
《老友記》第2季第19集 - 高清正版在線觀看 - 搜狐視頻 http://tv.sohu.com/20120630/n346958884.shtml?txid=9075b2a7de230eeef8505336cfdc34ae

The OnenWhere Eddie Wont Go


Originally written by .

Transcribed by Joshua Hodge.


219 艾迪賴著不走










[Scene: Chandlersnbedroom. Chandlernis sleeping and Eddie is there watching him.]

n[Chandler wakesnup]

CHANDLER: HeynEddie. Daahh!! Whatre you doin here?

nEDDIE: Nothin roomie, just watchin you sleep.


nEDDIE: Makes me feel um, peaceful, heh-heh, please.


peacefulnadj.和平的, 平靜的,安寧的,愛好和平的


CHANDLER: Incant sleep now.

nEDDIE: You want me to sing?

CHANDLER: No,nlook, thats it, its over, I want you out, I want you out of the apartmentnnow.

EDDIE: Woah, woah, woah, whatre, whatre you talkin aboutnman.

CHANDLER: Hannibal Lecter...betternroommate than you.


Hannibal Lecter:就是"ThenSilence of Lambs"(沉默的羔羊)中的那個殺人魔王的名字,Chandler在這諷刺Eddie比Hannibal還要邪惡,一心想把Eddie趕出去./Hannibal Lecter...better roommate than you: Dr.nHannibal Lecter is anfictional(adj.虛構的)ncharacter in novels written by ThomasnHarris and in the filmsnmade from the novels: 1.Red Dragon -nboth versions of this film, 2.ThenSilence of the Lambs, 3. Hannibal .InnHarris novels and the films based upon(依據,根據) them, Dr.nLector is a brilliant, though insane,npsychiatrist and psychopathic(n.精神變態者) serial killer(n.連環殺人惡魔), who practices cannibalism(n.食人)nupon his victims.


EDDIE: No. See nownI dont think youre being fair. I mean one night you see me and you getnscared, I mean, what about all the other nights when you dont see me, huh?nWhat about last night when you went and got a drink of water and I was nice enough to hide behind the door,nwhats that about, huh?

CHANDLER: Indidnt realize that.

nEDDIE: Yeah.


nEDDIE: Ok, you really want me out?

CHANDLER: Yesnplease.

EDDIE: Ok, then I want to hear you say it, I, I want to hearnyou say you want me out.

CHANDLER: Inwant you out.

nEDDIE: No no no, I wanna hear it from your lips.

CHANDLER: Wherendid you hear it from before?

nEDDIE: Oh, right, all right, you know what pallie I understand, consider mengone, you know what, Ill be out by the time you get home from work tomorrow.nn

pallienn.<俚>朋友,老兄/Oh, right, all right, you knownwhat pallie I understand, consider me gone, you know what, Ill be out by the time you get home from workntomorrow: pal

n[Eddie leaves the room and Chandlermouths "Thank you" to himself]

nEDDIE: I heard that.


[Scene: Central Perk. Monica and Rachel are there, Joey enters wearing annold looking hat.]

nJOEY: Hey.


RACHEL: Hey. Whe-ell, look at you, finally got that time machine workinnhuh?

JOEY: Seriously, you like it? This guy was sellin them on 8th avenue and Inlooked at em and I though, you know what I dont have?

nMONICA: A mirror?

nJOEY: Fine, make fun. I think its jaunty.nn

make fun開玩笑/jaunty adj.輕鬆活潑的,洋洋得意的;時髦的,瀟洒的,漂亮的/ Fine, make fun. I think its jaunty: sprightly(adj.輕快的) in manner or appearance, lively

nMONICA: Wow, for a guy whos recently lost his job, youre in an awfully good mood.nn

awfully adv.非常,很,十分

nJOEY: Hey, Ill be alright. I mean its not like Im starting from square one. I was Dr. Drake Remoray on Days of Our Lives. Heh?nI mean thats gotta have some kind of cache.nn

Im startingnfrom sqare one我從零開始/cache n.隱藏處所, 隱藏的糧食或物資, 貯藏物<計>高速緩衝存儲器/Inmean its not like Im starting from squarenone. I was Dr. Drake Remoraynon Days of Our Lives. Heh? I mean thats gotta have some kindnof cache: square one means anstarting point; initial stage or step


