《老友記》第1季第15集 - 高清正版在線觀看 - 搜狐視頻 http://tv.sohu.com/20120630/n346958006.shtml?txid=9075b2a7de230eeef8505336cfdc34ae
The OnenWith the Stoned Guy
nnWritten by: Jeff Greenstein & Jeff Strauss
nTranscribed by: Ruth Curran
nConverted to HTML: by Dan Silversteinnn115 大麻客
公司提升錢德,但他毅然拒絕,因為他並非真正喜歡和數字打一輩子交道; 而他的老闆卻窮追猛打,不斷允諾更高的薪水,最後錢德敗陣,得以升職; (這可不正像六人行收山傳聞不斷卻又拍了又拍!) 他洋洋得意對菲比炫耀他的新辦公室和他招之即來的秘書小姐。 菲比的一個客戶在找大廚,莫妮卡於是做菜應徵; 不幸的是,此人來的路上吸食了大麻、神智不清、見啥吃啥,那個晚上簡直就是個災難。 羅斯和博物館的女同事賽麗亞約會,賽麗亞想聽他講下流話;羅斯——起初——還不大會講……
nn[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is serving Joey, Ross, andnMonica their drinks.]
nnRachel: (tonJoey) Coffee. (Hands it to him.)
nnJoey: Thanknyou.
nnRachel: (tonRoss) Cappuccino. (Hands it to him.)
nnRoss: Grazie.
Rachel: Andna nice hot cider for Monica. (Hands it to her.)
nncider n.蘋果酒
Monica:nAww, thank you. (Notices something.) Uh Rach?
Monica: Whyndoes my cinamon stick have an eraser?
nncinnamon n.[植物]肉桂, 桂皮, 肉桂色/eraser n.橡皮擦
Rachel: Oh! Thats why. (Rachel checks behind her ear, andnfinds a cinamon stick.) Im sorry!
nn(She takes the pencil out of Monicas coffee and Monicanputs her cup down in disgust.)
nnOpening Credits
nn[Scene: Chandlersnjob, Chandlernis typing data into his computer, he keeps typing even while taking a drink ofncoffee with one hand. One of his co-workers同事 walks by.]
nnWoman: Chandler.
nnChandler:nMrs. Tedlock. Youre looking lovely today. And may I say, that is a verynflattering sleeve length on you.
nnflatteringnadj. adj.諂媚的, 討人歡喜的, 奉承的to好看的/sleeve length n.衣服
Mrs. Tedlock:nYes. Well, Mr. Kostelick wants you to stop by his office at the end of the day.
nnChandler:nOh, listen. If this is about those prank memos, I had nothing to do with them.nReally. Nothing at all. Really. (Chandlerntries to hide a rubber chicken from the woman.) Nothing.
nnprank n.惡作劇,玩笑/memo (memorandum的縮寫)n.備忘錄/have nothing to do with與……無關/rubber chicken橡皮雞
[Scene: Central Perk, everyone is there but Chandler. Phoebe runs in,nexcitedly.]
Phoebe: Heynyou guys! Chandlersncoming and he says he has, like, this incredible news, so when he gets here, wencould all act like, you know...
nn(Chandlerncomes in.)
nnAll: Hey!
nnPhoebe: Never mind算了. But it was going to be really good.
nnRoss:nWhats going on?
nnAll: Whatnis it?
nnChandler:nSo, its a typical day at work. Im inputting my numbers, and big Al老闆 calls me intonhis office and tells me he wants to make me processing電腦處理 supervisor主管.
nnAll: Thatsngreat!
nnChandler:nSo.... I quit辭職不幹.
All: Why?
nnChandler:nWhy? This was supposed to be a temp job!
nntemp n.臨時僱員
Monica:nYeah, Chandler...nyouve been there for five years.
nnChandler:nIf I took this promotion升職, itd be like admitting that this is what I actually do.
nnPhoebe: Sonwas it a lot more money?
nnChandler:nIt doesnt matter. I just dont want to be one of those guys thats in hisnoffice until twelve oclocknat night worrying about the WENUS.
nn(Everyone looks at him, confused.)
nnRachel: ...nthe WENUS?
nnChandler:nWeekly Estimated Net Usage Systems. A processing term.
nnWeeklynEstimated Net Usage Systems每周估計凈值使用系統/a processing termnn.電腦處理術語
Rachel:n(sarcastic) Oh. That WENUS.
