小詞大用 | Pull
PULL就是「拖,拉,拽」的意思,pull the door open 拉開門,pull the chair away 拉開椅子,you pull and Ill push 你拉我推,等等。
pull for 打氣,聲援,鼓勁,支持
- What team are you pulling for? 你支持哪個隊(球賽必備)
- Im pulling for you to win the game. 我支持你,你會贏的!
pull through 度過逆境,渡過難關,脫險
- Doctor, will he pull through? 醫生,他能脫離危險嗎?
- I pulled through at the very end. I won. 好險,我最後贏啦!
pull off
1. hold得住,...使你變得好看
- I dont think I can pull off having long hair. 我覺得我hold不住長頭髮 (意思就是說:我覺得我長頭髮不好看)
2. 成功完成(有挑戰性的工作)
- Do you think you can pull it off? 你有信心做得到嗎
- I cant believe I pulled that off. 我真沒想到我居然做到了啊
pull over 停車
- Lets pull over and take a rest. 我們停車休息一會吧
(平時看美劇會看到警察追在違規的車後面叫著:Pull over, pull over !)
pull in
- The train is pulling in, hurry up! 火車來了,快!
2. 拉進
- She grabbed my hand and pulled me in the room. 她拽住我的手,把我拉進房間
pull out
1. (汽車,火車等)出站,離開
- Look out ! A car is about to pull out ! 當心!車要開出來了!
2. 掏出
- The mugger pulled out a knife. 搶劫犯掏出一把刀
pull away
1. 加速(甩開其他人一段距離)
- He suddenly began to pull away. 他突然加速,甩開了其他選手
2. 避開
- When he tried to kiss her, she just pulled away. 他要吻她時,她避開了
pull yourself together 振作起來,冷靜一點,精神點
- Pull yourself together and face it, OK? 打起精神來面對事實,嗯?
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