MONICA: Cache?nJaunty?

nJOEY: Chandlerngave me word of the day toilet paper. Im gonna get some coffee.nn

word of the day每日一詞/toilet paper n.草紙,衛生紙


n[Phoebe enters]




nPHOEBE: Oooh, so so so, did you read the book?

nMONICA: Oh my God, it was incredible.

nPHOEBE: Didnt it like totally speaknto you是不是完全說出了你的心聲?

nRACHEL: Woah, woah, woah, what book is this?

nMONICA: Rachel you have to read this book. Its called Be Your Own Wind-keeper.nIts about how women need to become more empowered.nn

empower v.授權與, 使能夠/more empowered授予更多權利的


nPHOEBE: Yeah and oh, and but theres, theres wind and the wind can make usnGoddesses. But you know who takes out wind? Men, they just take it.nn

Goddess n.女神/take out 拿走


nRACHEL: Men just take out wind?

nPHOEBE: Ya-huh, all the time, cause they are the lightning bearers.nn

bearer n.帶信人;抬棺材的人;持票人/thenlightning bearer閃電使者


nPHOEBE: Yeah.

nRACHEL: Well that sounds kinda cool, kinda like The Hobbit.

nMONICA: It is nothing like the Hobbit. Its like reading about everynrelationship Ive ever had, except for Richard.nn

read about閱讀而知

PHOEBE: Oh yes, no, Richard would never steal your wind.


nPHOEBE: No, cause hes yummy.nn

yummy n.美味


nMONICA: Yes. But all the other ones.

nPHOEBE: Oh yes. Oh and, the part about how theyre always like drinking fromnout pool of inner power, but God forbid we should take a sip.nn

pool ofninner power儲存的內在力量/take a sip嘗一口


nJOEY: Anybody want a croan.nn

croan n.長條糕


PHOEBE: Ok, this is a typical lightning-bearer thing. Rightnthere, its like, um, Hello, who wants one of my fallic shaped man cakes?nn

my fallicnshaped man cakes我老二形狀的蛋糕/Ok,nthis is a typical lightning-bearer thing. Right there,it』s like,um, hello, whonwants one of my fallic shaped man cakes: fallic (=phallic) whichnmeans relating to the penis


[Scene: Estelle Leonard Talent Agency.Joey is there.]

nESTELLE: Dont worry about it already. Things happen.

nJOEY: So, youre not mad at me for getting fired and everything?

nESTELLE: Joey, look at me, look at me. Do I have lipstick on my teeth?nn

lipsticknn.<美> 口紅, 唇膏


nJOEY: No, can we get back to me現在可以說回我了嗎?

nESTELLE: Look honey, people get fired left and right in this business. Inalready got you an audition for Another World.nn

left andnright到處/Looknhoney, people get fired leftnand right in this business: right and left meansnto be from all directions or on every side


JOEY: Alright. Cab driver numberntwo?

nESTELLE: Youre welcome.

nJOEY: But I was Dr. Drake Remoray. How can I go from bein a neurosurgeon tondrivin a cab?nn



nESTELLE: Things change, roll withnem.世事無常,隨遇而安吧

JOEY: But this is a two line part兩句台詞的角色,nits like takin a step backwards倒退. Im not gonna do this.

nESTELLE: Joey, Im gonna tell you the same thing I told Al Minser and hisnpyramid of dogs. Take any job you can get and dont make on the floor.nn

pyramid n.金字塔/ dont make on the floor不要隨地亂搞

nJOEY: Im sorry. See ya.

[Scene: Central Perk. Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel are there. Rachel has justnfinished reading the book.]

nRACHEL: Oh, God, oh, God, I mean its just so.

nMONICA: Isnt it.

RACHEL: Uhh, I mean this is like reading about my own life.nI mean this book could have been called Be Your Own Windkeeper Rachel.

nPHOEBE: I dont think it would have sold a million copies冊 but it would have made a nice gift for you.

nROSS: Hey you guys.


nROSS: Uh, sweetie weve gotta go.


nROSS: No?

RACHEL: No, why do we always have to do everything accordingnto your time table?nn

time table時刻表,日程表


nROSS: Actually its the movie theatre that has the time schedule. So you dontnmiss the beginning.

nRACHEL: No, see this isnt about the movie theatre, this is about you stealingnmy wind.

