

The development of language is a long procedure that happens gradually. A single change in the word can only be used broadly after undergoing at least centuries. These changes are innovations in language. This phenomenon can be caused by varied reasons. For example, while learning from parents, the original mother language can be changed by kids because of misheard and other reasons. The phenomenon is not only happening between kids and parents but also possible in everyday conversations while people communicate information with each other.

語言的的進化中有兩種角色,原始語言和派生語言。派生語言是原始語言在不斷變化後才形成的,因此兩種語言之間也存在著很多的聯繫。比如說古英語就是現代英語的原始語言,古英語的使用時期基本是在450-1066,後來又變成中古英語,之後變為英語。在古英語中, mouse(老鼠)這個單詞被寫作「mūs」,現在ū這個母音在現代英語中普遍發音為[au]。像這樣的規律還有很多。

There are two kinds of languages in the development: parent language and daughter language. A daughter language is formed after the innovation of its parent language, thus they are very much related. For example, Old English is the parent language of Modern English. Old English was used approximately between 450-1066, and it developed into Middle English and then to Modern English. In Old English, the word 「mouse」 is written as 「mūs」, and now the vowel ū is pronounced as [au] in Modern English. And there are also many other rules like this.



Since language development can be caused by many reasons and influenced by many factors, the whole process is complicated. Most of the languages I learnt in class belong to PIE languages and there are also some extinct languages included.

(Proto-Indo-European (PIE) is the linguistic reconstruction of the common ancestor of the Ido-European languages, the most widely spoken language family in the world)



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