - 快拆是塑料的很容易壞,稍微讓輪子離地或者載點行李都可能導致它壞掉 The plastic clip (a.k.a. "spoon") that"s used to fasten the back and
front parts is weak, and hard to find. It will wears and breaks easily
since it has to carry the back-wheel and any possible luggage: a) when
carrying the bicycle by its main part, b) by using the bicycle in such
terrains and obstacles in which the back wheel"s weight is not supported
by the ground. In such a case, the wheel and whatever luggage will be
forced down by gravity, and its total weight will be carried by the
single plastic clips, which will eventually break or unscrew itself. - 專用配件貴且難找 In addition to uncommon wheel size, the availability of some other
spare parts for the Birdy is rare, even in places in which sell folding
bicycles, due to their unique design. For example: The Birdy uses a
unique rear rack, special mud-guard, the previously mentioned "spoon",
and more.
鳥車被傳得挺牛,開始還有很多問題,但是後面它真的很牛了。真正牛掰的地方是它一直在成長,30年來一直在改進——這是其他摺疊車都沒有見到的持續研發。有一些百年老店,是還在賣100年前的東西,但是有一些百年老店,是賣100年前研究出的配方,然後100年以來一直在改良的東西。製造鳥車的太平洋公司是後面這種。以下資料來自太平洋自行車的微信、官網和微博、fb等。鳥車的改進史:1995-2004 BIRDY 第一代
獨一無二創新設計,搭配全避震、縱向折疊、主車架無折疊、優越操控性和吸睛造型…等設計。2005-2014 BIRDY 第二代BIRDY Monocoque(一體成形)主車架,最可靠的車架設計。2015 第三代 新BIRDY全面再進化(Monocoque主車架除外),史無前例的最好鳥3相比鳥2 改動近百處 圖示有30多處
追本溯源,如果都不知道設計者本人是怎麼想的,那就不能正確的理解它到底是為什麼被製造出來?為什麼這樣造?到底好不好?NEW BIRDY 開發者的話
New 3rd Generation BIRDY - Designer Insights
2015.6.28 第一話
2015.June.28th Part 1
自從第一代Birdy問世至今已是20年前的事情了,這麼多年來不僅開發者不斷投入鳥車的改進,最重要的是來自世 界各地的車友提供了非常多的使用經驗與寶貴建議,成為鳥車成長改善的原動能,在此首先對廣大的鳥車友們致以最高敬意。
A full twenty years following the BIRDY』s introduction to the market, our design team has been continuously devoted to improving the bike, motivated not only by a sense of perfectionism, but more importantly by global BIRDY fans』 experiences and feedback. Before going into our main subject, we would first like to express our deepest appreciation and gratefulness to all the great BIRDY fans out there!
承襲過去20年的慣例,鳥車每10年改款一次。2014年起,開發團隊就積極著手第三代鳥車的設計,這次我們要為大家帶來什麼呢?這個議題非常艱難,一台經過20年淬鍊下的產品,在持續改善下幾乎已達完美,如果不能帶來革命性的改變,往往會流於為改變而改變而顯得多此一舉,所以此次改變有兩個大主軸,一、 是在鳥車中植入新的DNA,二、挑戰摺疊尺寸的極限。
Following a tradition of only implementing major model changes every 10 years, our design team launched the 3rd generation BIRDY development project in 2014. The first challenge we faced was 「what can we bring to the market?」. Quite a task for a bike that has received universal approval spanning 100,000 fans and 20 years. We wanted to implement actual evolutional improvements that served a purpose, not unnecessary 『design for design』s sake』. With this in mind, we settled on two major design goals: First, new 『DNA infusion』. Second, the smallest folded size possible.
In theory, these two goals seemed relatively easy. However, both were actually something that have never been successfully achieved in the folding bike industry. While many brands consider 「innovation」 to simply mean 「introducing new products」, Pacific Cycles believes it is about more than just having something new. We believe innovation is to transcend from the current foundation, and bring a new level of enjoyment to our users.
The first BIRDY design of the mid 90』s was based on mountain bike geometry, which at the time was the preferred format. However, the NEW BIRDY features a lower center of mass, allowing cyclists to enjoy benefits such as vastly improved cornering, powering-pedaling out of the saddle, increased output efficiency, etc. These exciting new capabilities once again showcase our team』s keen design skills and willingness to listen to its customers. Another outstanding improvement is the reduced folded size, which allows the NEW BIRDY to fold a full 15% smaller whilst being much more rigid than the original structurally!
2015.6.29 第二話
2015.June.29th Part 2
Following Part 1 subjects, I would like to address the details in Part 2
Let』s begin with the new DNA. With pedals, saddle, and handlebar being the three contact points between cyclist and bike, it was critical we made sure these points were optimally positioned in relation to the bike』s new lower center of mass. Bike designers know very well that 「a small change affects everything」, so for our new DNA design to function successfully, precise positioning of the NEW BIRDY』s stem, front fork, frame and rear swing arm were of vital importance.