MONICA: You go加油 girl. I cantnpull that off,can I?nn

pull off v.脫, 努力實現, 贏得/You go girl. I cantnpull that off: pull off meansnto carry out despite difficulties, accomplish successfully against odds(n.不平等)

nROSS: Excuse me, your, your, your wind?

RACHEL: Yes, my wind. How do you expectnme to grow if you wont let menblow?nn

Yes,nmy wind. How do you expect me to grow if you wont let me blow: blow is a vulgar(adj.粗俗的) Slang which means To perform fellatio (oral stimulation of thenpenis) on.


nROSS: You, you know I, I dont, have a- have a problem with that.

nRACHEL: Ok, I just, I just really need to be withnmyself right now. Im sorry.nn

be withnmyself一個人靜一靜


nPHOEBE: Um-um, um-um.

nRACHEL: Youre right, I dont have to apologize. Sorry. Damnit!

[Scene: Joeys apartment. Joey and Ross enter.]

nJOEY: What is it?

ROSS: I, I dont know, its got all this stuff about windnand trees and theres some kind of sacred pool in it. I mean, I dont reallynget it but shes, shes pretty upset about it.nn

sacred adj.神聖的/pool n.池


nJOEY: See, this is why I dont date women who read. Uh-oh.

ROSS: What, whats that?

nJOEY: Its my VISA bill. Envelope one of two. That cant be good.

nROSS: Open it, open in.

nJOEY: Oh my God.

nROSS: Woah.

nJOEY: Look at this, how did I spend so much money?

nROSS: Uh Joey, thats just the minumum amount due, thats your total due.nn

the minimumnamount due應繳的最低金額

nJOEY: Ahh.

ROSS: What, woah, woah, $3500 at porcelain safari?nn

porcelain n.瓷器,瓷/safari n.旅行, 狩獵遠征, 旅行隊/ What, woah, woah, $3500 at porcelain safari: a hard, fine-grained(adj.有細密紋理的), sonorous(adj.醒目的), nonporous(adj.無孔的),nand usually translucent(adj.半透明的)nand white ceramic ware(n.陶器器皿)nthat consists essentially(adv.本質上地) of kaolin(n.瓷土),nquartz(n.石英), andnfeldspar(n.長石) and isnfired at high temperatures

nJOEY: My animals. Hey the guy said they suited me, he spoke with an accent口音, I was allnconfused. I dont know what Im gonna do.

nROSS: Well I guess you can start by drivin a cab on Another World.nn

Anothler World:喬伊沒錢了,債務公司拿他的傢具來抵債,這時羅斯發現他居然用信用卡買了很多昂貴的東西。喬伊說他不知道下一步該怎麼辦好,恨鐵不成鋼的羅斯說「你或許應該在另一個世界(Another World)開始開計程車。」《另一個世界》也是一本電視劇,正好暗合喬伊演員的職業。


nJOEY: What?

nROSS: That audition.

nJOEY: Thats a two line part.

ROSS: Joey, you owe $1100 at I Love Lucite.nn

Lucite n.透明合成樹脂/I Love Lucite:喬伊曾經出演過這本劇,並掙了一千一百美元。但這顯然不是一本現實生活中有的電視劇,現實生活中出名的是《我愛露茜(I Love Lucy)》。

nJOEY: So what.

nROSS: So suck it up man, its a job, its money.nn

suck up吸收/suck it up認命吧/ So suck it up man,nits a job, its money: suck it up meansnto quit whining(n.抱怨),nand drive on(=move on), which is a military slang meaning tonjust deal with it and quit complaining

nJOEY: Hey, look, I dont need you getting all judgemental and condescending andnpedantic.nn

judgementalnadj.審判的/condescend vi.謙遜, 屈尊/pedantic adj.書生氣的/pedant n.<貶>書獃子,學究/Hey, look, I dont need you getting all judgemental andncondescending and pedantic:nmarked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially itsntrivial(adj.細微的,微不足道的)naspects


ROSS: Toilet paper?

nJOEY: Yeah.

nROSS: Look, Im not being any of those things, ok, Im just being realistic.nn


nJOEY: Well knock it off, youre supposed to be my friend.nn

knock it off停止to別說了


nROSS: I am your friend.