Joey: Sonwhatre you going to do?
nnChandler:nI dont know. Thats the thing. I dont know what I want to do. I just know Imnnot going to figure it out working there.
nnPhoebe:nOooh! I have something you can do! I have this new massage client... Steve?n(pause) Anyway, hes opening up a restaurant and hes looking for a head chef.
nnMonica: (taps Phoebe on her shoulder) Um...nhi there.
nnPhoebe: Hi!n(turns back to Chandler,nthen to Monica) Oh, yeah, no, I know. Youre a chef. I know, and I thought ofnyou first, but um, Chandlersnthe one who needs a job right now, so....
nnChandler:nYeah... I just dont have that muchncheffing experience. Unless its an all-toast restaurant只賣土司麵包的飯店
nnPhoebe: (to作出反應 Monicas tapping)nYeah, yeah!
nnMonica:nWell, what kind of food is he looking for?
nnPhoebe:nWell, he wants to do some ecclectic, so hes looking for someone who can, younknow, create the entire menu.
Monica:n(excited) Oh my God!
Phoebe:nYeah, I know! (turns to Chandler)nSo, what do you think?
nnChandler:nThanks, Phoebe. But I just dontnreally see myself in a big white hat我只是覺得自己還沒有資格當廚師.
nnPhoebe: OK.n(pause) Oh Monica! Guess what你猜怎麼著!
nn[Scene: Monica and Rachels, Chandler walks in, wearing a suit.]
nnChandler:nCan you see my nipples through this shirt?
nnRachel: No.nBut dont worry, Im sure theyre still there.
nnPhoebe:nWhere are you going, Mr. Suity-Man?
nnsuity adj.西裝筆挺的
Chandler:nWell, I have an appointment to see Dr. Robert Pillman, career counselor a-gogo.n(pause) I added the "a-gogo."
nncounselnn.<美正>忠告,勸告(He counseled her to leave)/counselor n.顧問,<美>律師/a-gogo adj. 精力充沛的,活潑的n.一個很搞笑有趣的人/ 事
Rachel:nCareer counselor?
nnChandler:nHey, you guys all know what you want to do.
Rachel: Indont!
nnChandler:nHey, you guys in the living room all know what you want to do. You know,nyou have goals. You have dreams. I dont have a dream.
nnRoss: Ah,nthe lesser-known "I dont have a dream" speech.
(Monica enters, excited.)
nnMonica: Oh,nI love my life, I love my life!
nnPhoebe:nOoh! Brians Song!
nnRachel: The meeting with the guy went great?
nnMonica: Songreat! He showed me where the restaurants going to be. Its this, its this cute little place on 10th Street. Notntoo big, not too small. Just right.
nnChandler:nWas it formerly owned by a blonde woman and some bears?
nnMonica: Sonanyway, Im cooking dinner for him Monday night. You know, kind of like annaudition. And Phoebe, he really wants you to be here, which will be great fornme because then you can ooh and ahh and make yummynnoises嘖嘖讚歎.
audition n.面試,試聽,試鏡,試吃/yummy n.美味
Rachel:nWhat are you going to make?
nnPhoebe: (asnthough Rachel wasnt paying attention) Yummy noises.
nnRachel:n(pause) And Monica, what are you going to make?
nnMonica: Indont know. I dont know. Its just going to be so great!
nnPhoebe:nOoh! I know what you could make! (runs over to join Monica and Rachel in the kitchen) I know!nOh, you should definitely make that thing... you know, with the stuff? (Monicandoesnt know.) You know, that thing... with the stuff...? OK, I dont know.n(sits down)
nnRoss: Heynguys, does anybody know a good date place in the neighborhood附近,鄰近?
nnJoey: Hownabout Tonys? If you can finish a 32-ounce steak牛肉, its free.
nnRoss: OK,nahem, hey, does anybody know a good place if youre not dating a puma美洲獅?
nnChandler:nWho are you going out with?
nnPhoebe: Oh,nis this the bug lady昆蟲女?
nnRachel:n(trying to sound like a bug) Bzzzz.... I love you, Ross.
nnRoss: Hernname is Celia. Shes not a bug lady. Shes curator of insects at the museum.
nncurator n.(博物館,美術館等的)館長[這個詞在210又出現,不過是curator of moths(蛾),Ross是不是愛好和女館長date啊]
Rachel: Sonwhat are you guys going to do?
