
此文採訪嘉賓:Xia Zhou, Irene

Orientation, Integration and Academic Success Coordinator


International Office

University of Ottawa






1. Could you tell us about yourself?


Hello, My name is Irene Xiazhou. From my family name, you can see I have Chinese background. My parents are Chinese. I was born and raised in Spain. I came to Canada for secondary education as an International student in Hamilton for two years. After that, I came to Ottawa for university during which I worked as a mentor for international students for three years since 2013.

大家好,我叫Irene Xiazhou(夏周), 從我的姓可以看出我和中國的關係,我父母是西班牙籍華裔。我在西班牙出生長大,中學的時候以國際學生的身份來到加拿大,在哈密爾頓市讀了兩年中學,之後在渥太華大學讀本科。就讀期間,也就是從2013年開始,到現在為止,我已經工作三年擔任留學生輔導員了。

2. What brings you to this position?


I worked here for three years when I was a student. Because of my experience and knowledge in this field, I was offered the full-time position when I graduated. Now I have more projects and duties, one of them being the mentoring centre of the international office with 15 mentors I have to coordinate. My job is to provide support to international students about their academic success, their transition to university life, as well as their social, cultural challenges. It can be related to any challenge they may face through their degree.


3. What has been the greatest challenges for international students?


There are a few of the challenges that International students face when they came to Canada. First of all, language barrier. A lot of students don』t speak English as their first language. But in school, they have to learn and use English. They have to have a good English level to be able to handle academics.


The second thing is cultural shock and homesickness. When you first come to another country, the culture, languages, food and also climate are different (It is really cold here). Those factors and different surroundings will effect one』s wellbeing. Also, it is very hard when you are far from home and your family. Let』s say when you are at home, you use to get help from parents. But when you are far from home, you have to be independent and have to do more things by yourself and ask people how to solve issues. You need to be able to take the initiative to ask for help, otherwise people don』t know you are struggling or you have changelings. I also noted that some Chinese students are shy to ask for help because they think it is a stupid question. Nonetheless very stupid, because a lot of students may have the same questions, because someone doesn』t ask, other students can not profit from the answer. But if someone took the initiative to ask, they can spread the answer around.


4.What do you usually do to help international students to integrate?


It really depends on each students. Every single student will face different challenges and difficulties in Canada. Even from the same country of origin, some will have a smoother transition, while some have a rocky and hard transition into living, social and academic life etc. The very important thing is to understand what the student is going through, in that way you can provide resources and ways to help them achieve their goals. Also, student』s needs vary from one person to one person, some might have time management issues, some don』t know how to take notes or where to buy a good winter coat. As a mentor, you are a professional person to give them advices and follow their progress.


5. Do you think it is gonna be more difficult for high school students to integrate?


It is most likely going to be more difficult for them to integrate, because they are younger and they have had less experience in the past. The challenge that you face in high school may be more intense than when you are in the university. I think people still face the worst challenges in high school because that is the time that most people are developing their personalities and values etc. during which a mentorship program is really helpful when you have someone who have similar experience to understand them and provide them with valuable experience.


6. Mentor program is well established in the University of Ottawa, why do you think there is a lack of such program in high school?


First of all, the lack of mentor program comes from the students. Because when the students don』t ask questions, as I said most of them are shy, no one knows, no teacher, no school staff knows that they are in need of a special program just designed for them because Canadian students obviously have their parents here, they live at home and they don』t go through changes when they move from secondary school to high school. People here tend to ignore the challenges international people will face. But when you are new to the country, you don』t speak the language well, don』t have many friends, it can not be easy to make the transition.


7. How do you think of First-Language Mentor program established in September, 2016?


The First-language mentor program is a good start in terms of helping them. When you speak the same language, students feel more at home. They are more likely to tell you the truth. If you speak another language, maybe they are shy or nervous. With the second language, the message they express may not be the real problems and then you cannot provide the real help they need.


8. Lost of Chinese parents are in China and might not be familiar with the notion and benefits of mentoring, could you elaborate more?


Obviously yes. The mentor program is basically designed towards challenges that have already been proved. Students experienced those challenges at different level, but most of them will experience those challenges at sometime or another, so the mentor program is designed to help students overcome those challenges. Some students may need more help and some less, that is why we offer personalized attention to single students, case by case.


Without support, a lot of students may go through emotional hardships and parents may not even be aware of what they are going through because they are not here. With mentors, students』 problems can be addressed effectively. The second thing is they will not only benefit from the program, but that actually makes them more strong for the future and be able to seek help and solve problems. Because when you got help, you are more likely to talk about your problems and to try to solve it in the future, which makes you more independent.




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