



I dont care !

平時大家看到的是不是只有 I dont care 啊,其實,如果care後面跟上不同的尾巴就會有完全不同的意思哦,今天我們就來學學這三種炫酷表達吧:不喜歡!不在乎!不想要!

Lets get started !

1. 不喜歡!

I dont car for someone / something.

= I dont like...

- So, what do you think of her?

- 所以,你覺得她怎麼樣

- Well, actually, I dont care for her.

- 額,其實,我不太喜歡她

- Do you want some ice cream?

- 要吃點冰淇淋嗎

- No, thank you. I dont car for it.

- 呃,不了,謝謝,我不太喜歡吃

2. 不在乎!

I dont care about someone / something.

= ... doesnt matter to me.

- Are you mad at me?

- 你在生我氣嗎

- No, I mean, I dont even care about you!

- 沒啊,我一點都不在乎你,幹嘛生你氣啊(看來真的生氣了,都開始亂說話了呢)

- I lost the game, but, you know, I dont care about it.

- 比賽輸了,但,你懂的,我不在乎

- Oh, really?

- 哦,是嗎

3. 不想要!

I dont care to do something.

= I dont want to do...

- Do you want to go see a movie or something?

- 想去看電影嗎

- Nah, actually, I dont care to go out today. Its too cold.

- 額不,其實,我今天都不想出門,太冷了

Yep, its all about " I dont care ". I really like it tho.

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As always, THANK YOU so much.

Have a nice one !

See ya !


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如何用英文來炫酷表達各種「假期 」?
[第93次聽寫]殭屍新娘 結婚只是為了得到好處?

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