nnRoss: Oh, Injust thought we could go out to dinner, and then maybe bring her back to mynplace and Id introduce her to my monkey.
nnChandler:nAnd hes not speaking metaphorically(adj.隱喻性的, 比喻性的).
nnJoey: (aside在旁邊 to Ross) So....nback to your place...you thinking, maybe... (gestures with hands, back andnforth) huh-huh?
nnRoss: Well,nI dont know.... (gestures) huh-huh.... but Im hoping (gestures) huh-huh.
nnJoey: Imntelling you, that monkey is a chick magnet! Shes going to take one look at hisnfurry, cute little face and itllnseal the deal一切都搞定.
nnchick magnetnn.<俚>像磁場一樣吸引女人的人/furrynadj.毛茸茸的,毛皮的/seal n.海豹,封鉛, 封條, 印, 圖章, 密封vt.封, 密封,<正式>解決,決定(eg:seal a bargain成交seal sb』s fate決定某人的命運)
[Scene: Rosss apartment, Marcel is hanging懸掛 from Celiasnhair, and she is screaming, trying to get him off.]
nnRoss:nCelia, dont worry! Dont scream! Hes not going to hurt you!nSoothing tones, Celia. Soothing tones! Marcel...
nnsooth v.使平靜,使鎮定;減輕(痛苦)/soothing adj.撫慰的,使人寬心的/tone n.音調,語調
Celia: Incant stand this! Hes got his claws in my...
nnRoss:nAlright... (lifts Marcel away)
[Scene: Monica and Rachels, everyone is there but Ross andnChandler.nMonica is making food, and having everyone try it.]
nnMonica: (tonJoey) OK, try this salmon mousse.
nnJoey:n(tasting) Mmmm. Good.
nnMonica: Isnit better than the other salmon mousse?
nnJoey: Its creamier更有奶油味的.
nnMonica:nYeah, well, is that better?
nnJoey: Indont know. Were talking about whipped fish, Monica. Im just happy Imnkeeping it down, yknow?
nnwhip v.攪打(蛋,奶油)/whipped fish攪成泡沫的魚/keep it down吞下去,不吐出來
(Chandlernkicks the door closed, angrily. His clothes are askew, he looks beat.)
nnaskewnadv.adj.歪斜的/look beat看上去受挫了
Rachel: MynGod! What happened to you?
nnChandler:nEight and a half hours of aptitude tests, intelligence tests, personalityntests... and what do I learn? (he taps the results and reads them) "Younare ideally suited for a career in data processing for a large multinationalncorporation."
nnaptitudentest n.(用以選擇專業和技術工作的)能力傾向測驗/ideallynadv.理想地, 在觀念上地,完美地/be suit for適合/data processing n.<計>資料處理/multinational corporation n.跨國公司
Phoebe:nThats so great! Cause you already know how to do that!
nnChandler:nCan you believe it? I mean, dont I seem like somebody who should be doingnsomething really cool? You know, I just always picturednmyself doing something...something.
nnRachel:n(comes up and rubs him on the chest) Oh Chandler, I know, I know... oh, hey!nYou can see your nipples through this shirt!
nnMonica:n(brings a plate of tiny appetizers開胃食品 over) Here you go, maybe thisll cheer you up.
nncheer up v.使振奮, 感到振奮
Chandler:nOoh, you know, I had a grape about five hours ago, so Id better split this with you.
nnMonica:nIts supposed to be that small. Its a pre-appetizer餐前點心. The French call it an amouz-bouche.
nnChandler:n(tastes it) Well.... it is amouz-ing...
(Phone rings. Monica answers it.)
nnMonica: (onnphone) Hello? (Listens) Oh, hi Wendy! (Listens) Yeah, eight oclock. (Listens) What did we say? Tenndollars an hour?... (Listens) OK, great. (Listens) All right, Ill see younthen. Bye. (hangs up)
nnPhoebe: Tenndollars an hour for what?
nnMonica: Oh,nI asked one of the waitresses at work if shed help menout.
nnRachel:n(hurt) Waitressing?
nnMonica:nWell... of course I thought of you! But... but...
nnRachel:nBut, but?
nnMonica:nBut, you see, its just... this night has to go just perfect, you know? And,nwell, Wendys more of a... professional waitress.
