To Be A Product Manager | Week 27

This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Week 27 of

To Be A Product Manager

I』m writing this weekly product journal on Thursday, because I』m taking a day off tomorrow, and having a short 3-day holiday for myself. The past couple weeks has been filled with so many demo tests, comparisons and meetings, I really need some days to stay away from screens.

But good things are:

1. We have partnered with 2 big clients

We are working on technical details…

2. I gave up and deleted mobile game, wangzherongyao

The idea of trying this game is all the people around me are playing it, it』s a good way to connect with people, and also relax.

But in the past 2 weeks, I』m kind of getting addicted to it. I play every night when I get home and until 1AM. Although my level grow super fast, but my body is also feeling tried.

This game requires little strategy, as well as relaxation for me, and I should not waste my time on it anymore.

3. Swimming

Back in the swimming pool for almost a month, I make a promise to go swimming at least twice a week, and after 2 weeks, I feel like I want to go swimming every other day from 7–9AM.

It provides me a lot of good vibes and energy in the morning. Besides, I also go to bed earlier, at around 11PM. Keep it up!

What I accomplish

  • demo app test
  • wechat official account model
  • H5 player compatibility research
  • CMS product planning
  • demo app planning

What I』m pondering

Looking for the right way to relax myself has been my key issue in this week.

I used to push myself to learn something valuable every day, even on weekends. I usually go to office, write or edit videos for side projects. But I also miss a lot of fun happening in this world.

For example, there are a punch of places to go for hike in Shenzhen, or even nearby, there are a lot of music festivals to go, and there are many interesting groups or activities to join…

Learn to experience the life, then you will have something cool to write.

I also find it is probably not a good idea to do things that are only meaningful or valuable, if they are, they are also definitely consuming your energy, which make you exhausted at the end.

Let your mind wander around, listen to music you love and just chill. This is the best way to relax yourself from the work, and remember to go to bed early and stay away from cellphone or laptop screens at least 30 mins before bed.

You should do something you have never tried before every weekend, and every couple weeks or months, you should go out and travel to somewhere else, these things can provide you a lot of expectation and motivation.

My name is Zake Zhang, a VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I write weekly product journal and reflection.

Thanks for reading and let』s keep on hacking!

Warm Regards,


be so good they can』t ignore you.



TAG:产品经理 | 自我提升 | 个人发展 |