Looks Aren't Everything

上面是Cameron Russell, 模特,但她最出名的事不是做模特,而是在Ted上做了一個演講,至今還是前10瀏覽量。演講的名字叫做「外貌不是一切,相信我,我是一個模特」。當我第一眼看到這個題目,我馬上聯想到了王健林的那句「小意思」,不過出於好奇,我還是點開了,我發現她說得確實挺有說服力的。

Above is Cameron Russell. She was a model, but the most famous thing she did was not the model, it was a Ted speech. Her speech is the top 10 views on Ted. The speech she gave was "Looks arent everything, believe me, I am a model". When I first saw this topic, I directly connected it to JianLin Wangs famous saying, "its nothing", but I still clicked it out of curiosity, and I found out she did pretty good, the speech is very persuasive.


Below is the link of her speech:

Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model.


Here is my note for the speech:

1. Why became a model? (為什麼做模特?)

"I won a genetic lottery and be the recipient of a legacy."


2. What is beautiful? (什麼是美麗?)

Tall, slender figures, femininity, and white skin.


3. Is it great to become a model?(做模特好嗎?)

No! They are not in charge, the boss are. It is boring, and it makes them insecure.


4. Misunderstandings?(誤解?)

Modelss pictures are faked, they are constructed by professional photographers, models do not looks like that in real life.


Do models get free staff? Yes, in real life and without paying any cost.

模特得到「免費福利」嗎? 是的,現實中的東西,而且不用任何付出。


你們可能會很疑惑,她說了這麼多,跟題目有什麼關係?相信我,我跟你們感覺一樣,但如果我們把這個句子擴充一下,美麗有用,但美麗不是一切,就更好理解了。她說這篇演講的目的呢,我個人認為是要告訴那些瘋狂地追逐美貌,靠美貌來獲得一切的女生,外貌不是一切,人們尊重的是你這個人,而不是你的外貌. 我的建議就是,聽模特的話。

You guys may be confused about how she said relating to her topic. Believe me, I feel the same, but if we expand her topic, which is looks are something but they are not everything, and it becomes more clear. I think the reason why she did this speech was because she wanted to tell those girls who are crazy about improving their appearances and trying to achieving everything by their looks, that looks arent everything, people admire you because of who you are but not because of your looks. My suggestion is, listen to what model says.


男生誇女生長得漂亮比較好 還是長得可愛比較好?
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