nnRachel: Oh!nI see. And Ive sort of been maintaining my amateur status so that I can waitress in the Olympics.
nnChandler:nYou know, I dont mean to brag, but I waited tables at Innsbrucknin 76. (dead silence) Amouz-bouche? (holds out tray)
nnbrag v.n.吹牛皮,誇口/Innsbrucknn.因斯布魯克[奧地利西部城市]/hold out伸出/ Innsbruck:當莫尼卡批評瑞秋當女侍應太業餘時,瑞秋開玩笑說她想保持業餘身份,這樣好去奧運會當侍應。錢德勒這時插進來說,他倒確實在1976年的因斯布魯克(Innsbruck)當過侍應。因斯布魯克在奧地利,是世界著名的旅遊和冬季滑雪運動勝地,1964年和1976年舉辦過兩屆冬奧會。但根據劇中人物年齡推算,錢德勒1976年還小得很,所以眾人對他的這句話一片沉默。
[Scene: Ross apartment, Girl, Youll Be A Woman Soon (the original原作, not that cruddy加工 Urge Overkillnversion) is playing. Ross and Celia are kissing passionately.]
nnCelia: Talknto me.
nnRoss:nOK.... um, a weird thing happened to me on the train this morning...
nnCelia: Nonno no. Talk... dirty猥褻的.
nnRoss:n(embarrassed) Wha... what, here?
nnCelia: Saynsomething..... hot.
nnRoss: (panicked驚慌的) Er....num.....
nnRoss: Um...nuh.... vulva n.陰戶, 孔.
nnCommercial Break
nn[Scene: Chandlernand Joeys, Joey and Ross are there, discussing what happened last night.]
nnJoey: (inndisbelief) Vulva?
nnRoss:nAlright, I panicked, alright? Shentook me by surprise她把我嚇了一跳. You know, but it wasnt a total loss. I mean, we ended up cuddling.
nncuddle v.擁抱,懷抱(cuddle a child)to愛撫
Joey:n(sarcastic) Whoaa!! You cuddled? How many times??
nnRoss: Shutnup! It was nice. I just... I dont think Im the dirty-talking kind of guy, younknow?
nnJoey:nWhats the big deal? You just say what you want to donto her. Or what you want her to donto you. Or what you think other people might be doing to each other. Ill tellnyou what. Just try something on me.
nnRoss: (deadpan<俚>無表情的臉) Pleasenbe kidding開什麼玩笑.
nnJoey: Whynnot? Come on! Just, just close your eyes and tell me what youd like to bendoing right now.
nnRoss: OK.n(closes eyes) Im in my apartment...
nnJoey:n....yeah... what else?
nnRoss:nThats it. Im in my apartment, youre not there, were not having this conversation我們不能進行那樣的談話.n(gets up, walks across room)
nnJoey:n(walks to catch up to him) Alright, look, Ill start, OK?
nnRoss: Joey,nplease.
nnJoey: Comenon. Come on. Alright, ready, look! (in a low voice) Oh... Ross.... you get menso hot. I want your lips on me now.
nnRoss:n(impressed) Wow.
nnJoey:nAlright, now you say something.
nnRoss: I...nahem... I really dont think so.
nnJoey: Comenon! You like this woman, right?
nnRoss: Yeah.
nnJoey: Younwant to see her again, right?
nnRoss: Sure.
nnJoey: Wellnif you cant talk dirty to me, howre you going to talk dirty to her? Now tell me you want toncaress my butt!
nncaress v.n.愛撫,撫摸
Ross: OK, turn around轉過去. (Joeynlooks taken aback向後轉身) I just dont want you staring at me when Im doing this.
nnJoey:n(turning around) Alright, alright. Im around. Go ahead.
nnRoss:nAhem... I want.... OK, I want to... feel your... hot, soft skin with my lips.
nnJoey: Therenyou go! Keep going. Keep going!
nnRoss: I,ner...
nn(At this point在這個節骨眼, Chandler walks into the living room from hisnbedroom. Ross and Joey both have their backs to背對著 him, so they dontnnotice注意. Chandler sees the situation and remains quiet, watching.)
nnRoss: Inwant to take my tongue舌頭... and...
nn(Chandler is completely astounded.)
nnastound vt.使驚駭, 使大吃一驚
nnJoey: Saynit... say it!