JOEY: Well then tell me things like, Joey youll be fine,nand, Hang in there, and, and, Somethin bigs fonna come along, I know it.nn

hang innthere彆氣餒,撐下去

nROSS: But I dont know it. What I do know is that you owe $2300 at Isnt itnChromantic.

nJOEY: Hey Ross, Im aware of what I owe.

nROSS: Ok, well then get some sense. I mean it took you what, 10 years to get thatnjob, who knows how long its gonna be till you get another.nn

get somensense講點道理


nJOEY: Look, I dont wanna hear this right now.

nROSS: Huh, Im just saying...

nJOEY: Well dont just say.

nROSS: Ya know, maybe, maybe I should just go.

nJOEY: Ok.

nROSS: Ok. Ill see ya later. Just think about it, ok.

nJOEY: I dont need to think about it. I was Dr. Drake Remoray. That was huge. Big things arengonna happen, youll see. Ross, you still there?

[Scene: Chandlersnapartment. Chandlerpeeks in the door. He doesnt see Eddie so he enters, breathing ansigh of relief. Eddie pops up from behind the bar.]nn

breath ansigh of relief嘆了口氣,輕鬆了許多/pop up突然出現


nEDDIE: Hey pal.

CHANDLER:nAhhhh-gaaaahhh. Eddie whatre you still doin here?

nEDDIE: Ah, just some basic dehydrating of a few fruits and vegetables. MANnALIVE this things fantastic!nn

dehydrate vt.(使)脫水/Man alive哎呀!你這個人啊!(表示驚異, 抗議)


CHANDLER: LooknEddie, arent you forgetting anything?

EDDIE: Oh yeah, thats right, look I got us a new goldfish.nHes a lot feistier that the last one.


feist n.<美> 小狗, 無用的人, 壞脾氣的人/feisty adj.易怒的, 活躍的


CHANDLER: Maybencause the last one was made by Pepperidge Farm. Look Eddie, isnt therensomething else youre supposed to be doing right now?nn

Maybe cause the last one was made by Pepperidge Farm:nPepperidge Farm Goldfish is ancracker manufacturing company

nEDDIE: Well, not unless its got something to do with dehydrating my mannbecause right now Im a dehydrating maniac!nn

something tondo with同...有關/maniac n.[醫]燥狂(症)者, 瘋子

CHANDLER: Looknyou have to help me out here. I thought we had a deal. I thought by the time...

EDDIE: Ah-ah-ah, you know what that is?

CHANDLER: Yournlast roommates kidney?

nEDDIE: Thats a tomato. This one definitely goes in the display.nn

go in 參加

[Scene: Central Perk. Joey goes up to the bar to order.]

nJOEY: Hey Gunther, let me get anlemonade to go.nn

lemonade n.檸檬汽水

nGUNTHER: Lemonade? You ok man?

nJOEY: Ah, its career stuff. I dont know if you heard but they killed off myncharacter on the show.

nGUNTHER: Oh, thats too bad. Howd they do it?

nJOEY: I fell down an elevator shaft.

nGUNTHER: That sucks. I was buried in an avalanche.nn

avalanche n.雪崩


nJOEY: What?

nGUNTHER: I used to be Bryce on All My Children.

[Scene: Monica and Rachels apartment. Chandlernis sleeping on the couch. Monica walks by and starts watching him.]

n[Chandler wakesnup]


nMONICA: Aaahhhhhhh! Aaahhhh!

CHANDLER: Whynmust everybody watch me sleep? Therell be no more watching me sleep, no more watching.

nMONICA: I wa-


[Scene: Chandlersnapartment. Chandlernis returning from Monica and Rachels with his bedding. Eddie is standing atnthe bar with his dehydrator and loads of fruit.]nn

bedding n.被褥/dehydrator n.脫水器/loads ofnfruit許多水果


EDDIE: Hey man, check it out, I got some great stuff tondehydrate here. I got some grapes, got some apricots, I thought it would benreally cool to see what happens with these water balloons.nn

apricot n.杏/water balloon n.水球/Hey man, check it out, I got some great stuff to dehydrate here.nI got some grapes, got some apricots,nI thought it would be really cool to see what happens with these water balloons: the oval(adj.卵形的) orange-colored fruit of a temperate-zone(n.溫帶) tree resembling the related peach and plum(n.李子) innflavor(n.滋味) (杏子)


CHANDLER: Getnout. Get out, get out, get out, get out, get out, get out.

nEDDIE: What?

