發展經濟學 Reading List (下)

這是本專欄的第 49 篇日記


前言及第一部分參見:發展經濟學 Reading List (上)

第二部分參見:發展經濟學 Reading List (中)

A. Recommended Books

Agenor and Montiel,Development Macroeconomics

Easterly, The Elusive Quest For Growth

Acemoglu and Robinson, Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy

Acemoglu and Robinson, Why Nations Fail

Sachs and Larrain, Macroeconomics in the Global Economy

Drazen, Political Economy in Macroeconomics

World Bank, World Development Report (annual)

Dervis, De Melo and Robinson, General Equilibrium Models for Development Policy

Yotopoulos and Nugent, Economics of Development

Handbook of Development Economics,Volumes 1-5

Sadoulet and De Janvry, Quantitative Development Policy Analysis

Dinwiddy and Teal, Principles of Cost-Benefit Analysis for Developing Countries

Aghion and Williamson, Growth, Inequality and Globalization

Ostrom, Schroeder and Wynn, Institutional Incentives and Sustainable Development

Lin, The Quest for Prosperity: How Developing Economies Can Take Off

Sharma, Breakout Nations: In Pursuit of the Next Economic Miracles

Stiglitz, The Price of Inequality: How Todays Divided Society Endangers Our Future

B. Useful Data Sources (by Topics)

1) Development and Growth

Penn World Tables:

The Database | Penn World Table | Productivity | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

World Development Indicators (World Bank):

World Development Indicators

Human Development Indicators (UNDP):

Human Development Index (HDI)

2) Governance

Worldwide Governance Indicators (World Bank):

Worldwide Governance Indicators

3) Financial Openness

IMF Annual Report on Exchange:

Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions 2016

The Chinn-Ito Index of Financial Openness:

The Chinn-Ito Index

CGAP Financial Access:

Financial Access 2012

4) Poverty and Inequality

Poverty Data can be estimated following Sala-I-Martin(2002), "The World Distribution of Income (estimated from Individual Country Distributions)", NBER Working Paper:

The World Distribution of Income (estimated from Individual Country Distributions)

World Income Inequality Database:

UNU-WIDER : WIID - World Income Inequality Database

The Standardized World Income Inequality Database:

The SWIID · Frederick Solt

5) Enterprise Surveys

Enterprise Surveys (World Bank):

Enterprise Surveys - What Businesses Experience - World Bank Group

6) Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking Indicators:

Human Trafficking Indicators

7) Education and Labor Force

UNESCO Educational Attainment Survey:

Launch of 2016 Survey on Literacy and Educational Attainment

Barro-Lee Educational Attainment Dataset:


Excellence and Equity in Education, PISA 2015 Results (OECD):

Excellence and Equity in Education

8) Happiness and Well-being

World Database of Happiness:

World Database of Happiness

9) Informal Economy

Size of Shadow Economy as Percentage of GDP (by Friedrich Schneider):

New Estimates for the Shadow Economies all over the World - knoema.com

A newer version is available with "premium":

Size and Development of the Shadow Economies of Countries Worldwide - knoema.com

10) Refugee Data

UNHCR Statistical Online Population Database:

Global Health Atlas

11) Infrastructure and Public-Private Partnerships

Infrastructure and Public-Private Partnerships (World Bank):

Public-Private Partnerships

12) Middle East and North Africa Studies

Economic Research Forum:

Economic Research Forum (ERF)

13) Related Organizations

World Bank:

World Bank Open Data - World Bank Group

International Monetary Fund (IMF):

IMF Data

The Inter-American Development Bank:

Inter-American Development Bank

The Asian Development Bank:

Data and Research

United Nations:


United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO):

UNIDO Statistics Data Portal

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD):


International Labour Organization (ILO):

Statistics and databases

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO):


World Trade Organization:

International trade and tariff data

EconWPA (Archive):

Data, EconWPA | IDEAS/RePEc

(Photo Credit: Photo via VisualHunt)


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讀學術文獻(literature) 的三個進階

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