nnRoss:n...run it all over your body until youre... trembling with... with...
nn(Chandler leans back向後傾斜 againstnthe wall and Ross and Joey hear him. Ross and Joey both notice at the samentime. They slowly stop, and then very slowly turn around to see Chandler staring atnthem.)
nnRoss: (rushing to explain急忙解釋)nFunny story!
nnJoey:nYoure not going to believe this!
nnChandler:nIts OK. Its OK. I was always rooting for you two kids to get together.
nnroot for v.支持, 贊助/get together 在一起
Joey: Hey Chandler, while you werensleeping that guy from your old job called again.
nnJoey: Andnagain, and again, and again... (phone rings, he answers) Hello? (tosses phonento Chandler)nAnd again.
nnChandler:n(on phone) Hey Mr. Kostelic! Hows life on the fifteenth floor? (Listens) Yeah, I miss yountoo. (Listens) Yeah, its a lot less satisfying令人滿足的 to steal pens from your own home, you know?n(Listens) Well, thats very generous (Listens) er, but look, this isnt about the money. I need something thats morenthan a job. I need something I cannreally care about.... (Listens) And thats on top of the yearly bonus structure年度紅利結構 you mentioned earlier? (Listens) Look, Al, Al... Im notnplaying hardball here, OK? This is not a negotiation, this is a rejection!n(Listens) No! No! No, stop saying numbers! Im telling you, youve got thenwrong guy! Youve got the wrong guy! (Listens) Ill see you on Monday! (slamsnthe phone down)
nnon top ofnadv.熟練掌握, 在...之上, 另外, 緊接著to另外的,之外的/Im not playing hardball我並不是要為難你,來硬的[在209中也有這樣的說法] eg:The governmentnpromises to play hardball with companies who cheat in business. In the past, itnwas okay for a renter to be late in payments – now the landlord is playingnhardball, and evicting(v.驅逐) families after one late payment. /rejection n.拒絕/Youve got the wrong guy你們看錯人了/
[Scene: Chandlersnnew window office, he is showing Phoebe around.]
nnPhoebe:n(excited) Wow! Its huge! Its so much bigger than the cubicle. Oh, this is ancube.
nncubicle n.小卧室, 這裡指辦公室一格一格的小辦公空間n/cube n.立方體,立方/this is a cube這才像話
Chandler:nLook at this! (he opens the curtain to a view of Newn York City)
nnPhoebe: Oh!nYou have a window!
nnChandler:nYes indeedy! (they look outside) With a beautiful viewnof...
nnindeedy int.<美口>=indeed
Phoebe: Ohnlook! That guys peeing!
nnChandler:n(walks away from window) OK, thatsnenough of the view. Check this out,nlook at this. Sit down, sit down.
nnhave enoughnof(對某人或某事)感到厭煩
Phoebe:n(sitting) OK.
nnChandler:nThis is great! (he presses a button on his intercom) Helen, could you come innhere for a moment?
nn(An unamused woman walks into the office.)
nnunamused adj.非娛樂性的,臉色難看的
Chandler:nThank you Helen, thatll be all.
nn(She leaves, obviously perturbed.)
Chandler:nLast time I do that, I promise.
nn[Scene: Monica and Rachels, Monica is on the phone. Rachelnwalks in and overhears無意中聽到 the conversation.]
nnMonica:n(shouting on phone) Wendy, we had andeal我們之間有約定! (Listens) Yeah, you promised! Wendy! Wendy! Wendy! (hangsnup)
nnRachel: Whonwas that?
nnMonica:nWendy bailed. I have no waitress.
nnbail v.背叛[在114出現過這個詞,Joey對Chan說的]
Rachel:nOh... thats too bad. Bye bye. (she walks away towards the door)
nnMonica: Tenndollars an hour.
nnRachel: No.
nnMonica:nTwelve dollars an hour.
nnRachel:nMon. I wish I could, but Ive made plans to walk around到處走走,散步.
nnMonica: Younknow, Rachel, when you ran out of your wedding, I was there for you我在那邊支持你. I put a roof over your head, and if that means nothing to you... (Rachelnisnt buying it, desperate) twenty dollars an hour.
nnbuy it 放棄;同意/desperate adj.不顧一切的, 拚死的, 令人絕望的
Rachel: Done成交.