Following this geometry adjustment, our next issue was how to reduce folded size. As we didn"t want to modify BIRDY』s original folding method or compromise frame rigidity, we began to explore new manufacturing approaches that would make this possible. The application of state of the art production techniques such as 3D forging and hydroforming to make the new stem, front fork and rear swing arm—resulted in increased rigidity, precision and durability. More importantly, fold size was significantly reduced! We believe this accomplishment has set a new milestone for folding bikes.
Next, I would like to share with you the details of the engineering improvements of the new stem.
The stem is one of the most important components on a bicycle. It is also potentially dangerous, as, if broken or malfunctioning, can have devastating consequences to the rider. Taking such factors as material quality, thickness tolerance, deformation after welding, etc. into consideration, we applied 3D forging in making the NEW BIRDY stem, separating the forging process into upper, middle, and bottom parts. These three different parts were then all CNC machined to ensure stability and consistency. This unique new stem design offers cyclists a wider range of different angles and cockpit reach options.
We also increased the handlebar diameter from 25.4mm to 31.8mm, and used four screws instead of two in the handlebar clamp. This dramatically enhances the bike』s steering rigidity, especially when climbing hills.
在發表了兩篇開發者的話之後,有些讀者反應希望能更深入了解其中的涵義,所以在此做更詳盡的說明。所謂的低重心在車架設計中我們特指的是五通中心至地面的距離,英文通稱BB DROP,簡單的來說一般山地車五通至地面距離約為300mm,越劇烈比賽用的山地車如下坡賽專有往往會高過320mm,換言之當五通高度離地面小於300mm,就是我們所謂的低重心設計,一般公路車大約在270mm毫至290mm之間為通用設計,所以當然也有超低設計低於260mm,但並非越低越好, 因為同時必須考慮與曲柄長度配合,目前歐盟遂行規定自行車傾斜時須保有至少二十五度傾斜角,在此狀況下腳踏板最低點不得與地面接觸,因此在決定五通高度時需要考慮包含五通中天心長度、五通高度、曲柄長度等因素,並需要互相配合與協調才能發揮騎乘時之最大效能。最新版鳥3五通高度離地為279mm,實屬低重心之設計,故能提供類似公路車的安定感與抽車時給力較為直接的反應。
After releasing Parts 1 and 2, we received much feedback asking for further technical details. I will address more of these in the following paragraphs (Parts).
In Parts 1 and 2, I talked about lowered center of mass (or BB drop) which specifically means the distance between the center point of the BB to the ground surface (BB height) is shorter. In general, mountain bike BB height is designed around 300mm. Downhill mountain bike BB height is usually designed over 320mm. In other words, when the BB height is shorter than 300mm, the bike will be considered a lowered mass center design. Generally, the BB height of road racing bikes is between 270mm to 290mm. Although we have also seen extremely low mass center designs of 260mm BB height, lower isn"t necessarily better because we also need to consider the crank』s length. According to EU standards, bicycles must maintain at least a 25 degree angle when tilting. Therefore, when deciding BB height designers must seek the perfect relationship between BB height and crank length to bring out the bike』s maximum efficacy. With a BB height of 279mm, the NEW BIRDY is classed as a lowered mass center design, offering increased stability and responsive feedback similar to road racing bikes.
2015.6.30 第三話
2015.June.30th Part 3
Let』s talk about the next design change, the front fork. Since BIRDY』s introduction back in 1995, the front fork has always been the bike』s iconic symbol. It cleverly integrates suspension and folding functions into a single design, providing outstanding comfort and ground tactility, with light weight and ease of folding. How could we improve upon this apparently perfect design? In the twenty years since launching, we have gathered several important improvement directions from the market. These include reinforcing fork rigidity under intensive cycling, eliminating deformation due to heavy disc brake usage, improving downhill steering sensitivity, and difference in folded size caused by different components, etc. All of the above-mentioned have been thoroughly considered and solved, one by one, by our design team.
The BIRDY front fork consists of two parts, an 「I-shape」 and an 「L-shape」, which are connected by a suspension spring. To reinforce the rigidity of the I-shaped fork we applied hydroforming techniques to change its original rectangular shape into a diamond shape. Although this posed production challenges, the end result was significantly reinforced vertical and horizontal rigidity. In addition, by adjusting the head tube angle and BB height the NEW BIRDY now has much more stable maneuverability, which is easily demonstrated by comparing the suspension spring』s movement on the new model with the 2nd generation BIRDY.