CHANDLER:nYou, move out. Take your fruit, your stupid small fruit and GET OUT!

nEDDIE: You, you want, you want me to move out?


nEDDIE: I uh, I gotta tell you man, I mean, thats uh, its kinda out of thenblue, I mean dont you think?


out of thenblue adv.突然地


CHANDLER: This is not out of the blue, this is smack dabnin the middle of the blue.


smack v.(用掌)拍擊adv.猛烈地,突然/dab v.輕拍, 輕擦n.少量, 輕拍,比目魚/This is not out of the blue, this is smack dab in the middle of thenblue: out of the bluenmeans in a way that was not expected; smack dab meansnsquarely(面對面地,直接地eg:Inlooked her squarely in the eye); directly


英文中表示顏色的詞大都含義十分豐富.例如,英語中的BLUE常用來指人的情緒低落,心情不悅.如:you look blue today,whats the matter?(你今天看起來很不開心,怎麼了?)shes nin holiday blue.(她得了假期抑鬱症)holiday blue 就是winter holiday depression,特指聖誕節來臨時,雪下個不停,人們待在家裡百無聊賴,萬般寂寞; 也指因經濟拮据而無力購置 年貨而鬱鬱寡歡.


此外,BLUE 還指"黃色的","有傷風化"的意思,如A BLUE FILM(黃色電影),不過,黃色書刊還可以說成"dirty books"; tonmake a blue jake , blue short message.作為動詞,blue是指"亂花錢",如:he blued all his money in a single afternoon.(他在一下午的時間就花光了所有的錢)


此外,bluenmonday 表示"不開心的星期一",blue blood "貴族出身,貴族血統".據說,在中國的梁朝以前,"青"(blue")曾經也有過代表高貴之意,如"青樓"古時指顯貴之家;只是梁朝以後才降格而指妓院了,once in a blue noon 則表示"千載難逢地".


有句成語叫做"晴天霹靂",用英語講就是:like a boltnout of the blue,bolt 指電閃,the blue 應該是指藍天.例如:the red news came like a boltnout of the blue.(這消息來的晴天霹靂).chandler,一點也不突然,正是時候.smack-dab是指"恰哈地,不偏不奇地",smack -dab經常和in the middle of一起出現.例如: i stoodnsmack-dab in the middle of the room.(我正好站在屋子的正當中).


英語中的green 常用以表示,"妒忌,眼紅".例如:bengreen with envy(十分妒忌);漢語中的"眼紅的"在英語中應該是green -eyed.倘若指醫學上的"紅眼病"又是pink eyes.了.不過綠色終歸還是稚嫩,因此還有缺乏經驗的一層含義:green hand 是新手,而green-horn指新到一個地方不了解當地習慣的人.


中國人已經習慣用"黃色"象徵低級趣味的色情作品,而英語中這層含義已由blue充當,所以yellow pages 只是一本電話號碼查號薄,只是出於保護視力才用黃色紙張印刷而成.大概是黃色比綠色還是嫩些緣故,yellow boy不是指黃色的男孩,而是金幣.yellow dog 不是黃色的狗,而是卑鄙的人,或者不參加或不協助工會的人.


白色代表純潔,所以就連a white lie 也成了"善意的謊言",white room指"無菌室或絕塵室";不過white elephant即 白象在英文中就是"昂貴而無用之物的代名詞了.


而黑色總是不太好的,因此a blacknsheep就被披上了"害群之馬,敗家子"的惡名.據說黑色的羊遭到厭棄有兩個原因,一是黑羊毛不值錢,二是其他的羊見到黑羊會害怕.其他與Black 有關的片語如:black list(黑名單),black dog(沮喪,意氣消沉)blackntea(紅茶)black coffee(不加糖或奶的濃咖啡) a black look( 惡狠很地瞪in black and white(白紙黑字,書面的,印刷的)打的渾身"青一塊,紫一塊的"可用black and blue.等.


