
What is something that needs to be said about the Jews?

Alexey Tereshchenko


One of my favourite Jewish stories happened in China.


In 1605, Matteo Ricci, a Jesuit missionary living in Beijing, received an unexpected visit. A middle-aged Chinese mandarin hugged him, tears in his eyes, and said: My brother! We are of the same religion! The Jesuit was startled. Was there a Christian community in China he never heard about? He led him to the prayer room. The guest was surprised: apparently, his community prayed somewhat differently. He looked at the image of Holy Virgin and said that he had never seen a depiction of Rebecca with Jacob before. This was when the truth started to dawn upon Ricci: his guest was a Jew.




Yes. The community he never heard about was Jewish. No one knows when Jews came to the Chinese city of Kaifeng. By Ricci』s time, they had intermarried a lot with Chinese and looked absolutely the same with them. They had surnames Ai, Shi, Gao, Gan, Jin, Li, Zhang, and Zhao. They practised their religion, but they also venerated their ancestors in a Chinese way and they were absolutely free to pursue any career in China. They never heard about Christians.


譯者註:本文作者Alexey Tereshchenko認為這些漢姓是明朝皇帝所賜,而中文網頁資料則認為是開封猶太人自取。

Now, before proceeding, I must say few words about Matteo Ricci. Here he is.


Ricci was 27 when he came to Macau to spread the word of God. He was Italian, from Macerata in the Marche and he received an excellent education that included classical studies, law, philosophy, theology, mathematics, cosmology, and astronomy. It served him well in China.


His fame spread through China and reached the ears of the Kaifeng Jews. They learned that a foreigner reached prominence in Beijing, that he was monotheist and not a Muslim. As I said, they never heard anything about Christians. Therefore, they concluded that he was a Jew. And the Jewish mandarin Ai Tian 艾田, coming to Beijing for the examinations to get the jinshi 進士 degree, visited the venerable foreigner.


Other Kaifeng Jews followed Ai Tian. They brought Matteo Ricci Jewish texts from the synagogue and saw that he could read them better than their Rabbi. The Rabbi, learning about it, offered to make Ricci the Chief Rabbi of China if he only stopped eating pork. Of course, the Jesuit thankfully declined the proposal.



However, since that time Jesuits established close relations with Kaifeng Jews. They even tried to use this incredible friendship a century later, when their rivals, Dominicans and Franciscans, brought a case against Jesuits before the Pope.


Dominicans and Franciscans were jealous because Jesuits had managed to convert many more Chinese than they had ever been able to do. Instead of recognizing that people like Ricci were more successful because they learned Chinese language and customs and brought the Chinese valuable scientific knowledge, they started to accuse them of tolerating paganism because Jesuits allowed their converts to continue with the veneration of the ancestors.


During the tribunal in Rome in 1705, Jesuits tried to save their position by referring to the Jews. They stated that while Jews do not recognize Jesus Christ, they are obviously monotheist. Thus, the fact that Chinese Jews practice the veneration of the ancestors, shows that it is okay for Chinese Christians to keep the same custom. However, the Pope Clement XI turned his deaf ear to Jesuits. All rites presumed non-Christian were banned and, in response, the Chinese Emperor banned all Christians from China.


As for Kaifeng Jews, they were assimilated. By the 20th century, they even started eating pork.

So, returning to the question, what is something that needs to be said about the Jews?



Even if you are a history nerd, you have probably never heard about Kaifeng Jews. Why? Because there was no genocide, no pogroms, no discrimination of any kind against them. They were free to do what they wanted, to become imperial mandarins if they could pass the exams, without having to abandon their faith. Christians had also enjoyed tolerance in China until the Pope Clement XI decided to become intolerant himself.


I guess the story of Kaifeng Jews and their relations both with Chinese and the Jesuits shows us the importance of tolerance.



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