
過去一年全世界最棒的攝影作品在這裡——2017 索尼世界攝影大賽 獲獎作品

索尼世界攝影大賽(Sony World Photography Awards)開始於2007年,今年是第十個年頭了。這是在索尼集團的贊助下,世界攝影組織主辦的唯一攝影比賽,也是全球最具權威和影響力的攝影獎項之一。大賽涵蓋範圍非常廣,分為4個組別的比賽:專業組、公開組、青少年組和專業學生組。今年的最終獲獎名單在4月20日晚公布了,一張張堪稱過去一年裡世界上最棒的攝影作品揭開了面紗,一起來欣賞欣賞。

| 年度攝影師

今年的比賽,光是專業組和公開組就收到了來自183個國家和地區超過22萬參賽者的作品,按照慣例,評委們會從這些作品中挑選出最佳的一位,評為年度攝影師。今年榮獲此殊榮的是比利時攝影師 Frederik Buyckx 與他一組名為 Whiteout 的獲獎作品。

? Frederik Buyckx, Belgium, Photographer of the Year, Professional, Landscape, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards


| 專業組獲獎作品


Architecture 建築

? Dongni, China, 1st Place, Professional, Architecture, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Conceptual 概念

? Sabine Cattaneo, Switzerland, 1st Place, Professional, Conceptual, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Contemporary Issues 當代問題

? Tasneem Alsultan, Saudi Arabia, 1st Place, Professional, Contemporary Issues, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Current Affairs & News 時事新聞

? Alessio Romenzi, Italy, 1st Place, Professional, Current Affairs & News, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Daily Life 日常生活

? Sandra Hoyn, Germany, 1st Place, Professional, Daily Life, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Landscape 風光

? Frederik Buyckx, Belgium, Photographer of the Year, Professional, Landscape, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Natural World 自然

? Will Burrard-Lucas, UK, 1st Place, Professional, Natural World, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Portraiture 人像

? George Mayer, Russia, 1st Place, Professional, Portraiture, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Sport 運動

? Yuan Peng, China, 1st Place, Professional, Sport, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Still Life 靜物

? Henry Agudelo, Colombia, 1st Place, Professional, Still Life, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

| 公開組獲獎作品


Motion 瞬間影像

? Camilo Diaz, Colombia, Winner, Open Competition, Motion, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Architecture 建築

? Tim Cornbill, UK, Winner, Open Competition, Architecture, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Travel 旅行

? Ralph Gr?f, Germany, Winner, Open Competition, Travel, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Enhanced 後期

? Lise Johansson, Denmark, Winner, Open Competition, Enhanced, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Culture 文化

? Jianguo Gong, China, Winner, Open Competition, Culture, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Nature 自然

? Hiroshi Tanita, Japan, Winner, Open Competition, Nature, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Wildlife 動物

? Alessandra Meniconzi , Switzerland, Winner, Open Competition, Wildlife, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Portraits 人像

? Alexander Vinogradov, Open Photographer of the Year, Open Competition, Portraits, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Still Life 靜物

? Sergey Dibtsev, Russia, Winner, Open Competition, Still Life, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

Street Photography 街拍

? Constantinos Sofikitis, Greece, Winner, Open Competition, Street Photography, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

| 青少年組獲獎作品

青少年組比賽是針對12-19歲的攝影師,不分類別,從參賽作品中評選最佳單幅作品。今年的年度青少年攝影師是來自美國加州洛杉磯的Katelyn Wang。Wang的作品拍攝的是智利的百內國家公園Pehoé湖周邊景色。

? Katelyn Wang, USA, Youth Photographer of the Year, Beauty, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards

| 專業學生組獲獎作品

專業學生組比賽是針對攝影專業學生的世界頂尖比賽之一,任何接受全日制攝影專業教育的學生均可參加。今年,來自阿根廷21歲的學生Michelle Daiana Gentile憑藉他的作品 Only Hope 被評選為年度學生攝影師。這組作品是Gentile在阿根廷一個老造紙廠與工人們相處了10天所拍攝的。

? Michelle Daiana Gentile, Motivarte, Argentina, Student Photographer of the year, 2017 Sony World Photography Awards



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攝影藝考| 安德里亞·古斯基新作評析

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