What Do You Wish You Knew In Your 30's?

This is an short article, written by a 76 old man. He was writing this to all the 30 years old adults to tell them what they need to know:


I』m 76. My high school and college classmates are dropping like flies. My time is coming fairly soon. I』ve had a varied and active life from stealing food from hotel corridors to survive to owning 4 successful companies and retiring at 49 to backpack the world with my kids. 35 was my best year. I was young enough to do it all and smart enough to see the traps ahead of me. One thing I wish I knew back then, not just philosophically, but at the basic level of my soul: It doesn』t matter. Nothing really matters. There is no point to all of the pain, stress, arguments, hassles, and the rest. I can buy a Lambo for cash and have my clothes custom-made, but I drive a 2,000 Toyota 4Runner with 242,000 miles on it, my pants are almost as old as my sons, I wear shoes I bought in 1999 that still have miles on them, my favorite food is spaghetti, and I tossed my smartphone six year ago. It drives my sons nuts. They want my wife to buy me a new Toyota Sequoia, a smartphone, and something other than the $9 tee shirts I get off Amazon. But I learned something years ago, long after my 30s: It doesn』t matter. None of that stuff made me happy. It gave me pleasure, but pleasure fades and the darkness falls unless you are happy at your core. I am. So, I』d have liked to know not to take life so seriously. It cost me my first marriage and bad relationships all over the place because I tried to grind my way up the 「ladder of success」. And it didn』t mean a thing.

By Marlon Brandy

So what he basally means is that he was rich, of course he is still rich now, but all the money did not please him, he had a bad marriage, and all the things just became lousy. In this case, he gave up his rich life. He bought a poor car, and some old clothes. He then felt pleasure, which came from his soul. He drew a conclusion: Do not try to be successful, try to please yourself.


Can we feel the happiness when we dont have money? That is a tough question. I once went to downtown LA, I saw people there, people who lived a poor life but still happy and satisfied, they talked with each others just like how people in Beverly Hills did. And I once went to New Port Beach, where all the rich men live. I stepped into a bar, and I saw two men complaining about their families, their boss. They were rich, but why did they complain? It is because they had the wish to climb higher, to reach the highest level of success. And this is what the old man, Brandy, wants to tell us. Caring more about the world around you, instead of those substantial stuff which cannot please you.



你真的覺得commitment 只是比promise更正式嗎?

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