nn[Scene: Monica and Rachels, later. Rachel is waitressing,nMonica is cooking. Phoebe walks in with Steve (Crystal Duck winner JonnLovitz).]
nnRachel:nWell hello! Welcome to Monicas. May I take your coat?
nnMonica: HinSteve!
nnSteve:nHello, Monica. (to Rachel) Hello, greeter girl招待小姐.
nnMonica: (tonSteve) This is Rachel.
nnSteve:n(unconcerned) Yeah, OK.
nnPhoebe: (overemphasizing過於強調)nMmmmmm! Everything smells so delicious! You know, I cant remember a time Insmelt such a delicious combination of (Monica signals her to stop) of, OK, smells.
nnSteve: Itsna lovelynapartment.
nnMonica: Oh,nthank you. Would you like a tour(n.參觀整套房間)?
nnSteve: Inwas just being polite, but, alright.
nn(They leave on the tour and Rachel goes to follow them but Phoebe stopsnher and drags her into the kitchen.)
nnRachel:nWhats up?
nnPhoebe:n(whispers) In the cab, on the way over, Steve blazed up a doobie.
nnblaze up v.燃燒起來, 發怒/doobie n.草
nnPhoebe:nSmoked a joint? You know, lit a bone? Weed? Hemp? Ganja?
nnjoint n.<俚>含大麻的香煙/hemp n.大麻=bone,doobie,Ganja
Rachel: OK,nOK. Im with you, *****Cheech. OK.
nnSteve:n(from the living room) Is it dry乾燥 in here? (licks his lips)
nnRachel: Letnme, let me get you some wine!
nnMonica:nYeah, I think were ready for our first course菜. (Steve sits, Monica brings over a tray) OK,num, these are rot-shrimp ravioli, and celantro pondou sauce... (Steve starts toneat them one by one, quickly)... with just a touch of mints... and... (henfinishes)... ginger.
nnrot v.n.(使)腐爛, (使)腐敗/shrimp n.蝦/ravioli n.餛飩/rot-shrimp ravioli n.石蝦小方餃/a toucho of一點點/mint n.薄荷/ginger n.生薑
Steve:nWell, smack my ass and call me Judy! These are fantastic!
nnsmack v.(用掌)拍擊
Monica: Imnso glad you liked them!
nnSteve: Likenem? I could eat a hundred of them!
nnMonica: Oh,nwell... um, thats all there are ofnthese這些是所有的了. But in about eight and a half minutes, well benserving some delicious onion tartlets.
Steve:nTartlets. Tartlets. Tartlets. The word has lost all meaning. (he gets up andngoes into the kitchen)
nnRachel:nExcuse me? Can I help you with anything?
nnSteve: Younknow, I dont know what Im looking for.
nn(Rachel tries to get Monicas attention to tell her Steve is stoned.nShe pretends to drag on a joint, and Monica thinks shes giving her the OKnsignal. Then Rachel does it again, inhaling deeply this time. Monica waves it off as though she doesntnbelieve it.)
nnget sb』snattention引起某人的注意/be stoned<非正>adj.爛醉的,在毒品刺激下的/dragnon a joint抽大麻/inhale v.吸氣
Steve:n(from kitchen) Ah, cool! Taco shells! (Rachel motions, "You see!")nYou know, these are... theyre like a little corn envelope.
nnTaco n.(墨西哥)玉米面豆卷/shell n.殼/motion v.示意/envelope n.信封/corn envelope玉米卷
Monica:n(joining him and taking the taco shells) You know that? You dont want to spoil your appetite(n.食慾,胃口).
nnSteve:n(looking in cabinets) Hey! Sugar-Os! (grabs the cereal box)
nncabinet n.(有抽屜或格子的)櫥櫃 <美>內閣/cereal n.穀類食品
Monica: Younknow, if you just wait another... six and a half minutes...
nnSteve:nMacaroni and cheese! We gotta make this!
nnmacaroni n.[食]通心麵/gotta=have got to<美俚>必須,得
Monica: No,nwe dont. (reaches for box)
nnreach for伸手拿東西
Steve: Oh,nOK. (he drops the box on the floor) Oh, sorry. (When she bends down彎腰 to pick itnup he grabs a package of Gummi-bears from the cabinet.)