紅色是中國的吉祥色,紅色代表著火熱的激情.但在英文中,in/into outnof the red表示有/沒有虧損.see red表示"發怒"rednneck"表示鄉下佬;而catchnsomebody red -handed則表示"當場發現某人正在做壞事或犯罪"例如:thenpoliceman caught the thief red handed.(警察當場抓住了小偷)


nEDDIE: Ohhhh. Relax, take it easy buddy. Tell me twice, you want me to go?nAlright, alright, guess Ill be back for my stuff. [walks out the door and after a pausencomes back in]nBut if you think for one second Im leaving you alone with my fish, youreninsane Jack!

CHANDLER: Younwant some help.

nEDDIE: No help required Chico.n[reaches into the tank and grabs the fish and puts it in his pocket]


Nonhelp required Chico:na stupid faggot (=gay, bent)

[Scene: Joey is at the cab driver interview.]

nJOEY: All the way to the airport huh? You know thats over 30 miles, thatsngonna cost you about so bucks很多錢.

nCASTING GUY: Excuse me, thats 50 bucks.

nJOEY: What?

nCASTING GUY: Five oh dollars.

nJOEY: Ohh, you know what it is? Its smudgy cause theyre fax pages. Now whennI was on Days of Our Lives as Dr. Drake Remoray, theyd send over the wholenscript on real paper and everything.


smudgy adj.臟污的,滿是污垢的/on real paper用紙打的/Ohh, you know what it is? Its smudgy causentheyre fax pages: smeared(v.塗抹)nwith something that soils or stains(n.污點)

nCASTING GUY: Thats great.

JOEY: And, and just so you know, if you wanted to expand this scene like,nlike have the cab crash or somethin, I could attend to the victims cause I have a background in medical acting.nn

attend to v.專心, 注意, 照顧


CASTING GUY: Ok, listen, thanks for coming in.

nJOEY: No no, uh, dont thank me for comin in. Uh, at least let me finish. Uh,nwe could take the expressway but uh, this time of day youre better off takingnthe budge. You were goin fornthe word bridge你們的意思是」橋」 there werent ya.nIll have a good day. [gets up and leaves]nn

expresswaynn.高速公路/be better off v.境況好/budgenv.移動(The stone won』t budge)


[Scene: Monica and Rachels apartment. Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe arensitting around the coffee table.]nn

sit around無所事事,坐在…旁邊


PHOEBE: Ok, question number 28, have you ever allowed anlighning bearer to take your wind? I would have to say no.

nMONICA: And I would have to say pah-huh.

nPHOEBE: What?

nMONICA: Do you not remember the puppet guy?

nRACHEL: Yeah you like totally let him wash his feet in the pool of your innernpower.

nMONICA: And his puppet too.

PHOEBE: Yeah ok, well at least I didnt let some guy intonthe forest of my righteous truth on the first date.nn



nPHOEBE: Paul.


RACHEL: Ok, ok, ok, moving on, moving on, next question. Oknnumber 29, have you ever betrayed another goddess for a lightning bearer? Ok,nnumber 30.

nMONICA: Woah, woah, woah, lets gonback to 29.

nRACHEL: Not uh, not to mynrecollection我不太記得了.nn



nMONICA: Huuh, alright, Danny Arshak, ninth grade. Oh, cmon Rach, you know thenbottle was totally pointing at me.

nRACHEL: Only cause you took up halfnthe circle體積太過龐大.

PHOEBE: Listen to you two. Its so sad. Looks like Im gonnanbe going to the goddess meetings alone.

nRACHEL: Well not when they find out you slept with Jason Hurley an hour after henbroke up with Monica.

nMONICA: One hour?nn

PHOEBE:You are such a leaf blower.


leaf blowernn.落葉吹風機to挑撥離間者,煽風點火者/a leaf blower: pheo怒斥rach的大嘴巴就像落葉吹掃器那樣,抖摟了pheo和Jason Hurley在他和mon分手一個小時後就上床這個秘密。


[Monica goes into her room and slams the door. Rachel does the same. Phoebe,nwithout a door to slam, opens a small chest and slams the lid.]


chest n.箱, 櫃/lid n.蓋子


[Scene: Joeys apartment. Joey is watching movers take all his stuff away.]

nJOEY: Oh hey uh, be careful with that 3-D last supper, Judas is a little loose.nn

3-D:three dimensionalnadj.三維的


nROSS: [enters] Oh my God, whats goin on?

nJOEY: Theyre takin all my stuff back. I guess you were right.

