To Be A Product Manager | Day 21

This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Day 21 of

To Be A Product Manager

This morning, I had a skype call with out American team, and they helped us set up the local server. However, for some reasons, the cable cannot provide enough power to the server and once you pug in all the drivers, it started beeping, even collapsed. It』s really weird, and then we decided to purchase another pair of power cables.

My mentor also came today, we talked a lot about product management, life in Shenzhen as well as our expectation of our new app. He recommended me some books and also habits that can help me be a bette product manager.

So I』m thinking about maybe it is also possible for me to test 1 app every day after work, and share my feeling, understanding and pros and cons from my own perspective. And I can attach that part of my extra-mile learning process to this article, which makes this project more interesting.


  • mobile phones CPU encode/decode support
  • H5 planning engineering meeting


  1. Communication | Make sure what you doing has its impact

After the research about Chinese cellphone market with a lot of data, I made a list of Top 30 popular cellphones of 2016, with some specs, like screen size, system version, CPU, RAM and price.

I add all these specs with the report because I ask myself

Why do people need this report?

Because they need this information to purchase some phones for testing. But once I got the answer above, I stop asking myself what kinds of specs indeed are going to help them. Just simply put all those specs that sounds similar with what we are doing.

Then I saw their comments asking more information about CPU encode/decode support, which is something I have no idea about.

Don』t Make People Think

This skill is king, and it』s hard to penetrate this mindset throughout your work all the time. But this is also what makes you different from others. After all, everybody can finish a cellphone report with data, specs and more.

2. After you finish, take a step back

So I was asked to draw a wireframe of H5 WeChat sharing/recommendation feature interaction process. Because I』m an Android user, and our app is also developed in Android. I did not consider what will happen under iOS at all. Once the button directs users to the Google play store, what notifications should be showed up on iOS screen.

As a product manager, you should build your respect. Simple careless errors are not going to help you do that.

We』re having a tech meeting next Monday, and our CEO is going to keep us updated with American team. Good stuff will be here next time! Stay tuned.

My name is Zake Zhang, a rookie VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I』m thinking what if I write daily product journal for 1,000 days?

Thanks for reading! I really appreciate your time!

Warm Regards,


be so good they can』t ignore you.



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