


One week no see,大家好!感謝題圖中劉老爺子饋贈的墨寶。上周的兩道練習題答案分別為第一題A和第二題B。上周文章點我。

Question 1: Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

A. Liabilities are future sacrifices of economic benefits arising from present obligations of a particular entity to transfer assets or provide services to other entities in the future as a result of past transactions or events

B. Stockholders equity includes the residual interest in the net assets of an entity that remain after deducting short-term liabilities

C. Assets are probable future economic benefits to be obtained or controlled by a particular entity as a result of future transactions or events

答案解析:A為正確選項,B選項錯在Stockholders Equity應當是減去所有債務(而不僅僅是短期負債)之後的residual interest,第一題中C選項錯在Assets是由所有過去(而不是未來)發生的交易或事件造成的能夠在未來帶來收益的資源。

Question 2: Which of the following would be found on a firms balance sheet?

I. Net income

II. Total assets

III. Accounts payable

IV. Cost of goods sold

A. II only

B. II and III only

C. I, II, and III only

答案解析:B為正確選項,凈收入net income和已售出商品成本cost of goods sold都應當屬於收入表的科目,資產合計total assets是作為一個subtotal列示在資產負債表上的,且應付賬款accounts payable也是作為負債的一個重要組成部分單獨列示於資產負債表上的。



Describe the roles of the statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity, and statement of cash flows in evaluating a companys performance and financial position

  • Part A: Balance Sheet
  • Part B: Income Statement and Other Comprehensive Income
  • Part C: Statement of Changes in Equity
  • Part D: Cash Flow Statement

知識點 b


  • A部分:資產負債表
  • B部分:收益表和其他綜合收入
  • C部分:股東權益變動表
  • D部分:現金流量表

知識點 b-Part B 詳述

The statement of comprehensive income, under IFRS, can be presented either as a

single statement of comprehensive income, or as two component statements: an income statement and a statement of comprehensive income that begins with net income from income statement. In our illustration below, we assume that company C chooses the latter format.


Income Statement --- 收益表

The income statement presents how much revenue (gains for the delivery of goods or services from normal business activities) and other income (gains may or may not arising from ordinary activities) the company generated over a period of time and how much expenses (e.g., cost of sales, administrative expenses, income tax expenses, and losses that may be included) it incurred to generate that revenue and other income.


A consolidated income statement means that, for subsidiaries that are controlled by (have more than 50% voting shares held by) the parent reporting company, each line item (either income or expense item) of the parent companys income statement should include the entire amount from the corresponding line item on the subsidiarys income statement (after inter-company transactions are removed). However, if the parent does not own 100% of the subsidiary, then the parent should present minority interests along with the net income attributable to parent company shareholders.


The basic equation underlying the income statement is Revenue + Other income - Expenses = Income - Expenses = Net Income. Net income is also referred to as net earnings, net profit (net loss if expenses are larger than revenue plus other income), or profit or loss, so the income statement can be sometime called the statement of operations or the profit and loss statement.

收益表中蘊含的基本關係式為:收益 + 其他收入 – 各項支出 = 總收入 – 各項支出 = 凈收入。凈收入也可以被稱作凈收益、凈利潤(如果各項支出大於收益與其他收入之和的話就是凈損失),或者損益,所以收益表有時也被稱為經營情況表或者損益表。



The difference between earnings and expenses can be defined at different levels for

company C. For example, gross profit is sales revenue minus cost of sales, operating

is gross profit plus other operating income minus operating costs and expenses (since operating profit represents earnings from normal business activities before deducting interest expenses and taxes, it is also referred to as earnings before interest and taxes, EBIT), profit before tax is operating profit plus profits generated by investing and other financial activities then minus financial costs (interest expense), and the profit after tax (net income) is profit before tax minus tax expenses.


During 20X7, if we add the absolute amount of loss (49 million) attributable to minority interest ownership in subsidiaries back to company Cs profit after tax (911 million), then the profit of parent company is actually 960 million (of which 703 million is attributable to ordinary-type shareholders and the rest 257 million to the preferred-type). In summary, company C is profitable in both 20X6 and 20X7, though its profits decrease due to the global financial crisis in 20X7.


Other Comprehensive Income --- 其他綜合收益

The statement of comprehensive income includes all items that can affect shareholders equity but are not the result of transactions with shareholders. Some of these items have already been included in calculating the net income on the income statement, while the rest items are included in other comprehensive income (OCI). Under IFRS, when comprehensive income is presented in two statements, the second statement, i.e., the statement of comprehensive income, begins with the profit or loss from the first statement, i.e., the income statement. Under US GAAP, this two-statement format is also preferred, and if the reporting company does not want to present OCI in a separate statement of comprehensive income, it can present OCI as a component of the statement of changes in equity.





下周我們繼續知識點b的part C部分內容,我們可能不太常見的股東權益變動表,照例先來他幾道題目練練手!

Practice Questions 練習題

Question 3: Which of the following items would NOT be found on the income statement?

A. Earnings Before Interest and Taxes

B. Goodwill

C. Interest Expense

Question 4: The income statement is best used to evaluate a companys:

A. Current financial position

B. Sources of cash flow

C. Financial results from business activities

Question 5: Which of the following is NOT an item that is treated as other comprehensive income?

A. Realized holding gains and losses on available-for-sale securities

B. Unrealized G/L on derivatives contracts which are accounted for as hedges

C. Foreign currency translation adjustments


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