Monica: Whyndont you just have a seat(=sit down) here? (he sits at the table, then tries to secretly背地裡 eat thenGummi-bears. Monica spots him.) OK... give me the Gummi-bears.
nnSteve:n(childishly) No.
nnMonica:nGive them to me.
nnSteve:nAlright, well share.
nnMonica: No,ngive me the...
nnSteve: Wellnthen you cant have any. (she grabs for the package, and it breaks open.nGummi-bears fly everywhere, some into the punch bowl on the table.) Bearnoverboard! I think hes drowning. (he throws some Sugar-Os into the punchnbowl) Hey fellows! Grab on a Sugar-O... save yourself! (Mimicking the bears)n"Help! Im drowning! Help!"
nnbreak open v.砸開, <美>現出/ punchnbowl n.盛潘趣酒的大酒杯/overboard adv.自船上落下, 在船外/drowning n.溺死
Monica: (furious狂怒的) Thats it!nDinner is over!
nnMonica: What?
nnSteve: Why?
nnMonica:nWhy? Its just that Ive waited seven years for an opportunity like this, andnyou cant even wait four and a half minutes for a stupid onion tartlet?
nn(The oven goesnoff烤箱預定的時間到了.)
nnSteve:n(excited) Hey!
nn[Scene: Central Perk, all are there except Chandler.]
nnJoey: Whatna tool!
nntool n.<俚>走狗,王八蛋
Rachel: Youndont want to work for a guy like that.
nnRoss: Yeah!
nnMonica: Inknow... its just... I thought this was, you know... it.
nnRoss: Look,nyoull get there. Youre an amazing chef.
nnget there [美口]成功, 達到目的
Phoebe:nYeah! You know all those yummy noises? I wasnt faking騙人.
nn(Ross gets up and goes over to the counter and Joey follows him.)
nnJoey: (tonRoss) So, er... how did it go with Celia?
nngo with v.和(異性)交朋友,交往
Ross: Oh, Inwas unbelievable.
nnJoey: Allnright, Ross!
nnRoss: I wasnthe James Michener of dirty talk. It was the most elaborate filth you have evernheard. I mean, there were characters, plot lines, themes, a motif... at onenpoint there were villagers.
nnelaboratenadj.精心製作的, 詳細闡述的, 精細的to最具巧思的/filth n.污穢,污物;淫猥/plot line情節線索/motifnn.(=theme)(文藝作品的)主題,主旨/at onenpoint在其中某段/villager n.村民to村夫與村姑/James Michener:羅斯碰到了一個喜歡親熱時愛人在耳邊說些黃段子的女子,羅斯雖然一開始不習慣,但最後卻變成了講黃色語句的詹姆斯·米切納(James Michener)。這是美國著名的歷史學家,以善於虛構、詳述歷史事實聞名。羅斯是形容他已經將黃段子提升到了有角色、有情節的地步。
Joey: Whoa!nAnd the... (gestures with hands) huh-huh?
nnRoss: Well,nahem... you know, by the time wed finished with all the dirty talk, it wasnkinda late... and we were both kind of exhausted, so uh...
nnJoey: Youncuddled.
nnRoss: Yeah,nwhich wasnnice.
nnPhoebe: Younguys wanna try and catch a late movie or something?
nnlate movienn.晚場電影
Rachel:nMaybe, but shouldnt we wait for Chandler?
nnJoey: Yeah,nwhere the hell is he?
nn[Scene: Chandlersnoffice, hes on the phone, agitated.]
nnagitate v.鼓動,激動
Chandler:n(on phone) Yes, Fran. I know what time it is, but Im looking at the WENUS andnIm not happy!... (Listens) Oh, really, really, really? Well, let me tell younsomething... you will care about擔心,在乎 it, because I carenabout it! You got it? Good! (slams phone down, then leans back and realizesnwhat just happened) Whooooaaaa....
nnClosing Credits
nn[Scene: Phoebes massage parlour按摩室, she has Steve on the table, and is giving him an extra-painful massage特痛按摩.]
nnPhoebe:nHows this? (presses down hard)
nnPhoebe:nSorry. How about over here? (presses down hard again)
nnPhoebe: See,nthat just means its working. Does this hurt? (presses down elsewhere在別處)
nnSteve: No.
nnPhoebe:nWhat about this? (she starts using her elbows on his back, he yells in pain)
nnPhoebe: There you go這就對了! (She continuesnto work him over with her elbows and he continues to yellnin pain.)
nnwork over v.檢查, 研究, 重做, 毆打