
《Le Piccadilly》的聽後感

Erik Satie

Le Piccadilly, march for piano

Aldo Ciccolini


踩著早春的白霜,提籃推門的村姑,困意未散,腳步輕浮。走上大道,朝露撲鼻,使她徹底地醒過來,朝著紅日匿身的方向邁步。兩邊是比人還高的作物,她和麥穗打招呼,和地頭的婦女打著招呼,面上洋溢著稚氣的喜悅。突然,一陣哀愁的預感鎖住了她的胸喉,使她無邪的腳步稍稍低沉了一點,她想起生活中無數渴求而不得的美好事物,對這輪迴的世界產生了懷疑。她掙脫、叛逆、逃離,龍捲風把她帶到了奧茲國,穿上水晶鞋,走了金磚路,找到那勇氣、智慧、正直,找到那不存在的、找不到的魔法師。她說,「Theres no place like home.」大夢初醒,一切歸零,然而又非完全歸零。她依然是無邪的村姑,踏著搖曳生輝的舞步,但是更大氣、更精妙了。

輪迴即塵世,青春的煩惱無非是恐懼塵世,那代表著平庸與無奈。我們出走以追尋永恆的歡愉,卻發現內心也因此而變得空虛,黑洞不是人生的意義。所以 Wizard of Oz 教人回家,金窩銀窩不如你的狗窩,不要逃離自己呀。來去皆是赤裸裸,兩個又怎會是一樣?綠野仙蹤即或是夢吧,那電影拍下來可是花了米高梅不少錢的。


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Erik Satie

Le Piccadilly, march for pian

Description by Alexander Carpenter

Le Piccadilly, a march for solo piano, numbers among Saties ragtime-inspired pieces. It is a cabaret piece, one among many responsible for Saties reputation, early in the century, as a composer of popular songs rather than art music. Le Piccadilly, along with the song "La Diva de l Empire," were the only two ragtime pieces published out of many the sketched pieces found in Saties notebooks. Saties interest in ragtime, born perhaps out of the Parisian vogue of the "cakewalk" rhythm around 1900, was to resurface years later in his experimental ballet Parade.

Le Piccadilly is a simple march in a standard ternary form, following in the tradition of John Philip Sousa and Scott Joplin, as Satie scholar Eric Gillmor notes, the piece is divided into regular, even periods, with a trio in the subdominant key (a typical modulation) comprising the central section. Gillmor points out that Satie diverges slightly from standard form in that, along with the four-bar introduction, there is also an added four-bar vamp preceding each sixteen-bar strain. It should also be noted that this piece, so strongly influenced by American ragtime, actually borrows from an American song, "Hello! Ma Baby," by Howard and Emerson.

Saties involvement with ragtime is significant: musicologists suggest that Satie may have been the first French composer to make use of ragtime, and its rhythms and character continued to flavor his music for many years.


這是倒序消寒帖之七,風字第三,名為風三·《Le Piccadilly》的聽後感。


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