ROSS: No look I wasnt right, thats what I came here tontell you. I was totally hung up on, on my own stuff. Listen, Im someone whonneeds the whole security thing, ya know. To know exactly where my next paychecknis coming from buy you, you dont need that and thats amazing to me. I couldnnever do what you do Joey.nn

hang up on 因...而精神不安的/security n.安全感

nJOEY: Thanks Ross.

nROSS: Yeah. And you should hold out for something bigger. I cant tell you how much respect I havenfor you not going to that stupid cab driver audition.nn

hold out forn[口](為等待更好時機)拖延時間/

JOEY: I went.

nROSS: Great, how did it go?

nJOEY: I didnt get it.

nROSS: Good for you.

nJOEY: What?

nROSS: Youre livin the dream.

nJOEY: Huh?

nROSS: All right then.

nJOEY: [movers removing a glass parrot] Oh, not my parrot.nn

parrot n.鸚鵡


nROSS: What?

nJOEY: I cant watch this.

nROSS: [approaching the mover holding the parrot] Hey hold on, hold on. How muchnfor the uh, how much to save the bird?

nMOVER: 1200.

ROSS: Dollars? You spent $1200 dollars on a plastic bird?

nJOEY: Uhhh, I was an impulse buyer, near the register.nn

impulse n.衝動/impulse buyer n.即興購買者,即興購物的顧客/register n.收銀機(=cash register)


nROSS: Go ahead, go ahead with the bird. Ok, do you have anything for aroundn200?

nMOVER: Uh, the dog. [points to a big porcelain greyhound]nn

greyhound n.灰狗/porcelain n.瓷器


nROSS: Huh.

nMOVER: Yeah.

nROSS: Ill take it. My gift to you man.

nJOEY: Thanks Ross. I really like that bird though...Ill take the dog though.

[Scene: Central Perk. Monica and Phoebe are sitting ignoring each other.nRachel walks up with two pieces of cake.]

nRACHEL: Here are your cakes.

nMONICA: We didnt order cake.

nRACHEL: No, I know, theyre from me. Look you guys this is not good. I mean wenhave enough trouble with guys stealing our wind without taking it from each other.

nMONICA: Youre right.

nRACHEL: You know.

nPHOEBE: I love you goddesses. I dont ever want to suck your wind again.

nRACHEL: Thank you. So are we good?

good adj.和好的


MONICA: Were good.

nRACHEL: Were good?

nPHOEBE: Yeah.

RACHEL: Ok, let me take these cakes back cause theyrengonna take that out of my paycheck.

CHANDLER:n[enters] Ding dong, the psychos gone.



MONICA: Are you sure this time?

CHANDLER:nYes, yes I actually saw him leave. I mean that guy is standing in the windownholding a human head. He is STANDING IN THE WINDOW HOLDING A HUMAN HEAD!

EDDIE: [enters] Check it out man, I tore it off some mannequinnin the alley behind Macys.nn

tear it off從…拉下來的/mannequin n.時裝模特兒,人體模型/alley n.小巷

MONICA: There is no alley behind Macys.

nEDDIE: So I got it in the junior miss department, big diff. Anyway check it outnman, its gonna make a hell of a conversation piece at out next cocktail party, huh pal?nn

junior missnn.少女/diff n.<俚>extremelyndifficult or challenging/ make conversation找話談,進行無意義的空談,閑扯/piece n.談話的素材/Anyway, check it out man, it』s gonna make a hell of a conversationnpiece at our next cocktail party,nhuh pal: hell of a is a phrasenwhich actually means hell, as an intensive purpose.


CHANDLER: Our next cocktail party?

nEDDIE: Yeah, you know, put chips in it, well make like a chip chick.


chip n.洋芋片,(土豆)薄片


CHANDLER:nEddie, do you remember yesterday?

nEDDIE: Uh yes, I think I vaguely recall it.


vaguely adv.含糊地, 曖昧地/recall v.回想起,回憶起,記得


CHANDLER: Donyou remember talking to me yesterday?

nEDDIE: Uh, yes.