For the 「L-shaped」 section of the front fork, the design changes were significantly more impressive and innovative. As this L-shaped part of the fork was previously formed by welding together ten different individual parts, it posed our biggest manufacturing challenge for a very long time. However, for the NEW BIRDY we managed to reduce this to only three welded parts, allowing us to provide a highly precise fork with almost no deformation problems. This was achieved using hydroforming techniques combined with a newly designed forged dropout.
Appearance-wise, there isn』t much difference between the old and new L-shape front fork, but upon closer inspection we can see the new one has a narrower width (from 100mm to 74mm) with an asymmetric design that allows the disc brake to fit nicely.
Next I would like to spend some time outlining the details of the hydroformed L-shape front fork. Although hydroforming techniques have been widely adopted among in the industry due to advanced shaping and structural reinforcement advantages, with the NEW BIRDY our design team has taken it to the next level! To be specific, we originally used oval shaped tubes for bending, which we then hydroformed into diamond shapes. Next we created a flat surface space for suspension positioning (this could not be achieved by bending rectangular tubes due to physical limitations). New forged dropouts are another unique front fork design feature. By redesigning the dropouts (from 7mm aluminium plate) to a T-shape structure we have significantly increased overall rigidity, and eliminated any deformation problems caused by heavy usage.
Next, let』s dive into the details of BIRDY』s new rear swingarm design.
2015.7.2 第四話
2015.July.2nd Part 4
Unlike conventional folding bikes which use a horizontal folding method, BIRDY adopts a special vertical design folding method. This clever design integrates the suspension system with the folding mechanism; and has been one of the key factors in BIRDYs success and popularity throughout the years. We believe a perfect folding design avoids folding hinges because these can easily create malfunction or play problems. Designed to use one shared pivot for suspension and folding, BIRDY has become the perfect small-wheeled folding all-rounder for urban, trekking and even intensive cycling.
When designing the new swingarm our main focus was to achieve the smallest possible folded size, while maintaining a consistent and streamlined appearance that would match the frame. In short our goal was to build a better new swingarm, both in appearance and function.
The first thing you will notice is the beautiful new concave contouring. This streamlining is not just for aesthetics, it actually dramatically increases the swingarm』s rigidity. We also applied semi-concealed welding to keep the joint as visually clean as possible, and provided a totally integrated swingarm. Furthermore, we also narrowed the swingarm』s width and redesigned its dropout and pivot V-stay. As a result the NEW BIRDY folds 15% smaller than before.
During the development of the NEW BIRDY, we leveraged hydroforming』s greatest advantage—flexibility of material forming—to increase the swingarm』s vertical height and horizontal width, something that would have been impossible to achieve using original manufacture techniques. Also, we internalized all cable routing and added metal tubing for cable guidance (also available for 2nd generation BIRDY/Classic BIRDY models). These two clever improvements prevent cable tangle and scratching problems when folding and unfolding the bike.
Our design team also overcame the important issue of different component sets resulting in varying folded sizes. By redesigning and repositioning the rear dropout slightly, we gained additional space between the rear derailleur and front hub after folding, preventing the two parts colliding and thus creating a smaller folded size. Also, the chain tensioner—previously an optional accessory—has now become standard spec, providing smoother folding and unfolding.
http://www.pacific-cycles.com/ (二維碼自動識別)
Overall we have made almost 100 improvements to this new model and we strongly believe the 3rd generation BIRDY is the most mature and well-designed folding bike. We welcome enthusiastic cyclists who are interested in the NEW BIRDY to visit their nearest authorized distributors and dealers to review, test ride and compare the NEW BIRDY—and find out for themselves what makes it so attractive!
-------------------------------------------------------最後 樓主的問題:——「在所有摺疊車品牌當中,擁有最強的綜合性能。舒適度、摺疊性、重量、路面通過性、剛性、便攜性、外觀等,全部都有,但也全部都不是最優的」
下圖是太平洋自行車在2016年上海自行車展台 指示的BIRDY特性,看起來就是:
Birdy3車主。是有點過譽了。從商業方面說,這個車造型特別,製造複雜,銷量小,這個價格還算合理。但從實際使用上來說,它比普通摺疊車的優點是,騎行姿態舒展,稍微更順暢靈活一些。缺點是兼容性很不好,到處是定製化的零件,無阻尼的減震設計更多是為了緩衝車架收到的衝擊,對騎車人意義不大。摺疊時會彎折線管,有可能影響指撥放線的流暢。摺疊時的動作也比較大。 birdy不是一個單純的運動型自行車,它的價值包含了時尚外形帶來的大量溢價。如果你已經有一輛用心改裝過的普通摺疊車,那麼花1W多才能買到的birdy大概不會讓你滿意它的騎乘感受。
如果你喜歡,那就是好。 現在價格都很實在,70%了。 [圖片未上傳成功]
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