
原標題:Which countries have a 『Greater』 map of their ideal or lost territories?哪個國家的理想領土或者原來失地前應有比現狀更大領土?



How come no one mentioned the Republic of India?( Edit: At the time of this draft )


Come on! Greater India is the Greater map 101 (Greater India - Wikipedia)


Basically Greater India Includes the Republic of India, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the People』s Republic of Bangladesh, the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, the Kingdom of Bhutan,the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and parts of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.


It is essentially a geographical area. Some actually omit parts of Pakistan that lie outside the subcontinent. If you view the area on google earth or google map you can see that geographical barriers define India.


Now please don』t confuse Republic of India with India. RoI is basically an amputated version of India. I』m not implying that RoI ought to control all of India but I do think that it is the responsibility of every Indian nation to attain a state of peaceful coexistence for their motherland ( Maathrubhoomi ). At any given point of time Bhaaratam consisted of different states controlling different parts of the motherland and sometimes beyond. But that didn』t stop them from trying to achieve prosperity for the motherland and its people.

所以請你不要弄混印度共和國和印度這兩個概念。 印度共和國僅僅是印度的縮減版。我的意思不是要讓印度共和國去統治所有印度次大陸上的國家,而是我有顆心愿希望所有印度次大陸上的國家能組合成一個和平共榮的祖國(母國)。印度文化圈在任何地點和時間裡都由控制著母國的各部分的不同國家所組成,有時圈子範圍更大。但是這並不影響各國為母國和她的人民們共創繁榮。

Here is an approximate cultural map of India


Burn this map into your mind as this historic map represents the flow of trade and commerce. The expeditions of the past were done to secure these vital interests and as R.o.India grows in maritime power it will push horizontally in both directions trying to secure its trade routes and searching for possible allies and alliances.


As the Western path has less obstacles RoI has already expanded a bit in the form of anti piracy efforts and observation posts along the eastern African coast. But the presence of PRC and the USA provides resistance against the eastern expansion of interests. In less than some 20 years the conflict of interests thus produced will determine the fate of the Asian century.


Edit 1: Here is a Geographical map of the Subcontinent-




Vietnam definitely has it.


Vietnamese were part of some tribes of Baiyue in southern China. However, some claim that they are the last vestiges of Baiyue, since the rest were entirely sinicized in south China.


Also, Nanyue, a kingdom in south China, ruled by Zhao Tuo, had always been considered as one of the dynasties of Vietnamese history until recent anti-Chinese sentiments. That kingdom ruled a very large part of south China and north Vietnam.


Centuries later, Emperor Quang Trung of Vietnam attempted to regain those lands without success, partly because of his death.


These are reasons why some Vietnamese believe the entirety of south China is theirs. However, it is very hypocritical, since:


  1. Vietnamese themselves were very sinicized./越南人本身就很中國化。
  2. Anti-Chinesen reject Nanyue as part of their Vietnamese dynasties, calling Zhao Tuo an conquerer even though he has shrines in Vietnam./反華越南人拒絕承認南越國是越南歷史的朝代,稱呼趙佗是侵略者,即使他在越南有祠堂。
  3. Thai, Zhuang, and many other ethnic groups around China were part of Baiyue, so Vietnamese arent the 「last vestiges.」/中國的少數民族例如傣族,壯族曾經也是百越的一部分,所以越南人並不是「最後的血脈」。

Not to mention the whole thing about the Paracel Islands.




The Republic of China


As of right now, very few countries recognize the ROC as an independent state, instead viewing it as a province of the People』s Republic of China (PRC). This is the territory it currently holds onto:


As you can see, it』s a single island off the coast of mainland China. It』s where all the nationalists fled to after the Chinese civil war and the communists succeeded in establishing the PRC. However, the ROC claims to officially have much more territory than this:


The ROC claims that its territory covers all of, and goes past, that of the PRC. Of course, most of the land they say was stolen is from the PRC, you may be surprised to see that they believe most of Mongolia, and parts of India, Russia, and other nations belong to them.

中華民國喧聲以上所有過去的領土,當然大部分領土被新中國所承接。你可能會驚訝於他們宣稱蒙古大部分領土,部分印土,俄羅斯領土屬於他們的領土。 (對於外國人對中國領土的認知,我也很無奈,很disappointed,很angry,反正難以excited)






This will never happen, of course, but this is their claim for the territories of their Caliphate, followed by World domination:

當然,這永遠都不可能發生, 但是如下圖是他們所宣稱的主導世界後的伊斯蘭國領域:

The Middle East, Central Asia, India - strangely enough not including the World′s most populous Muslim nation, Indonesia - Northern Africa, Turkey, Crimea, the Balkans, Austria, Slovakia, The Iberian Peninsula. Good luck with that.


(希望這個政治不敏感 )



TAG:世界历史 | 印度 | 中国 |