CHANDLER:nSo what happened?

nEDDIE: We took a road trip to Las Vegasnman.

CHANDLER: Oh sweet Moses.(=Oh My God)nn

Moses n.摩西(《聖經》故事中猶太人古代領袖)


nMONICA: So on this road trip, did you guys win any money?

nEDDIE: Naah, I crapped out, but Mr. 21 over here he cleans up, 300 bucks, checknit out he buys me these new shoes, sweet huh?nn

crap out<俚>放棄,退出/clean up v.打掃乾淨, 整理, 賺錢, 獲利/Naah, I crapped out, butnMr. 21 over here he cleansnup, 300 bucks, checknit out he buys me these new shoes, sweet huh: crapped out means to back out(v.收回,停止不幹), quit; cleansnup means make anbig profit, often in a short period of time


nMONICA: Nice.

nEDDIE: Yeah. Well see ya upstairs. See ya pals.

PHOEBE: Is anyone else starting to really like him?

[Scene: Hallway outside Chandlernand Joeys apartment. Eddie walks up.]

n[Eddie tries his key and it wont work. He knocks and Chandler answers the door. Hes got the doornchained.]


chained adj.裝鏈的, 被鏈鎖住的


CHANDLER: May Inhelp you?

nEDDIE: Why doesnt my key work and whats all my stuff doin downstairs?

CHANDLER: Well,nIm, Im sorry...[Eddie forces強伸 his head in the door] Ahhh. Have we met?

nEDDIE: Its Eddie you freak, your roommate.nn

freak n.獃子


CHANDLER: I,nIm sorry, I uh [unchains the door and opens it all the way] I already have a roommate. [Joey turns aroundnin the leather recliner]nn

unchain vt.解除, 釋放


nJOEY: Hello.

CHANDLER: Yeah,nhes lived here for years, I dont, I dont know what youre talking about man.

nEDDIE: No he, he moved out and I moved in.

CHANDLER: WellnI, I think wed remember something like that.

nJOEY: I know I would.

nEDDIE: Well thats uh, thats a goodnpoint說得有理. Um ok, well, uh, I guess I got the wrong apartment then.nI, Im, look, Im, ya know, Im sorry, Im terriably sorry.

nJOEY: Hey no problem.

CHANDLER:nSee ya. [shuts the door] Goodbuy you fruit drying psychopath. So you want me tonhelp you unpack your stuff?nn

psychopathnn.精神病患者/unpack v.打開包裹(或行李等), 卸貨, 揭開/Goodbye you fruit drying psychopath: a mentally ill or unstable person,nespecially, a person having a psychopathic(adj.精神錯亂的) personality

nJOEY: Na, na Im ok. Oh and uh, just so you know, Im not movin back in causenI have to. Well, I mean, I do have to. Its just that that place wasnt really,nI mean, this is...

CHANDLER:nWelcome home man. [they hug and jump around]

nJOEY: A little foos?


nJOEY: What happened to the foosball?

CHANDLER: Ahnthats a cantelope.nn

cantelope n.哈密瓜


[Scene: Chandlernand Joeys apartment. They are hauling out the porcelain dog from Joeys room. Chandler is holding thendog by the rear(n.後面,後部) in a ratherninteresting position.]

CHANDLER: Heynlook, are we gonna have to bring this out every time Ross comes over過來?

nJOEY: He paid a lot of money for it.

CHANDLER:nIm gonna hold him a different way. Look I dont understand, if you hated it sonmuch, why did you buy it in the first place一開始?

nJOEY: Well, I had a whole ceramic zoo thing goin over there but now, withoutnthe other ones, it just looks tacky.nn

ceramic adj.陶器的,陶瓷的/go over佔據


CHANDLER:nSo is he housetrained or is he gonna leave little bathroom tiles all over thenplace? Stay. Good, STAY! Good fake dog.nn

housetrainednadj.家養的to不隨地大小便/bathroom tilesnn.浴室瓷磚/So, isnhe housetrained or isnhe gonna leave little bathroom tiles all over thenplace: describes a pet that has learned not to urinate(=pee)nor empty its bowels(v.清腸,大便) in your home




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